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On the issue of posting trades, I can see both Pats & LF's points, l find it difficult to post within 2 or 3 pips of the trade, sometimes its impossible, hence why l don't post trades that often.

A suggestion for consideration, register you have posted a trade and follow that up with a screenshot of the trading ledger. Just a thought to try and keep everybody happy.
Sl out at 1.5756 all sq
That was a real lesson in how to mess it up.
Gbp did exactly as predicted before the number
and I still went and bought strength.
Won't repeat that mistake again. Need to treat
Gbp separately until leaks stop.
Reading between the lines, I think Flash's main gripe is with trades without any stops. (as opposed to trades where the stated entry is a few pips off)
Reading between the lines, I think Flash's main gripe is with trades without any stops. (as opposed to trades where the stated entry is a few pips off)
I just had a look at your futures thread Piggy. May one be allowed to know if you are up on your original £8k
I just had a look at your futures thread Piggy. May one be allowed to know if you are up on your original £8k

I ended that journal when I was up to about 10k I think. (don't know how much of it your read)
And yes, i'm up since then, too.
Oops didn't think it sent the first time.
One chf possy with 33 stop.
I like usd jpy lower too from here. Prob
Should have done a bit of both. See
what happens
Just woken up and trimming possy a bit. I was
pretty confident my chf pt would be done. My first
bid was 81 with 84 low. Still fav lower but seems
better better things to be short of than usd chf now.
Aud jpy looks v heavy now.