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still below line,this would have been ideal entry point


  • 2012-02-02_1552.png
    67.9 KB · Views: 108
You brought it twice?

Very funny Republic, whoever you are. Certainly, you are not a customer.

Feel free to post the details here. Why not start off with proof of purchase, copies of your complaint to me and details of why you'd actually buy a piece of software 2 times.

Should be fun.
Guys, please take this to the proper thread or start a new one.



Sorry Pete - someone obviously has a hard-on for me - not a shock given my 'strongly held opinions' on the forum - Republic here has decided to attack my business all over the forum.

Will gladly take it elsewhere...
Good morning all (just barely).

Can't sleep at all since I slept for 12h straight yesterday, lol. So, let's see if I can sit up straight for the next 12 and trade it all.

Nothing happening right now, so I might wait for 2h30 to hit since that's when London time opens up. Nothing but midnight street lights on the bars right now.
Out for B/E. T'was indeed premature. Might re-enter if there's going to be a genuine sell-off, though I doubt it with these small ranges.