Best Thread Live Cable Trading

droog said:
Well I got 66 pips in real dough today, first cash money trade since my last debacle. It was much needed day off after all the planning. Nice to finish on a positive. Glad some peeps are finding the thread from NWRK on strategybuilderfx that I posted some days ago useful.

Leave for the caves on Sunday. What a time to pick for an Op. The World Cup is about to start! :(

I know I only lurk but I'm glad to see some respect restored to the thread after that apple numpty and his other nics appeared.

So good luck to all your trades and hope to communicate with you all again.

ta ta.

Who dares Wins. ;)

Pleased to hear of your win droog hopefully many more to come.

On V levels:

Each time frame produces different V zones, from the 1min to the daily. My primary tf's are 5/15/60 and 240. I look for all frames to sync before i initiate a trade, incidentally this was triggered yesterday which gave me my bullish bias and prompted me to post the chart.

Most levels get hit on each tf, but trading all of them is highly improbable, the timing has to be impeccable and can get very confusing. So, I trade the trend with one account, using the higher timeframes ie 60+ for V levels and the other account utilises V levels on smaller timeframes against the trend, when the bias changes and the switch occurs like yesterday I look for round number levels for rejections and breakouts for entry levels as my target.

Having 2 accounts gives me that flexibilty to trade both trend and contratrend. Next week's levels are 8620 and 9150.
Hmm, still only a range of 13 pips, not worth scalping, but Tokyo definitely had its breakfast :)
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Another 9: +26, and off to bed! Jobbing a tight range isn't exactly fun, especially when reading "Fellowship of the Ring" :confused:
Morning all, I went short at 8850 this morning came out for +27, although had hoped for it to fall to 8810 but it didn't. Going short again if the 8860 isn't broken too easily...

good trading all
hornblower said:
good thinking

Thanks for that, although something happened with my short and it got closed out for +15 !! I'm with CMC and I put a stop in earlier for the first trade and then forgot to cancel it and then that closed my second trade out !! What's this all about then ? Must ask them how their orders work and which ones are executed at what times. Don't spose you can hedge with them then either if this is the case that orders overlap ?! Anyone, anyone ?
Priceman said:
Thanks for that, although something happened with my short and it got closed out for +15 !! I'm with CMC and I put a stop in earlier for the first trade and then forgot to cancel it and then that closed my second trade out !! What's this all about then ? Must ask them how their orders work and which ones are executed at what times. Don't spose you can hedge with them then either if this is the case that orders overlap ?! Anyone, anyone ?

That's odd, normally orders are closed FIFO and stops/limits are linked to their parent order (OCO).

As to hedging, if there's no box you can check marked "hedge", suppose you can't hedge...
No button for hedgin with CMC, anyone else use them and know if it's possible ? Pivot point is currently centred around 8834....