marmoset said:short at 73 (mind you, not MonkeyBounce, just me discretionary-trading)
Baruch said:Good morning, marmoset. Thank you for all this MonkeyBounce stuff. To me it looks not like trading, but science. But now I will read it all to see if I can understand it.
PS. Maybe it's time for you to be a full-time trader? 😉
marmoset said:Majored in Science and Latin in high school, favorite math: Boolean logic. Loved statistics, game theory and simulation/theory testing in business school math, got an introductory course in Research Methodology, Structured Programming (Pascal back then) and Science Philosophy. Courses I'm very happy to have taken, they're invaluable tools for problem solving. Was actually planning to write my thesis on an alternate option pricing theory, but something (family) got in between. 🙁
Be a full-time trader? Too early, but I'm willing to sacrifice a week of vacation to give it a shot: 1st week of July. 😉 Still got a lot to learn and see how I hold up under the pressure when my payday depends on it.
Baruch said:
droog said:Blimey, right old clever bunch on here. My qualifications are nil. Well educational anyway. I can HALO freefall, sniper, dems expert etc. Should have been off to the Mid East but change of plans and now its the caves further east, but put back for another week for re-planning.
So good luck to you all and live and prosper.
ta ta
marmoset said:Looks like a re-test of the highs is in the works. Entered triple pos short at 78
Baruch said:Good morning marmoset. Still selling the rumour and buying the news? 😉
marmoset said:OK, bailed out at 85, -13 and -7: -20, looks like wants to go see 2900, cable to follow to something like 8750-70