Yes currently short but kicking myself a little. I had a short yesterday at 7480 which I was pleased about. It went 20 pips in profit fairly quickly and at that point my money management rules (which are paramount) tells me to set my stop at entry. Well a little later it hit 7480 on the BUY side and I closed. It never went a single pip higher. So my replacement is 7452 which in the scheme of things is no big deal, but I do love to hit the high and low 🙂. One of those rare cases where the spread actually makes a difference.
PS. Current stop is at 7452, again because it has been 20 points lower than my entry, Have to preserve the hard fought for funds.
PS. Current stop is at 7452, again because it has been 20 points lower than my entry, Have to preserve the hard fought for funds.