Atilla, I know I’m going to regret asking this but curiosity has got the better of me.
Q: Which country or countries do you consider to be the good ‘apples’ and why? (In 50 worlds or less if possible)
If you already know then there is no point in asking dear NT. But you should also then know that you and I are on the same wavelength on a number of other points.
For those who are unlike NT;
1. Germany - Europes largest economy and probably the best run. Recently integrated with East Germany and managed to equate currencies and assets on par with the old DM. This is a great tribute to Germany imo.
Indusy and Banks work hand in hand and they take a longer term view of investments.
Industrial relations very good and work well together.
2. Northern European Scandinavian countries have high taxation but are well served with egalatarian approach to social issues. Low crime and good hard working well educated people. Some good world leading industries too.
3. Venezuela more recently has come on to the World international stage with Chevez distributing income and countries oil wealth and they have indeed seen a general rise in living standards.
4. Canada have open migration effectively to hard working well educated people and are doing well despite economic woes of many countries. Their banks having been shaken in the last 20 years are much better with risk management and less hungry to take big risks.
5. India has done well too on focusing on high tech solutions rather than manufacturing like China which requires heavy industry imports. Why not skip manufacturing and just go to service based composition in the economy altogether.
6. Ofcourse there is the new comer too like Turkey which has somehow achieved the biggest GDP growth to even the likes of China and India. Perhaps they are simply lucky Europe has rejected them from joining the club.
There are likely to be many other countries too but it's hard keeping to your 50 word limit.
Now to objective of the question is to look to see what they are doing different.
This is what the Japanese did after the 2nd World War when they went to the US to look at their car manufacturing processes. They not only copied it but they enhanced it by doing what they did better. R&D on quality builds and testing coupled with smaller but more diverse models and rapid development along with just-in-time deliveries they beat the US and the globe in car production.
Germans have a passion for engineering. Italians for design. French for being snobbish. (forgive my stereo-typing guys all fun and cheek
😉 You get my drift.
Similarly compare it to the worst countries... eg the PIGS. Fraud, bad controls lack of checks, no one paying tax, excessive building waste due to poor planning and regulation and risk control. Ireland hardly charging any Corporation Tax. Lack of regulation and controls.
I'm thinking you might be a big fan of Greece with no tax controls or any regulation. I read somewhere they have 9000 registered people over the age of 100 claiming pensions.
Also look at UK and US fighting wars. Are any of the successful countries fighting wars or out on expeditions kicking ass. No they are busy working at home.
Don't know about writing 50 words but anyone with half a brain can write a paper on studying few case studies of half a dozen or so countries and look for similarities. Likewise for those failing ones. I would compare UK to Germany and France as they are our nearest equivalents but also add couple of others from each of the other continents.
Not rocket science is it.
You capiche?