Keeping track of deltas

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bulldozer said:
WE [me and the viewers] are still waiting for you and your side-kick [profitaker] to reply to my post 151
I refer you to post #148

I actually thought this post was self explanatory, but since you’re hard of thinking I’ll spell it out for you;

I have no interest in you, no interest in your strategies, and since your options knowledge can be written on the back of a stamp I see no point in entering into any type of discussion with you. Your intellect is more suited to playgrounds than derivatives, which also makes trying to teach you anything pretty much pointless.

I’m sure other people would like to discuss volatility plays, synthetic trading, Gamma scalping, Skew trading, option models and so on, but you trash every single thread so that’s not possible.

I wish they would ban you.
Profitaker said:
Short Margin requirements, per contract

Nov05 5075 Puts 2 weeks ago;

Scan............Liquidation.....Total Margin

Nov05 5075 Puts Now;
Scan............Liquidation.....Total Margin

Margin required has multiplied by almost 3 times

Dec05 5025 Puts 2 weeks ago;

Scan............Liquidation.....Total Margin
Dec05 5025 Puts Now;

Scan............Liquidation.....Total Margin

Margin required has more than doubled

This following the Footsie falling 200 points in 2 weeks - is that so unusual ?

Shorting far out in time has major Vega risk, and shorting DOTM has major leverage risk. And if you combine shorting far out in time and DOTM is a recipe for disaster IMHO. I’d much rather sell 10 ATM Puts for 50, than 50 DOTM puts for 10. Merely looking at an expiry profile is not enough, you need to look at what can happen prior to expiry. In the above cases massive margin increases would probably mean forced liquidation and massive losses.

I'm not having a go Bulldozer, just pointing out (with real life examples) of how trades can go horribly wrong, occasionally.

If it's any consolation to you, I was net short Puts for October expiry, and needless to say I took a hard whack. But the difference is I understand the risks, whereas you have some way to go.

The purpose of my post ? well, I know that you won't be persauded otherwise and frankly neither do I care, but just in case anyone else decides to follow that strategy, I thought I'd highlight the risks involved, for them.

As always....

Good luck.

By your own admidsion your a bad loser! thats fact! 😆 😎
and you dont like winners! why? cause they end up getting your cash! :cheesy: also fact!
You want me banned cause i keep proving you and your side kick wrong! also fact! :cheesy: 😆
Have a happy life and enjoy your wins when and if they arrive! 🙄 Plz continue to buy options and pay premiums on your strategies! We,
the writers just love people/players like you. :cheesy: 😎 We are also more than happy to pay up when you win! why? cause we look at it as a loan and it always comes back to us! just like the betting shops on horse or dog racing bets! :cheesy: 😎
Plz follow pitscum footsteps and stop trading! thats my final advise to you buddy! 😆 😎 take it or leave it? the choice is yours friend! 😎

Pitscum said:
yeah, im waiting..can i come out of the bunker yet?????


You seem to have a very short memory: 🙄 You said you dont trade! so how would you benefit if footsie goes north or south?? :cheesy: :cheesy:

People are still waiting for your replies to my posts! 😆 😎 Me too still waiting! 😎

Would you like to change your mind about the wager i offered to you so many times? :cheesy: 😆 Ooops oh yes you dont gamble 🙄 😆

Just keep watching my short put positions and please come back and let us all know how much i've lost. :cheesy: :cheesy:

You really must pray harder to make your wish come true on my positions! :cheesy:

And remember 7 days without prayers ALWAYS makes ONE WEAK!! 😆 :cheesy:

Last edited:
I forgot to mention that trading Short otm/dotm puts or short otm/dotm strangles you DONT need to keep track of deltas :cheesy: 😆 😎 You need to keep track of the POT!! 😆 :cheesy:

Another free lesson! 😎 😆 and if you feel you need to give a contribution for this knowledge and all the tips i gave you on this thread? Plz make genorous donations to "The children in need or Cancer research charities"

Bye Bye


And PLZ always remember what i said about monkeys that mess with BULLS!? :cheesy: 😆
they always get BOTH horns! and always sooner rather than later! :cheesy: 😆
more bullsh++

hes unreal isnt he? hes done his nutz the last few weeks and he's still carrying on like mister w.mitty.

however, such is life with people like him. profit said he hopes he gets banned. i hope he just carries on doing his monkies and giving us a really good laugh at his inability to trade.

just think, you too can sell premium and be 56 years of age still trying to make a living..........
5 star Scum,

Correction! I'm real not unreal! 😆

😆 :cheesy: 😎

You dont need to track the deltas when you do SHORT dotm STRANGLES or SHORT dotm PUTS :cheesy: 😆 wiv a large pot and a hedge plan! any fool with just an ounce of monkey brains would know that! :cheesy: 😆 😎 TA TA

Situation so far: 😆

Profitaker: Losing money and took a "hard whack" [post 141] and claims he knows ALL on>>
volatility plays, synthetic trading, Gamma scalping, Deltas,Theta,Skew etc etc and wants Bulldozer banned. 😆 :cheesy:

5 STAR PitSCUM: Not trading, does not gamble, and posts brilliant info on these forums. 😆 :cheesy: and also wish's bulldozer gets banned again! 😆

Bulldozer: He trades ONE SYSTEM which is allowed by most brokers. The option players think he is stupid in trading "SHORTdtom PUTS/ SHORT dotm STRANGLES on ftse index EU style". He is disliked by most! Why? perhaps its because he is NOT affraid to spk the TRUTH! Some people are praying that he takes a big LOSS to reduce his account and return most of the profits back to the LOOSERS! 😆 etc etc :cheesy:

Admin i think this thread has now come to an end? I'm finished posting on here. But if you think its worth leaving it open incase others have some usefull contribution to make? Then plz leave it running. Thank you for leaving the thread run this far without any delete's. ONE final request plz dont ban profitaker or 5 star Pitscum. They both provide good entertainment to all the viewers.

hurry bull..tick tock the premium've been a fantastic example of why selling premium and hoping never made anyone rich..........well done for your fantastic belligerent posts, they have been entertaining! look forward to chatting with your brokers tomorrow on what they think of you 🙂

c ya
hmmm, dow on its back side last two nervous brokers out there worrying about some people's short DOTM put posns (sorry, they arent now are they, that old delta is rising nicely). mind you, remember everyone, if you trade options, you dont have to worry about vega, gamma, and delta. just make sure your pot is big enough....what happens when it no longer is???? wonder where our next master class has gone to
Nov ESX (Spot 5176, Forward 5174)

5075 Puts, 36 mid
IV 15.4%
Delta -0.29
Gamma 0.00186
Theta £ 16 / Day
Vega £ 44 / 1% IV
SPAN Margin £ 1210

Actually, now that they’re nearer the money, now that they’re nearer to expiry day, now that Vega risk has reduced, now that leverage has reduced, now that margin has eased, now that IV has risen more than 50% in 3 weeks, and now that the option price more than tripled, well actually, NOW they ain’t too bad a risk for shorting !
Profitaker said:
Nov ESX (Spot 5176, Forward 5174)

5075 Puts, 36 mid
IV 15.4%
Delta -0.29
Gamma 0.00186
Theta £ 16 / Day
Vega £ 44 / 1% IV
SPAN Margin £ 1210

Actually, now that they’re nearer the money, now that they’re nearer to expiry day, now that Vega risk has reduced, now that leverage has reduced, now that margin has eased, now that IV has risen more than 50% in 3 weeks, and now that the option price more than tripled, well actually, NOW they ain’t too bad a risk for shorting !

Hello Prof and P SCUM, 😆

Can i plz remind you TWO morons to keep reading my post No158 :cheesy: 😆
And while your at it, can i plz remind you 2 of the many times i offered you both good wager opportunities and YOU both TURNED it DOWN! why????:cheesy: 😆 Good odds too! 😆 :cheesy:

Keep watching and praying! 🙄 and then come back to make a reply on this post and post 158. 😆 😆
Just incase you need to know? my positions are STILL OTM! with NO intrinsic value! :cheesy: 😆 😎


And dont forget what i said about monkeys that MESS wiv BULLS :cheesy: 😆 😎
bulldozer said:
can i plz remind you 2 of the many times i offered you both good wager opportunities and YOU both TURNED it DOWN! why????
Remind me again of the exact wager ? How do you suggest integrity is assured (that means cough guarantee to you) ?


This clueless bloke is begging to throw his money away. Think I might just take it and lay it off with a binary.
fantastic advice profit..couldnt agree more..trouble is, now bull's had to liquidate his postion, the buying is out below........

profit, id hate to see bullsh++ bite wen you put some bait on that hook, no really i would.
i was wondering abt a binary against it......trouble is, this blokes account currently makes an abatoir look fit to dine in. given the spurious green stuff emaciating from his mouth at regular intervals, you trust him to pay?????
Pitscum said:
i was wondering abt a binary against it......trouble is, this blokes account currently makes an abatoir look fit to dine in. given the spurious green stuff emaciating from his mouth at regular intervals, you trust him to pay?????
Oh boy, this has got to be one of the funniest threads ever !!!!

Wife keeps asking me what I'm laughing at !!!!
we want bull, we want bull, you know, i think he has a thing about people who have 5 stars..i never realised this till he pointed it out a few posts ago. i was going to be generous and give him some of mine but this envy thing is great, reminds me of that kid in the incredibles film who tried tooling up the superhero dad cos he couldnt catch a ride along on some trip. mind you, you'd think at 56, mr bullsh++ would be over envy!!!

oh btw, have to laugh, on another post, bullsh++ is interrogating some poor lad from berkeley futures about their margining requirements for short premium reckon he's getting his lifeboat ready?????? ho hum

ooopps..ftse now off ........hatches harnesses secure children.....
Expiry of Novembers index Options is on 18th at 10:30 am! :cheesy: only a few more trading days left. 😎
We will then see the final outcome of the situation. 😎 Stay tuned!


It is said by most [who have their brains in the CORRECT place] that FACTS spk louder/better than words! 😎
Pitscum said:
we want bull, we want bull, you know, i think he has a thing about people who have 5 stars..i never realised this till he pointed it out a few posts ago. i was going to be generous and give him some of mine but this envy thing is great, reminds me of that kid in the incredibles film who tried tooling up the superhero dad cos he couldnt catch a ride along on some trip. mind you, you'd think at 56, mr bullsh++ would be over envy!!!

oh btw, have to laugh, on another post, bullsh++ is interrogating some poor lad from berkeley futures about their margining requirements for short premium reckon he's getting his lifeboat ready?????? ho hum

ooopps..ftse now off ........hatches harnesses secure children.....
Actually, Bully is damn right about the stars you know, even though you yourself may not realise it.

The underlying reason is very simple.

Let us see whether you are able to stumble upon it without either his help or mine.

Incidentally the order of command for full watertight integrity when sailing is Children, Harnesses and then Hatches and not the other way round, think about it.

Incidentally the order of command for full watertight integrity when sailing is Children, Harnesses and then Hatches and not the other way round, think about it.

the only naval term im familiar with is rum, bum and the lash