Pitscum said:
notice bull only comes online weekends now cos rest of the week hes in the bunker avoiding mr margin man........ho hum.
As you'r probably aware this thread has had over 2,000 views so far and i think your posts has dissapointed the great majority
😆 I think even Socrates is still very dissapointed wiv your meatless posts? Surely with 5 stars you can do better than that?
Do you have any comments on my posts??
🙄 >> 143, 145, 146, 147, 149.
😆 😎
Not everybody is SUITED to be a PUT WRITER on ftse index. Below is a list of things/conditions of a successful PUT WRITER.
😱 😈
2. Is aggressive and demanding.
😈 and sticks to his plans!
3. Has a big pot in account and NOT affraid to use a big chunk to protect his trade using margin
4. Is always able to raise more cash for margin if need be.
5. Always has MORE than ONE plan to get him out of a pickle when mrkts move against positions.
5a. Needs to have good knowledge of pricing/mathematics of time value and theta/delta!
6. Has the right brokers with the right rules suited for the strategy! and refuses to put trade with a dealer who makes mistakes on regular basis. He does NOT accept appoligies from dealers.
7. Moves a loosing/bad trade to another unsuspecting player before expiry day.
8. Rarely does he allow a loosing positions to go to expiry day.
😎 😆
9. He trades on his OWN rules, time and conditions against the buyers.
😎 :cheesy:
10. He has more than one broker incase a broker goes bust in the event of a mrkt crash or corruption.
11. Always takes profits out every 12 months :cheesy:
😎 and has a good accountant.
12. He has to have nerves of steel and does NOT waver from his discipline/discisions and he MUST have patience of a saint.
If you dont have ALL of the above to your advantage? YOU HAVE LESS THAN 1% CHANCE OF BECOMING SUCCESSFUL in trading short Footsie index Put Options! and 99% chance your account will go bust within 2 yrs!
My final advice to ALL viewers is DONT trade short puts! period!
😎 full stop!!
A smart middlewieght boxer does NOT jump in the ring with a heavywieght boxer!
😎 Do you know what i mean scum??
😆 :cheesy: I sure hope you do
😆 🙄
And plz NEVER forget!! Monkeys that mess with BULLS always get BOTH horns! sooner rather than later!
😆 😎
Final advice to you Scum>> dont trade Options or SB or anything!! just give the money to your 22 yr young wifey to put into premium bonds!
😎 they give winnings EVERY MONTH
😎 😆 check out channel 4 page 539 [teletex] You may well thank me one day for the tip