The Govt considers US-style yellow school buses.
BBC NEWS | Politics | Review backs yellow school buses
Some people are busy worrying about "foreign" and "british identity", that they fail to see the creeping americanisation of britain:
US-style Supreme Court was touted
US-style nationwide FBI
US-style SATs for schools
now, US-style school buses.
my personal hate: baseball caps (Go Red Sox!!)
britain no longer has a real identity, and is merely america-lite.
throw away the union jack and just become one more nondescript star on the american flag.
The problem is that many Americans prefer Europe, especially UK because of language, because their own country is not so good any more. However, once established, they begin to miss some of the good things of life. So Americanisation creeps in.
You'd be surprised at the influence retired Brits have had in Southern Spain. Whole villages have got to the stage where they are even debating whether to have an English mayor, or not.
The Germans have done the same with Mallorca and the Russians in Eucraine and other parts, although the latter did it by force. The Chinese are al over the place.
The trick is not to make yourselves so attractive to them, then they'll stay away!
Yank bashing on T2W, besides being a healthy pastime,is a good start!