Just HOW do you make money in the markets?

................anyone whose remotely serious about developing the skills they're going to need ...............


Oh that everyone started off with that at the forefront of their mind rather than the easy system that's going to make their fortune 🙂.

I would think that anyone who stays on T2W for a while come's to the conclusion pretty rapidly that there's no such easy route and there's got to be value in that if nothing else.

You're right that there is a lot of nonsense spouted, but there's also a lot of good stuff to point people in the right direction. Sorting the wheat from the chaff isn't easy, particularly if you're fixated on the "will it work" question rather than concentrating on building skills.

No-one, of course, should blindly accept anything ANYONE says without thoroughly examining it for themselves and coming to their own conclusions. Personally, I have gained a lot over the years I've been a member (even from some of the "nonsense" - out of the mouths of babes......etc) and I am a better trader as a result.

good trading

I agree with Jon's comments above, 100%.
I would add that I've enjoyed reading many of your contributions to this forum over the years and have found many of them to be interesting, thoughtful, constructive and helpful. I do hope you're not too offended at having adjectives such as these linked to your name!
Oh that everyone started off with that at the forefront of their mind rather than the easy system that's going to make their fortune 🙂.

You an hardly blame them when T2W's own advisors and forum guides are involved in the promotion of systems that are promising returns in excess of 100% per week.


And when such claims are challenged, the sites content editors jump in to defend the vendors of these systems


Its quality LULZ
You an hardly blame them when T2W's own advisors and forum guides are involved in the promotion of systems that are promising returns in excess of 100% per week.


Its quality LULZ

Its a social consideration,otherwise they might end up on pitches on streets or alleyways.Think how much street crime has been prevented.
You an hardly blame them when T2W's own advisors and forum guides are involved in the promotion of systems that are promising returns in excess of 100% per week.


And when such claims are challenged, the sites content editors jump in to defend the vendors of these systems


Its quality LULZ

:cheesy: ah, can't keep a good man down, zup. Should've known you'd have your stick ready to hand.

good trading

or, more accurately, how you perceive them to be.

Yes, you are correct.

Perhaps you could answer a direct question, to assist others in their perception ?

Is anyone who acts in the capacity of a T2W forum advisor involved in the sales of trading systems ? (to help you answer correctly, I could of course post the link to the various websites but thats against forum rules of course)
Yes, you are correct.

Perhaps you could answer a direct question, to assist others in their perception ?

Is anyone who acts in the capacity of a T2W forum advisor involved in the sales of trading systems ? (to help you answer correctly, I could of course post the link to the various websites but thats against forum rules of course)

Ah-ha, but he has never promoted them has he? Therefore he cannot be accused of 'abusing' his position (whatever it is) can he?? Just you and ODT sought to *out him* one day, whilst you were bored waiting for your set ups/signals...😀
Is anyone who acts in the capacity of a T2W forum advisor involved in the sales of trading systems ? (to help you answer correctly, I could of course post the link to the various websites but thats against forum rules of course)
T2W Advisors no longer exist, so I assume you're referring to Forum Guides (FGs)? I have addressed this issue comprehensively already on this thread: System sellers on T2W?, so I see no point in taking Highlander1's thread down the same cul-de-sac. Out of courtesy to him, if you have anything new to add to the debate, please do so on the linked thread or, as I've suggested on many occasions previously, start one of your own in the T2W Feedback forum.
Note to Mod's: feel free to delete any of my off topic posts to BSD's thread!
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Ah-ha, but he has never promoted them has he? Therefore he cannot be accused of 'abusing' his position (whatever it is) can he?? Just you and ODT sought to *out him* one day, whilst you were bored waiting for your set ups/signals...😀

A thread that starts "I've decided to beome a vendor and sell a system" sounds rather like promotion to me 🙂

I'm autotrading at the moment, so no watching for set ups at the moment, too busy with software development and testing, but was probably bored or in search of LULZ
T2W Advisors no longer exist, so I assume you're referring to Forum Guides (FGs)? !

Hopefully your referring to the role of advisors rather than the advisors themselves no longer existing. Bumping em all off just because one committed a minor indiscretion seams a bit harsh even by T2W standards.
My estimate is that there is are 4 people on this site that are actually making money from trading.

Therefore - asking that question on this site will not get you the answer you need.

In fact, I'd say that leaving the internet well alone may be the best thing you can do in your search, either that or stop trying.


Can I ask how you reach your estimate of 4?

Personally, I find the internet a very useful resource for trading research. You may need to sift through some junk, but there is plenty of valuable info on the web.

I wont tell you exactly what I do to make money, but if you ask nicely, I may give you a very good overview. (ie, I may tell what sort of entries, exit, trailing stops I use, and the structure of my risk management.....but I will not tell you the exact parameters I use........).

If you are happier suggesting that everyone here has nothing to offer.....well, I hope that makes you feel better......but, I know it wont help your trading.

AP - I wouldn't be interested in what you do to make money because based on what you have said, your style is not something I'd follow anyway. I do not trade any 'sort of entry'. There's no 'set up' with what I do. Every trade is unique.

The math is simple - look at how many active posters there are on here. Perhaps a couple of hundred. Look at the fact that trading is a minus sum game with the whole of Wall St being a big casino intended to part the investing public with their funds. Look at the amount of people regurgitating trading methods that Wall St wants you to use and you will have your answer.
There are tons of ordinary folk who haven't got a clue (compared to most on this site(not sarcasm)), who have made money by simply buying and holding. Making 50% in 3-5 years on stocks is surely better than flattening 17k in two months on cfds or whatever. (hahaha)
AP - I wouldn't be interested in what you do to make money because based on what you have said, your style is not something I'd follow anyway. I do not trade any 'sort of entry'. There's no 'set up' with what I do. Every trade is unique.

The math is simple - look at how many active posters there are on here. Perhaps a couple of hundred. Look at the fact that trading is a minus sum game with the whole of Wall St being a big casino intended to part the investing public with their funds. Look at the amount of people regurgitating trading methods that Wall St wants you to use and you will have your answer.

It will be very hard for you too make money if you have such a negative attitude. Although the idea can be somewhat comforting, particularly after some bad trading......there is no giant conspiracy at play to relieve you of your cash. Yes, you have to pay brokerage, and cross spreads, but you know this coming into the game......if you dont like it, dont play.

Complaining that Wall St is out to get you, doesnt help your trading in the slightest. Accepting that transactions costs exist, and working around them, may allow you to get somewhere. Forget about "how the world should work" (leave that to idealists and economists), focus on how the world does work.....and work within that reality.

This should see your trading improve.

On the contrary - it would be hard for me to make money with any other attitude or anyone else's methods.
All perfect for Jan!


Nicely sliding to lows accross the board, Dow, S&P, Nas, Oil, GBP, EUR all systems remained short on the fake bouncing and the gains so far are:

600+ points on the DOW
400+ points on the GBP
1000+ points on the Euro
900+ points on Oil
300+ points on FTSE

3200+ points on 5 markets! Is that enough market exposure?

My point is many believe in trading so many markets, many advertise profits from so many markets, so much risk and such nonsense!

If you do something properly and perfect it then you only need a pot of markets like above to profit consistently with gains! Yes we've got big gains above but thats not the point...the point is consistency! Thats the key to trading, don't let your profits go, don't disolve them as thats what adds to consistency and thats what equates to trading that makes money...

pm or email me with any queries or question and I'll be happy to answer

Looks like the statement was bang on the money again! 👍

Oh its all looking so dire now! Systems have ALL rightly remained in SHORT MODE.

All intra-rallies on the GBP.USD were refused by the systems and they remained short! I stated that we would see later on why that would be and here it is....we are at 16000.

EUR showed absolutely no bounce this week! It was weak and has been weak!

Oil bounced but now lower again.

I discounted every bounce in the US stockmarkets this week as Monday, Tuesday I stated it would sell -off from resistance in the last hour and they did. Wednesday I couldn't post due to my football fan duties, however stated that the bounce was nothing worth talking about....

Yesterday and today we stated again that the bounce again was not worth mentioning as it would sell-off! It's all struggling now.... 👍

PS. I must state that I simply don't care about the direction as if my system triggers long right now or later in the session I will revert to that action! For the moment our systems are short, so we are talking about short as short is the direction! For how long? I do not know and do not care as I'll follow any move! Simple 😎
All trading related questions, feel free to msg me or email: [email protected] I am always happy to help as these markets are big and key info is crucial as I'm sorry to state this as if you haven't got it together then you'll be down & out....

Sunday's update stated how the week would unfold and Friday is now bringing it to a close!

I will update on Sunday again. 👍

PS. GBP.USD piercing 16000 as I type!

I'm trying to figure out which route to go to take a shot at making consistent money trading. I've been reading a lot of these posts here, and basically it seems like there are quite a few opinions on how NOT to make money. For instance: day trading-no way 'cause your computer/system/execution/bankroll etc... can't compete with the big boys & market makers; buying a canned system (i.e. "AbleTrend")-no way, 'cause if it was that simple everyone would be doing it, or, too expensive and trend following using EMA MA's is just as good & a lot cheaper; using " 'bots " for a fully automated system-no way, Star Treks' Mr. Data would have a hard time designing a good one;

And on and on and on...

So everyone, is ANYONE making money, and how?

I'm thinking a swing trading time frame, to help eliminate the execution headaches with active intraday trading; seems like it has become a high stakes video game rather than a exercise in strategic thinking. Options maybe?

Thanks in advance for your input!

12.20 this afternoon you could have sold cable and made money....It was clearly going down so thats a good time to make money.
Thats all you have to do really, follow the price.