Journals Improvement ?


Legendary member

A tiny suggestion for the journals.
Instead of the phrase "Today", can it be replaced with the timestamp of latest change ?
Or, alternatively, have the timestamp appended to the phrase "Today".

Reason for this is that some members update their journals intra-day, and the phrase "Today" does not reflect whether the journal has been updated since you have last read it.

This has come about after reading JillyBs journal, where she does add pages intra-day.

Journal entries older than "today" can remain as they are.
Do you mean on the front page? Sounds like a good idea, we'll add it shortly.

yes on the Home page only.
the timestamp does exist already on each journal entry.

( I am an interested follower of some journals, and would be nice to know, from the Home Page, whether it has been added to, intra-day. )
trendie said:

A tiny suggestion for the journals.
Instead of the phrase "Today", can it be replaced with the timestamp of latest change ?
Or, alternatively, have the timestamp appended to the phrase "Today".

Reason for this is that some members update their journals intra-day, and the phrase "Today" does not reflect whether the journal has been updated since you have last read it.

This has come about after reading JillyBs journal, where she does add pages intra-day.

Journal entries older than "today" can remain as they are.

Hi Trendie

Glad to know you read my ramblings - I do have a tendancy to edit the journal 2 - 3 times a day. If I edit an entry, I always try and put a note on the title to show this.

One question - can you have email alerts on journals (like you have with threads) so you know when the author has placed another entry? I was reading The Wolf's journal and keep checking for the next post - would be nice to have an alert - if available.

an email alert would be even better !
but, you only get an email alert of posts on threads, if you have posted your own comment to that thread.
( unless I can subscribe to a thread, and get updates, without posting )

so, you would have to have a sort of button to "opt-in" to a members journal.
( since you may not want to get alerts of everyones journal updates )

thats why I suggested the simpler option of having a timestamp.
( keeps the techie-modifications to a minimum, and should be easier/quicker to implement )
We've updated the front page to include the time of today's journal updates. The alert system should go live when the new journal system goes live in the next couple of months - at which time you'll be able to add images and files, and lots of other groovy things 🙂