Best Thread Joke of the day

I have to confess I had to look that one up :cheesy:


Posted on July 18, 2010 | 1 Comment

anti-dentite - 1. one who cracks a joke about a dentist who recently converted to Judaism 2. quote: “You’re a rabid anti-dentite! Oh, it starts with a few jokes and some slurs. “Hey, denty!” Next thing you know you’re saying they should have their own schools.” – Kramer 3. quote: “…if this wasn’t my son’s wedding day, I’d knock you teeth out you anti-dentite *******.”- Mr. Abbott 4. episode

Would've been easier if you just checked post # 3581 😛
Thank goodness tar has found something humorous. I was worried I might have to air one of my filthy camel jokes.


I think, for Tar, you would have to come up with some car jokes, I get the impression that he either drives an Aston or Rolls, like the young Arabs on oxford st.
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I haven’t read the answer. I knew the clue must be in the word ‘CONDUCTOR’ because I figured that conductors don’t drive busses, bus drivers do...

I figure the answer is as follows:

The first two times he was a BAD conductor because he did something wrong: But bad Conductors don’t conduct electricity, they are INSULATORS. That is why he survived.

The third time he was a GOOD conductor and electricity passes right through good conductors! So he died!

Am I right?
Teacher asks class to put the word contagious in a sentence.

Ron says "The measles are contagious".

Katie says "There is a bug going round and it's contagious"

Little Johnny says "My neighbour's painting his house with a 2 inch brush and Dad says it will take the contagious !!"
This explorer was walking about in the middle of Africa doing some exploring and he came across this tribe of little people, not more than 4 feet tall. Well he sat down with them in the long grass to swap stories of hunting and things. They told him they were called the wherethe f*ckrwe tribe. Whether they were taking the mick or not suddenly dawned on him a few days later.

This explorer was walking about in the middle of Africa doing some exploring and he came across this tribe of little people, not more than 4 feet tall. Well he sat down with them in the long grass to swap stories of hunting and things. They told him they were called the wherethe f*ckrwe tribe. Whether they were taking the mick or not suddenly dawned on him a few days later.


Yes, it's a very sad story about the wherethe f*ckrwe tribe.
Food was very scarce due to drought and all the men of the tribe had to leave the women and children to go in search of buffalo to hunt.
Thankfully, they found some buffalo and returned to their womenfolk, but got lost.
The hunters had the idea to stand on each other's shoulders to see where the womenfolk were. Whenever the womenfolk saw these heads above the long grass, they were afraid and ran from the 8 foot giants.
The men , carrying another on their shoulders could not keep up, and so the men never met up with the women again and the tribe died out.
Indian brave...” chief how do you name us when we are born?”

Indian chief ...” well we name you after the first thing we see when you are born so it could be passing cloud or raging bull”

Indian brave...”ok chief”

Indian chief...” but tell me two dogs shagging. why do you ask?
Indian brave...” chief how do you name us when we are born?”

Indian chief ...” well we name you after the first thing we see when you are born so it could be passing cloud or raging bull”

Indian brave...”ok chief”

Indian chief...” but tell me two dogs shagging. why do you ask?


2 t1ts flopping ?

There was this heap big Indian Chief who really like his grub. Buffalo or beaver it was cooked up and eaten with relish. Well one day groans came from heap Big Chief's teepee. He was constipated. He sent for medicine man but no amount of herbs and leaping about would shift it. Big Chief no sh1t. In desperation white man's doctor sent for. He gave the chief a pill assuring all would be well. Next day no result Big Chief still no sh1t. More pills every day but still no good. Finally Heap Big Chief swallowed the whole bottle full washed down with castor oil.
Next morning big heap no Chief.

i had a tesco burger for tea last night... somehow ive still got a bit between my teeth!

I clicked on burgers on the Tesco website, then selected 'add to cart'.
Tesco's adding new veggie burgers to their frozen section.

It will be advertised as - Unicorn Burgers
Despite the recent news, Tesco says that their beef burger sales remain stable.