James16 v Jacko

I am not a member of Jacko's training but hear good things from his members. I have been member of the James16Group since its inception and I have been very pleased.
Quote jonty123, "If you read Jackos starting statements, I think he is targeting lazy newbies who want everything put on a plate for them and he tells them everything they want to hear ie - about how easy it is, how you can make millions so easily, how you can wander off anywhere in the world and trade with your laptop and rake it in, how you just need to buy when price is going up and sell when down."

You hit that on the nail, We all know why he wanted to suck the newbs in now. Jacko's thread is a great read still. A scam unfolding right before your eyes. Love the fact that forexfactory left his thread up for all of us to learn from. I still think some of the things he said were good lessons. Like not to Panic, you just got to weed through a mountain of **** in the trading world. Hope no one invested with him.