James16 is definately not a fraud....where did you come up with that ? Getting tired of people talking out of thier backsides with nothing to back it up. If you even bother to look at his thread you'll realize that
James16, might not be a fraud. But, what I know about ForexFactory is this:
After highlighting the problems I had with JackO, over at FXCM (DailyFX), I opened up a Trade Journal and began posting live Trade Profiles on ForexFactory. And, like I've been doing for years now, I also began talking about the public parts of my trading technology.
I ran upwards of 22 trades back-to-back (day trades) and was running at 93%+ accuracy to target, when out of nowhere, I start getting attacked by people who were supreme supports of James16 (I checked some of there previous posts). I was never directly attacked by James16 and I want to make that clear. However, the nature, tone and tenor of the attacks were very similar to the kind of attacks I took on over at FXCM.
Whenever there is a "guru" out there trying to sell you something, typically his shills will do the full frontal assaults on your position, while the guru takes cover.
Well, I found out that the Moderator of ForexFactory gave James16 his own private sub-forum. I believe it was a paid or subscription sub-forum. A long time ago, James16, used to post out in the open on ForexFactory.
Once again, one of my live trade journals was closed, when nothing but live trade calls and tech talk were being posted. So, once again, I went on the offensive, made a public challenge to the attackers. None of them replied with an acceptance on my terms, so I left. [if they were going to attack me for no good reason - then they were going to accept my terms for the challenge]
I lowered the Public Fully Audited Trade-Off Challenge down to $500k - winner take all. No takers on ForexFactory. Not even James16.
I've been a Trader now for more than eight (8) long years and I've always made portions of my technology open to the public and I've backed them up with periodic live Trade Profiles. I have one multi-position live trade profile on record here at T2W, after being personally attacked for no good reason. Even then, after seeing the $300k net profits, the attackers had nothing more to say.
This side of the FX business is real funny. People tell you one thing, but deliver something entire different. Historically, after I silence the attackers with net gains, they just simply ignore me.
Silence is golden. ForexFactor Moderators and James16's followers might consider that colloquial phrase.
I don't do freebie Trade Profiles anymore after being attacked, but I will open the door to Public (Escrow) Trade-Off Competitions where the attacker must meet my terms to compete. Not only do I get to shut the attackers mouth, but I get to take their MONEY in the process.
Hey, if I am going to continue to get attacked, then I'm going to get PAID doing it.
Bring James16 and the entire ForexFactory crew along with him to a legitimate Escrow company. In fact, tell James16, that I might even have a way to have the entire Public Challenge televised. I can't guaranteed the televised part, but I know someone who might be able to make it work.
No more freebie attacks. Attacks now cost the attacker Public Face or Real Cash - on my terms. LOL.
Escrow Account Attacks Welcome.