My background is in software - there was money in it for Westerners back in the 90's! I was lucky enough to be in Asia when it turned to the outsourcing model, so was able to ride that too.
Yeah, I know salaries in IT, or some areas of it anyway, have dropped a lot though. My dad's a programmer, and he says the money now is worse, in relative terms at least, than it was 20, or even 10, years ago.
Outsourcing is somewhat to blame, cheap ****ers in India especially
😆 jk Once again, supply of qualified people grew out of step with the growth, or stagnation, of demand. As you say, it's about seeing the next big thing before it gets big and getting out while you're ahead.
DionysusToast said:
I do feel sorry for the victims of these frauds. When I say get a legit job - I'm talking to these sheisters that go work in boiler rooms, not their victims.
Bangkok is full of them, there needs to be a cull.
I get them call me all the time "it's xxx from xxx company in Japan" asking them for a mobile number to call them back on usually ends the call...
I empathise with them too, but it is hard to believe there are people quite so thick out there. I mean, it should not strain the critical faculties of the average man to realise that there are no guarantees in the world of finance, beyond perhaps a normal account paying enough to keep pace with inflation (if that).
I feel more sorry for people who get their card details cloned at a cash point than I do someone who thinks a £50,000 passive investment will make them rich in 6 months and then loses every penny. Due diligence doesn't just apply to big mergers and acquisitions, it should apply to every investment anyone makes.
I think the people who do it are of a very particular kind, probably not incredibly intelligent, or original, but with the gift of the gab and no conscience. Maybe a sense of adventure too. I was just stunned by the money that is on offer, even better when you think that £2,000 a week in Bangkok must have the buying power of about £20 grand a week in England.