Best Thread T2W Guide to Trading: Options

Anyone knows where to get raw data of banks using derivatives? i need it for my dissertation.... pls let me know. cheers
I am thinking of getting into Forex options but my knowledge of it is very basic. Please someone give me your opinion about the following strategy - thanks.
(a) Buy a deep in the money option (CALL or PUT)
(b) Buy or Sell from the current price in the Spot market so that you take the opposite side of the Option.
(c) The aim is to make 10 -20 pips per trade excluding spread. If the market moves in the direction of the Spot trade, gains from that would outweigh the losses from Options as the the delta in the Option would be less than 1. Therefore the rate of increase in profit from the Spot trade would be more than the losses from the Option trade.
(d) If the market moves in the direction of the option, losses from the Spot trade would equal the gains from the Options trade. So the only loss would be the spread.

All this seems too simple and I have a feeling I might be missing something here. Your thought on this will be much appreciated.

Hello, I am new here... I am looking for a good software for optionstrading. The decision is not easy. In the moment i have three favorite products. Optionvue, Optionetics and Vandermart (site under construction, but the manual seems incredible, but think to expensive). Who knows this products and can help me for a decision?
Thank you to all
Hello, I was about to post a new thread asking you guys for information how to start with binary options but with this sticky I don't need to do it anymore.

Thanks for the info, appreciate it.
Excellence! Thank you very much RogerM for share this vast information with us about trading. Now i am i have learn here some new tips, they can help me in future.

Just wanted to let you know that there is an update to the book (coulda, woulda, shoulda) by the same author.

He says in the forward that it clarifies and expands on the original book. The title is "Options Trading: The Hidden Reality" and I found it here - You can also find it at the site, but I couldn't find the free ebook, only the printed version.


Am i the only one seeing that these links are not working?

Options Trading Thread
Started by Morris
One of the first options threads on T2W. Contains an explanation of ratio call spread, and how to turn it into a butterfly.

Option Strategy
Started by Neutron Bomb
Discusses pros and cons of Straddles, Butterflies and Short Strangles.

Selling Put Options
Started by Osho67
Lively discussion on merits (or otherwise) of selling puts.

Trading Options
Started by aacharya
Discussion on the use of buying long puts versus synthetics and ratio backspreads.

Trading Marker direction with options
Started by RogerM
Showing how direction can be traded with protection and space if it goes pearshaped.
Always nice to read good information about options. I am trading less than one year, still consider myself a beginner.