Jailed Cityboy Stock Broker guide to sales

I don't think this guy needs a vendor badge. That's reserved for people that can actually sell stuff.

This guy has a track record of 30-ish sales - for which he went to prison. This hardly makes him an expert in selling.

Now - the guy that employed him - THAT IS A SALESMAN. He sold this poor schmuck the concept of working for him for peanuts AND taking the fall by going to jail whilst the boss paid a fine. Like I say - THAT IS A SALESMAN.

The OP - he's just a patsy. One who finks he's a bit 'andy wiv 'is Sarfend accent.

He probably thinks he's quite the artist too....


The imagery is stunning... :whistling
I don't think this guy needs a vendor badge. That's reserved for people that can actually sell stuff.

This guy has a track record of 30-ish sales - for which he went to prison. This hardly makes him an expert in selling.

Now - the guy that employed him - THAT IS A SALESMAN. He sold this poor schmuck the concept of working for him for peanuts AND taking the fall by going to jail whilst the boss paid a fine. Like I say - THAT IS A SALESMAN.

I know of this guy and one of the firms he worked for previously - it doesn't look like he's basing that book purely on the offence he got sentenced for. One of the firms he previously worked for was shut down by the FSA and no one served any time in jail - junior guys were taking home 100k in their first year and some guys who'd been there a year or two were making about 30k a month. I think only one guy got fined personally - some fat Asian guy who stank so much that no-one else would sit near him.

I was naive enough to take a job at the place very briefly without knowing that the firm was dubious, though left pretty promptly before I'd have to pitch to any clients. Spent a few days shadowing a 'senior broker' then had to call leads/send brochures out to them. Couldn't personally bring myself to pitch dubious AIM cash shells to these members of the public - it wasn't necessarily illegal and the FSA only managed to get them for one particular event, certainly very unethical though, you have to be pretty scummy to do that sort of job.
I like to think I'm a good person but I don't think I could turn down 30k a month for doing anything... The bane of the poor man.
I like to think I'm a good person but I don't think I could turn down 30k a month for doing anything... The bane of the poor man.

Scose, and you don't need to answer this, but how old are you?

I've never earned 30k a month ok but I can say that i've earned half that and not just as a one off.

What i'm trying to say to you is, yes it is perfectly possible to earn good money legitimately. You just have to develop your contacts / networks to end up in the right job. You have to engineer situations somewhat in order that opportunities open up...when you get to that point, you have to be sufficiently aware and grasp that opportunity. These are not usually 9-5 jobs either, extremely long hrs and hard work are the norm.
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The guys on that amount had been there for a year or two (I think rather a lot of people probably were there for less than a year so certainly some survivorship bias in there). It was a relatively young crowd - anyway I'm assuming it's a firm this guy worked at too if not then it's more than likely that some of the senior people came from the same place(s).

Scouse - lots of these people are still around - if you want to earn a living ripping people off then perhaps flogging dodgy AIM shares isn't what it used to be but I'm sure there's still money to be made in flogging land, wine, diamonds etc... there will always be scummy salesmen finding some means or other to rip off mug punters.
@ CV I'm 26. I know how it works now mate and have tried a bit of wiggling but never goes my way. Had a really really good opp (not high pay but very good prospects) slip through my fingers recently and I'm sure you know how that feels but onwards and upwards eh. Gotta keep at it I suppose. This networking lark is the key but opportunities are pretty thin where I'm from and I'm not in a position to move about yet so I just bide my time. Still, on the plus side, up here I'm normally the only black face in the room at networking events so its a bit of a USP for the poster lot lol. Everyone seems to think I must be dead cool until I start talking about bonds and their eyes glass up.

@ DT Don't think I'd take the opp unless it was staring me in the face.

I think I must definitely be drunk by now. The bint is out and I've been locked in a room working for a week. I think I'm craving human contact and this is as close as I'm getting atm. I wonder if I;'ll get cabin fever and cut my own big toe off. Why am I typing this?
@ CV I'm 26. I know how it works now mate and have tried a bit of wiggling but never goes my way. Had a really really good opp (not high pay but very good prospects) slip through my fingers recently and I'm sure you know how that feels but onwards and upwards eh. Gotta keep at it I suppose. This networking lark is the key but opportunities are pretty thin where I'm from and I'm not in a position to move about yet so I just bide my time. Still, on the plus side, up here I'm normally the only black face in the room at networking events so its a bit of a USP for the poster lot lol. Everyone seems to think I must be dead cool until I start talking about bonds and their eyes glass up.

@ DT Don't think I'd take the opp unless it was staring me in the face.

I think I must definitely be drunk by now. The bint is out and I've been locked in a room working for a week. I think I'm craving human contact and this is as close as I'm getting atm. I wonder if I;'ll get cabin fever and cut my own big toe off. Why am I typing this?

26 is no age m8....just keep on at it...the ops will come 🙂
Its not hard to make money by breaking the law or resorting to predatory tactics.
Its a bit like the 'Wolf of Wall Street'

Firstly he wasnt on Wall Street. He was in some sh***y office space on Long Island. (and nor incidentally is the OP a 'banker' let alone a disgraced one)
Secondly its easy to generate massive profits if you are just going to steal wantonly.
Thirdly Jordon Belfort (and the OP) couldnt even do it without getting caught.

Why anyone would be interested in self-agrandising pulp published by these people is a mystery to me. That such books are published merely indicates the continuation of delusions of grandeur on the part of the authors.
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At 26, I was self employed doing a 5 month contract in Knoxville, TN earning $950 a day doing....


Now add on the inflation of 15 years and you won't be too far off $30k.

Waaaaay too much theft and self-pity in this thread.

FFS people - stop feeling sorry for yourself & go out and do something people will pay money for.

Ain't no reason to rip people off for that sort of money. Not at all.

Find what people want & learn the fnck how to do it.
At 26, I was self employed doing a 5 month contract in Knoxville, TN earning $950 a day doing....


Now add on the inflation of 15 years and you won't be too far off $30k.

Waaaaay too much theft and self-pity in this thread.

FFS people - stop feeling sorry for yourself & go out and do something people will pay money for.

Ain't no reason to rip people off for that sort of money. Not at all.

Find what people want & learn the fnck how to do it.


reminded me of this quote:

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. ~Thomas Edison
bought this book, not interested in excuses for his knavery but if his prison blogs anything to go by he's actually not a bad writer...
I don't know who this bloke is, what he did, or whether what he has to would be of interest or value to me, but don't pretend that reformed, and I use that word loosely, criminals benefiting from knowledge they acquired while offending is unusual or obscene. Plenty of crooks write about their experiences, and people on here, of all people, should know why; supply and demand of course 😎

You think Wiseguy would ever have been written or Goodfellas ever made if millions of people didn't want to hear about living life outside the rules?

If he was responsible for the crime pboyles linked to a report of I don't think I would be interested in what he has to say, for a start, taking £250,000 is not a major, or noteworthy even, financial crime. I've read about boiler room gangs taking a single victim for more than that.🙄