what a pity all the people who used to post ,
have now disappeared into a trading room somewhere
I miss all the input from them
kind regards
what a pity all the people who used to post ,
have now disappeared into a trading room somewhere
I miss all the input from them
kind regards
The madness continues I don't think I can remember a market like it.The reality is that the same accounts that were falling over themselvesto sell last year and at the beginning of 2009 are now knocking everyone over to find some bonds and some yield. I continue to hear that newissues in HG world are flying out the door quicker than you can say "newissue the name is X and the guidance is Y". We know its going to endin tears what we don't know is when and what is the trigger? I stillthink it's the central banks exit strategy and at some stage they aregoing to have to turn off the taps to the investment banks withoutupsetting mortgage holders and the all important equity markets. All Ido know is that with every bail out whether it be the banks, medicalinsurance, cash for clunkers or anything else, at some stage it needs tobe paid for. The market is now fully pricing in a V shaped recovery iegrowth to return to what it was 2 years ago and with that house pricesetc. Well call me stupid but how is that possibly going to happenbearing in mind the governments increased debt burden, Northern Rock andfriends are no longer dumb enough to lend honest borrowers 125%mortgages on a self cert basis and contrary to the markets main streetare still losing their jobs and not spending on their credit cardsanymore. I'll be honest the market is reminiscent of my teenage discoyears. There are a load of people on the dance floor freaking out to atune I don't recognise, every now and then I step on the edge of it do afew basic moves, feel slightly self conscious because I don't know thetune and step off it continuing to watch the freaks on it. That if youhaven't guessed is my trading style at the moment. I am just reallyscared the music will stop and the lights will be turned on and whoknows what I will be left with! I don't think there is any point sayingthis is a big week for data as the market ignores bad data and ralliesat the good You carry on dancing I'll stand at the bar with a beertapping my feet!
my post was,nt aimed at you,it was to a chat i had with dan,i closed my cable from friday 210 pips up,waited for it to retrace which it only did about 70 pips,i took 45 pips from that,waited untill it went back up to were i exited,80 and jumped on again at 82,Jumped off the speeding cable car taking 87 pips. More of the same tomorrow, thank you.🙂
my post was,nt aimed at you,it was to a chat i had with dan,i closed my cable from friday 210 pips up,waited for it to retrace which it only did about 70 pips,i took 45 pips from that,waited untill it went back up to were i exited,80 and jumped on again at 82,
still in now.so dont trade against a strong trade was my speeding train comment,so i was jumping off at the wrong stop,hoped you jumped back on too.was a good day for me as i was in the cad/yen and pocketed 120 on that too.which i posted live in the room only 6 pips up from my entry.😀