it is easy to lose lots of pips on days where you should have made lots of pips

JTrader you're either experiencing what poker players call a 'downswing' - a period of time in which a high number of low-probability events occur - or your trading rules/strategies need a tweak. Either that or your just not one of the people that God chose to be good at trading.

If the opposite scenario EVER happened, i wouldn't mind. But sods law doesnt do you many favours does it. As for a string of them..............
If the opposite scenario EVER happened, i wouldn't mind. But sods law doesnt do you many favours does it.

I once had four-of-a-kind three times in two minutes in my poker days - upswings do occur, you just don't remember them as much as you do the downswings, because you just assume it was you being the man. But yes, I feel your pain. Stick with it, I'm sure you'll come out the other side.
It is easy to lose lots of pips on days where you should have made lots of pips


This is why 90% fail, and the other 10% struggle.

i have had quite a few days where the minus total that i have made, should actually have been a plus total that was double the number.

I have never had a bad day where i've actually outperformed my "plan" rules.


What has happened it tiny dwetails/events have conspired against me with devastating effects.

if it wasntso fuickingh tragic it would be funny (laugh out loud 😆)
I am on a run of horrendous losses - in terms of -

- the good entries i do not take WIN BIG & quickly.

- the good entries i bail out of early (as price has gone no where fast, ALWAYS WIN & usually big - 90% of time)

Overall though, trade all the signals without hesitation, follow the exit plan and the profits more than make up ofr the losses.

Problem and solution?
Problem and solution?


But i dont ask for much, but all i want/need is to get on a bit of a role, feel the other side of fortune for a while, have the need t feel like a lucky bas tard for a run of trades etc. etc. but i just get kicked in the teeth.

I am the guy who - when driving down a B road - ALWAYS meets the double-decker bus on the narrow coners.

I am the guy who the day b4 starting a new job has joyriders drive up my street and write off my car in a freak middle of the night incident.

I am the guy who breaks his leg (badly) kicking a football around with knowone else within 20 metres..

We've all had our share of 'bad luck' - it's just how we deal with it that separates the successful from the unsuccessful. Self-made millionaires very rarely (if ever) have a smooth ride to the top; many see years of financial and emotional stress, even bankruptcy, before they realise their dreams. What separates them from the rest of us is usually not some ingenious idea they have had, or the fact that they were 'lucky' - it's the fact that every time they got kicked in the teeth they got straight back up, dusted themselves off and went back to work.

So JTrader my chum, to give you a bit of 'tough love' - you seem like an intelligent guy, and I'm sure you'll crack trading one day; you just need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and work out why things are going wrong for you. At the end of the day, complaining about your luck will not get you any close to being a success. If it's just 'bad luck', that will turn; if it's a leak in your system, that can be fixed... but it won't fix itself.
I firmly believe that we make our own luck in this life. Every minute you spend wishing you were luckier, or wondering why bad things happen to you, is a minute you could be spending pushing towards your ultimate goal.
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I am proof that the T2W rep system does not reflect trading ability!

I can live with not maximisng system performance. What i cannot easily deal with is losing an amount of pips, that i should have comfortably made double the amount of!

this has happened again today, and it has simply been a result of missing out on ALL of the 5-6 entries that went onto win BIG TIME (in accordance with my rules), and seeing the god signals i did take lose.

So my friends i must adhere to the following 2 principles -

Hesitation kills - need to enter on all good signals.

To do this i need to stop on T2W, no ifs no buts.

I've just gazumped ol' chartman, so need to stop posting now.

The plan as of tomorrow - win or lose - is to nail the plan by trading the good signals and staying in the trades until the right moment - no excuses.

No more -

Lapses in concentration
T2W posting

Simply nail the plan, its that simple.

No more losing days, no more losing weeks. From this moment on, I will be that guy who has had no losing days in the last year etc. etc.

Its time to trade with the utmost applcation, focus and precision - what i know i can do, and what i know i should be doing, simply by applying and following the plan.
It is time to reverse my entire loss making psychology! No more courses, no more reading material - just a simple case of getting a fu kcing grip, chilling the fcuk out and with a cold detachment, making it as easy as it should be.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.
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J mate don't forget that you doubled your account, how many people achieved that.

Also, go and re-read omnis excellent post:

NOTHING goes up in a straight line, everything has it's ups and downs, but your bottom line is that you doubled your account.

In life one just has to keep going, accept hurdles or difficulties as the perfectly normal events that they are, and refuse to throw the towel in if everything isn't always clear sailing !!!

It IS all in the head, I quite agree with SL that the difference between those that make it all the way to the top is mainly attitude, persistence and tenacity, outperformers fall off the horse just like anybody else, but unlike most others get straight back on the horse again.

And again.

And again, till you achieve whatever you set out to achieve.

I hope you don't stop posting here, and I definitely wish you all the best with your trading. (And the rest hehe).

Take care, merry Xmas, all the best for the new year, and hope to see ya around !

It is easy to lose lots of pips on days where you should have made lots of pips


This is why 90% fail, and the other 10% struggle.

I disagree with this.


It's the simple fact that people made money doing daft stuff that is the reason there are so many losers.
I think some people have a tendency to blame losses on luck, while ascribing all their profits to skill/talent/discipline. This is why not many people claim to have good luck - they're too busy congratulating themselves for making a single tick by buying at limit down, or something equally ridiculous.
So my friends i must adhere to the following 2 principles -

Hesitation kills - need to enter on all good signals.

To do this i need to stop on T2W, no ifs no buts.

I've just gazumped ol' chartman, so need to stop posting now.

The plan as of tomorrow - win or lose - is to nail the plan by trading the good signals and staying in the trades until the right moment - no excuses.

No more -

Lapses in concentration
T2W posting


When do you think Jt will be back posting? Friday?
Browsing by this evening, posting by tomorrow.... 🙂

JT, or J Terminator, has now been modified. He is no longer the T9000 model, he has been up graded to the T1X Trader.

He now has zero emotion, he doesn't need food, drink, sex or sleep....just the markets. His upgrade will allow him to destroy any loose contracts on offer on any market, with inhuman precision and accuracy without even taking a breath or blinking an eye.

Trade against him, and you will have your postion terminated with a ruthless and remorseless ferocity.

Be afraid!
Then when you factor in the following additional issues, it should be no surprice that the odds are even more stacked against intra day traders succeeding.

ISP problems/downtime.
Broker datafeed problems/downtime.
Charting datafeed (if different from broker) problems/downtime.
PC/other IT issues & problems.
Power cuts.. (OK - they don't happen THAT often! 😉)
Then when you factor in the following additional issues, it should be no surprice that the odds are even more stacked against intra day traders succeeding.

ISP problems/downtime.
Broker datafeed problems/downtime.
Charting datafeed (if different from broker) problems/downtime.
PC/other IT issues & problems.
Power cuts.. (OK - they don't happen THAT often! 😉)

Oi, what did the man in the Lucozade advert say... Positive Mental Attitude. If you think you're going to fail, you probably will.

Although I will admit that wireless internet in an old house is one handicap that should be avoided... 😡