Hi F (M) all good thanks mate, I am trying desperately to not look at the forum during the day between 8am-11'ish & 1pm-4pm it totally breaks my focus.
I was finding I'd have a break from the chart, check the forum etc, next thing "I'm in the vortex !!"
Yesterday I broke a golden rule & made a post at 2.30pm'ish US open, WTF ? that will not happen again.
The forum is good, but a focus can be stolen very easily (for me anyway) my time window is quite narrow, approx 3 hrs in the morning, 3 hrs in the afternoon.
I decided ages ago that I wouldn't get into all the "my entry here, my entry there" milarky, my contribution to the forum is hopefully a different approach, I try to give my insights here & there as an interim part timer with quite a decent amount of knowledge nowadays.
Good luck this afternoon mate