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FAQ Is Trading the Same as Gambling?

I agree on the "success story part", but the funny thing is that most fail story are not widely well-known (except for the biggest ones). Because of that, most newcomers are brought to this business by prospects of wealth, and swiftly brought down by harsh reality.

Maybe, but often also I am hear any trader they share their loss in tradng career, which will always memorize their fail story in forex tradng career, but some of them stil come back again and they can learn better
Maybe, but often also I am hear any trader they share their loss in tradng career, which will always memorize their fail story in forex tradng career, but some of them stil come back again and they can learn better

Sure, no doubt some of us are consistent (or foolish, it depends) enough to come back to trading even after numerous fails. From my experience, such people will not stop until they either reach the top, or fall flat.
depending on how and where you trade, I tried some Forex trading online and unfortunately, they weren't serious (regulated). After a while the platform disappeared from the net and I lost my 500$.
depending on how and where you trade, I tried some Forex trading online and unfortunately, they weren't serious (regulated). After a while the platform disappeared from the net and I lost my 500$.

Seems I am still in lucky in forex business, so far I am only trade from bonus capital aand already get real money from bonus already, but indeed also often fail and many times get margin call account, but I am never investing money more than 100$ in my account beause as poor trader only use small capital :cheesy:
Seems I am still in lucky in forex business, so far I am only trade from bonus capital aand already get real money from bonus already, but indeed also often fail and many times get margin call account, but I am never investing money more than 100$ in my account beause as poor trader only use small capital :cheesy:

Well, it sounds like a smart trading plan. Making small profits from small investments is certainly better than losing huge money in huge investments 🙂
Well, it sounds like a smart trading plan. Making small profits from small investments is certainly better than losing huge money in huge investments 🙂

Yes of course, 😀 suffering with huge loss might will make painful, but I don't understand there are certain trader which they daring to borrow money and investing in forex, maybe they already expert and have experience always profitable in trading
Yes of course, 😀 suffering with huge loss might will make painful, but I don't understand there are certain trader which they daring to borrow money and investing in forex, maybe they already expert and have experience always profitable in trading

Agreed. I really can't imagine why would anyone not experienced enoung to trade with his own money decides to risk with someone else's. Seems really backwards.
Trading IS gambling -- don't fool yourself, or let anybody tell you differently. 😱
But...it's Gambling with Much better odds, if you know what you're doing. 😈
Trading IS gambling -- don't fool yourself, or let anybody tell you differently. 😱
But...it's Gambling with Much better odds, if you know what you're doing. 😈

I am treat forex only as part time business only, so I am not too much relying from forex profit becuse yes in my experience making profit still can't stable, but if hear certain trader already can making good profit monthly, it's sign if forex opened for everyone but not everyone suitable with forex, this not gambling which only reyling with luck but need skill
If you mean going in and out with no idea what your buying and doing it intra-day or in a very short period of time I think there is almost no difference.

Actually I believe there is a difference. If you go in and out in casino with no idea what you're doing, I'd say you've got more chances to win that doing the same on market 🙂
Trading with TouchTrades.com is really like a gambling - you can never stop. Excellent customer support makes the process very clear and easy. I've already made 2 withdrawals - everything is great!
Trading with TouchTrades.com is really like a gambling - you can never stop. Excellent customer support makes the process very clear and easy. I've already made 2 withdrawals - everything is great!

I wouldn't exactly make resemblance to gambling its advertising point 😀 Most traders generally do what they do because they like an idea of controlling their money, which in gambling it's not the easiest thing to do.
Trading is an art based on calculations and analysis, it can't be gambling unless or otherwise mixed up with traders emotions like greed and overtrading etc.
Trading is an art based on calculations and analysis, it can't be gambling unless or otherwise mixed up with traders emotions like greed and overtrading etc.

Well, let's be honest - it might be gambling as much as a trader considers it as one and approaches it correspondingly 🙂
Trading in general could probably be justifiably compared to casino poker, but not, for example, roulette. It depends on what you mean by trading. If you mean going in and out with no idea what your buying and doing it intra-day or in a very short period of time I think there is almost no difference.
Trading gambling speculation........all semantics guys and will mean different things to different people .......use a dictionary if you want the closest thing to objective definitions

Risk is the key to identifying if you are deemed to be recklessly gambling on an outcome or making a calculated investment based on logical and data evidenced historic results .....

One mans gamble is another mans investment

And let's be honest in the end it's all about money in the bank......right ???

So I'll take money in the bank.......be it called gambling , investing , trading ......

Is trading the same as Gambling?

Hi Community! Gambling is putting yourself or your money at risk. Risk is a situation with an insecure outcome. Life is gambling. If you live carefully it is possible to force a good outcome. If you trade carefully it is possible to force a good outcome. I happen to be a careful trader who sticks to a "perfect plan". This Plan does not allow for losses in the longterm. In the shortterm it exposes you to risk (loss) but the loss is temporary. It is absolutely sure that the Plan will lead to aprox 10% return per year. Patience and discipline are required. Anyone can start to follow this Plan with as little as €5000 capital. My SMS-service gives you very clear instructions.
If you follow these instructions, you will be a happy trader!