Is Trade2win as lifeless as it seems to me?

Is Trade2win as lifeless as it seems?

  • Yes, activity has definitely declined.

    Votes: 25 48.1%
  • Maybe, I’m not here often enough to notice.

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 7 13.5%
  • No, it is as active as it has always been.

    Votes: 4 7.7%

  • Total voters
talking of membership numbers, have we seen todays new record?

that beats the last recent record by a some margin. so who was it? who was the culprit? well i was way off with my thoughts on search spiders ...on this occasion 😛 😀

it was guests, they were all looking at one thread post and viewing an attachment. and the post these guests were looking at? they were viewing a pic of arabias shoes, thousands of them. how odd.

a bot with a shoe fetish perhaps ??

Just post something on twitter like 'unemployed idiot makes 100 million trading forex' with a few hash tags like #forex #millionaire and a link to here and see why happens to the viewing numbers.
Most users ever online was 11,980, Today at 12:56pm.

what happened to the other 10,000?
were they banned ?
Just post something on twitter like 'unemployed idiot makes 100 million trading forex' with a few hash tags like #forex #millionaire and a link to here and see why happens to the viewing numbers.

interesting idea.

makes you wonder if this has happened in this instance and there's lulz afoot :clap:

if it was a link there would be traces of a linkback. back in the day mods could see them and moderate them so you all could see. they were at the bottom of a page in thread, think spiriton thread and the deluge of german site linkbacks, click the link and off you went to the discussion.

how about it mods. any linkbacks/pingbacks showing at the bottom of that page for today? if so please do allow just one so we can see 👍
yes, well spotted mate you could well be right. I did look at him, but he doesn't quite fit the pattern, so now they'll have to use their tools to cross check and confirm, we can't on that one.

Sidra and resistance are two others..jeez whats the deal
Sidra and resistance are two others..jeez whats the deal

there are another 7/8 or so signed up since last look, the list is growing by the day. it's a 24/7 sign up rate, how could they miss it 😕

this goes back some, it can be proved to go back to at least the 18th may so far. and yes they are all laying dormant on sign up and yes many are returning, doing what i have no idea. if it's message spamming then i'll be forced to play them the "uh oh we're in trouble" theme song :cheesy:

ps any linkbacks to the arabia shoe shot found yet?

The only ones that I address are the multi-nics and today I have got rid of probably 60. Some, as you say, with bizarre usernames I miss unless they have multiple registrations which most do eventually. In any case my understanding is that one of the reasons for them listing is so that their profile can be viewed and indexed. I have changed the settings so that unless you are a member profiles cannot be viewed. Most never post and it is probably more to do with the above. We could ban the whole of China from accessing the site as most of these come from there and there is nothing I have seen from China that has added any value here although I would have to look into this first and discuss with Steve, Eamonn and Tim.
We could ban the whole of China from accessing the site as most of these come from there and there is nothing I have seen from China that has added any value here......


Thin end of the wedge.

I can't recall anything of value being posted from Malta, or France, or the USA, or many other countries for that matter. Whose next in line for a country wide ban ?

I was talking to mr Wong at the click factory this morning and he pointed out he can just as easily spam you from a proxy, and if the worst comes to the worst, he can collate anywhere in the world.

Banning the whole of a country sounds a but like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Surely, dealing with this stuff is just part of the territory, your competitors seam to handle it without any problem.

If you create a target rich environment, this is the inevitable consequences and one of the downsides.

The only ones that I address are the multi-nics and today I have got rid of probably 60. Some, as you say, with bizarre usernames I miss unless they have multiple registrations which most do eventually. In any case my understanding is that one of the reasons for them listing is so that their profile can be viewed and indexed. I have changed the settings so that unless you are a member profiles cannot be viewed. Most never post and it is probably more to do with the above. We could ban the whole of China from accessing the site as most of these come from there and there is nothing I have seen from China that has added any value here although I would have to look into this first and discuss with Steve, Eamonn and Tim.

one of these odd named users 72asw21rq4 who had returned today, yes i was watching them and did see he was banned while waiting for him to do something. so he has to be a multinic then. so what of the rest of them that the auto's aren't finding for you? there must be dozens undiscovered over the past week or more? that's why they're getting through if you rely on auto catching.

72asw21rq4 was just watching the index, doing nothing, no refresh or anything. i can only presume they had already done whatever they came back for when found? so had this member messaged? you did check before binning i assume?
one of these odd named users 72asw21rq4 who had returned today, QUOTE]

fjxdqhohe just created..welcome to our newest member, US and vendor badge
this is addictive!

it's good fun alright 😀

lol @ yet another signing in already and they've already just banned some. watch see if he gets past the registering stage, if they do then this has to prove their over reliance on the auto systems has failed in epic fashion. we wait see 👍

The only ones that I address are the multi-nics and today I have got rid of probably 60. Some, as you say, with bizarre usernames I miss unless they have multiple registrations which most do eventually. In any case my understanding is that one of the reasons for them listing is so that their profile can be viewed and indexed. I have changed the settings so that unless you are a member profiles cannot be viewed. Most never post and it is probably more to do with the above. We could ban the whole of China from accessing the site as most of these come from there and there is nothing I have seen from China that has added any value here although I would have to look into this first and discuss with Steve, Eamonn and Tim.

"I have changed the settings so that unless you are a member profiles cannot be viewed"

i'm confused. they are full members, here's one that got through the auto system today and as a result you've not seen or banned him

as i suspected, all you are doing is trawling through a thread listing and shooting members that reside within it. is anybody doing anything whatsoever outside those listings?

Registration process is too weak by todays standards.
Current challenge response question is too easy for a bot.
Maybe something along these lines is needed:

Either that or manual registration confirmation.
another that escaped the auto listings today. another full member.

This place would benefit from some new blood. Give them, a chance, they've not done anything wrong yet 😆

Part of me thinks that its probably more of a disincentive if you let them use up resources setting up the scam, and then pull the plug the moment they step out of line.

I do agree, they should be a great deal more proactive rather than closing the stable door after the horse has bolted, but then we'd be deprived of a lot of lulz, so its a tough call
This place would benefit from some new blood. Give them, a chance, they've not done anything wrong yet 😆

Part of me thinks that its probably more of a disincentive if you let them use up resources setting up the scam, and then pull the plug the moment they step out of line.

I do agree, they should be a great deal more proactive rather than closing the stable door after the horse has bolted, but then we'd be deprived of a lot of lulz, so its a tough call

agreed, it's not apparent they've done anything wrong, though nobody has yet answered the question whether they are messaging, that's what they are registering for in my view. it's certainly not for post spam else they'd done that by now, they've been allowed plenty of time and opportunity to show their colours on that one.

it's fun so long as no member gets scammed. nobody seems keen to root them out manually, a mod could have easily cleaned them all out yesterday, so there's legs in this for a little more fun yet i feel.

i have the vid at the ready the moment i catch one messaging :cheesy:
i have the vid at the ready the moment i catch one messaging :cheesy:

I've honestly lost the plot regarding this vendor messaging issue. The last I heard Steve confirmed that vendors can send and receive messages.

My assumption is that vendors are free to PM whoever they choose and its not a breech of any kind of guidelines.
I've honestly lost the plot regarding this vendor messaging issue. The last I heard Steve confirmed that vendors can send and receive messages.

My assumption is that vendors are free to PM whoever they choose and its not a breech of any kind of guidelines.

well yes, maybe a vendor is now allowed again to use the messaging system, that looks likely. but surely using the messaging system to spam must still be classed as a breach of guidelines? not that it's proven yet that it's the case in this instance.

are the rules no longer understood by the membership at large? there appears to be a message coming through to that effect?