Is Technical analysis bullshit ?!

You forgot the 361.8%. You forgot the trendlines too.

I apologize for not realizing the 361.8% line is considered a Fibonacci ratio.

One would think a technician would have drawn the trend line differently around 11/19.
Here is someone else that might have known to draw the trend line through the low at about 12/2.
The Magnificent Fibo knows that demon circuits will not allow their victims to win. I know this well. but what if just one can get it and escape the clutches or bonds of the stifling HERD at T2W? Just one. Nobody might ever know who that ONE might be. It might just go "bing" in his head and boom he's gone, on the road to success.

There is another Law that all know well. Its Mammon's Law. He who has the most chips, wins, he be God.

Reunion party at downtown London for fibo and Rufus_Leakey (drippy d****) and the list of 30 core engine of T2W. I'll cover the expenses at the restaurant.

arrange it Don. all must be there. resolution in under 15 mintues of a time warp that has gone on as long as the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

The winner gets to fck 'em all.

Count me in. Tax records included. 10-yr

Free after May 1 all the way to December = a total useless bum, a reprobate. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeexy but nobody will do it. they gots to do shit the hard way and leave unanswered questions on the table for eons.

I apologize for not realizing the 361.8% line is considered a Fibonacci ratio.

One would think a technician would have drawn the trend line differently around 11/19.
Here is someone else that might have known to draw the trend line through the low at about 12/2.
View attachment 272857

No apology necessary. the 361.8% was discovered by Fibo simply becasue it WORKS. See GBP.

Ditto for the 50%. Not a fibo number so is countd as an unexplained phenomenon and becasue it resides right between 38.2 and 61.8 it is a wonderful addition - and it works

Example of the efficacy of the "50"

Institutions use the moving averages 50 x 200 like its a f******** religious. No surprise to Fibo. The 50 is on the charts of
George soros, Jack Schannep, charles Bsssettti, Warren buffet, and EVERY large institution from JP Morgan Chase to Bank of America. the 50 is their GOD
A Phi (golden ratio moment moment that means a lot to me, more than you clowns will ever know - delivered by a total so-called bum who had severe psychological problems - don't we all?)

at 1:44 its as if GBPUSD hit 161.8% the golden ratio, soooooo pleasing to the soul, so enthralling that the f****in ceiling flies away

They might not even know about their own FTSE 100. but Fibo does. Don't believe anybody else o n the Planet has seen this what I am about to show up.

London FTSE 100:

(1) Draw Fibo grid on logarithmic scale on monthly chart from 1940 low to 1972 top.

(2) The slide the grid over to the low of the correction wave marked at 3 circled. Then observe where 423.6% hit.

(3) The hit was at exactly where Fibo called the TOP of the FTSE 100

Check it out. Its sooooooo f*******in simple, but you cats will f**** it up for sure.

Note that verfication of a significant milestone for FTSE 100 is that at the 423.6% it went sideways - only explanation I have is extrem bullishness still ongoing. but they will alll die.

FTSE 100 shown above:

Wave relationships: are all Fibonacci number coefficient percents ..............

38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, 100%, 261.8%, 423.6%.

Generally 423.6% is the maximum extension of any given wave 1 of a sequence. Vry common is also that Wave 5 = Wave 1, known as Wave equality. but 423.6% is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo comon in Nature its downright scary and a blessing for Fibo who discovered it.

Yes, I am the sole discoverer on the entire planet of the phenomenon of 423.6%. There has been mention of this number by 4 or 5 people but just superficially, not to the depth it deserves credit for. I have that depth
Check it out on your charts: go log scale, then simply slide the grid over by using the middle bar so it does not expand, you want an exact superimposition.

Damn easy to do, don't fck it up
Now do this on the same FTSE 100.

Take the first grid. yes the one on the extreme left as before. And go into the dialog box and plug in the default fibonacci levels like 23.6% and so on.

Voila! Rebound occurred close to 23.6%. Was I alive then and invested, my expectation for a retracemnt would be the standard 50% to 38.2%. But it went further. So you know instantly that the final halt will be 23.6% and boom you hop on the horse for the next leg of the uptrend. A trend failure is almost certain if 88.3% level is taken out. Only Robert Prechter knows this. Nobody else on Earth. Nobody.

Fibo grid on the right notice all the hullabloo in the 2008 crash that brought banks to their knees and world economy to almost cave in?

But look at the chart. An almost guaranteed end to the decline at 161.8%. which is exactly what happened.

Another way to look at the magnificent 2008 crash is to just draw a sepaarate grid, namely a plain old retracement grid from the 1974 low to the 200 high. Boom. there it is. CRASH ended at the 50% mark.

FTSE 100 the infamous massive 1987 crash, possibly one of the worst in History ......................... nobody saw it coming except perhaps they say one guy was warning about some sort of crash that was coming up for very likely but not chart based ...........

now look at my chart. If I was there, I would have rushed to high gground and cashed out every f****** thing. Yeah, easy to say in hindsight but here's the thing. Look at theprevious wave extrapolation, a very common technique designed by Fibo and look where the 423.6% hit? Right at the 1987 top.

I'd be on the friggin beach well before, not even waiting for a to p becasue often times the drop from 423.6% is catastrophic and nobody got time to get out in the stampede, so Fibo gets out when there isno traffic jam and fcks off to the beach.


Does Fibonacci work? Who gives a fck!? There are so many different roads to Rome. Its impossible to prove which road is best. There is only one way and only one way that counts

Starting from Warren Buffet and George soros down to the butlers and punes at T2W we get the unadulterated trading records and then find the percentage winner. the % winner makes it a level playing field.

Ther is no other way.

All liars will be flushed out.

Pin drop silence will follow for months and months and months at T2W.

If anybody gives fibo shit, assumng that Fibo wins the contest, Don will turn and pretend not to look as I ravish any of the current cats, thinking in his own mind, "these liars deserve Fibo"

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
DO IT NOW, DON, set it up. It will be the mind-blowing event of the century. Only then will you have a true hearty lafffff at my List of 30 scammers/pretenders/posers.

Bets? yeah baby we can do bets.

I'll start:

Rufus_Leakey (aka drippy d***) ............ under 10k account, never had a winning trading year. Bet = $5k cash on the spot at any local bank in London.

Others, place your bets now and give me a chance to respond with a number. We take one at a time.

Let the games begin. Cab ride for everyone to downtown London, but for me its a f***** looooooong boring flight to meet a bunch of scammers, my idea of fun, hahahahahahaha

10k per nite band can be invited to play and dance for us, all p***y incuded, been there hired before, top-notch. Even Nowler will get laid for the first time this century

Not a good idea for me to do GBPUSD or GBPJPy or USD Index or EURUSD or AUDUSD ............. fibonacci hits over the last 20 years esp. since inception of Euro.

If I were to do this now, almost all of you would instantly kill yourselves in disgust at your outright blatant stupidity of operating in a so-called believed FAMINE when in fact it was abundance all along.

For another time, on a very small gradient 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
Almost forgot, remember seeing a drippy d***'s question about the Andrew's Pitchfork central axis. Correct, the axis is not fixed it has to be angularly moved to accomodate at least one line of Prices, usually the central axis - then if at least one other does not aligh, its trashed and discarded. Not in this case (Crude Oil)