Is Technical analysis bullshit ?!

Something nobody at T2W has ever considered or examined. But now, perhaps we might get some insight into this ............. ? Under all the piles of stones and deadbeats, one nugget has been found. See below

This Man is not only honest and straight arrow to a T, he also carries a gun. He not only plays the harmonica, he can shoot too. His name is Don ....... aka Lightning McQueen.

See his profile.
couldn't trade me way outa paper bag!
Trading Experience ... No experience

This is the only MAN at T2W whose entries and exits posting in real time are NOT required. He's IN.

The rest can kiss my ass. 🙂🙂🙂😗😗😗😗😗

Jive ass turkeys all over the place but it sure as sh*t is not Jive from Soweto

i'm always learning from my mistake, sometime the learning goes the wrong way.

YOU brought up Buffet, moron like he is a simile to trader LOLO

You have YOU. That's all you need. When you die, that's all you got, just you. Get used to it. Its rule of Life #1

Buffet: nobody here follows him. They molest him always. They consistently do the opposite of his teachings. That's why he doesn't post here. And believe it or not, he is just a trader like me and thee when viewed on the level playing field of % terms.

Wake up Jackson the 3rd. 🙂

sure, suppose the bridge ain;t there.

whats with you negative waves ?? its a downer man. downer debbie

Yeah dig it, you forgot the wine and cheese and the fact that the only was to knock out a Tiger Tank is to shoot it in the ass by coming up from behind - any other approach and you're dead meat.

Technical analysis at its finest: Don, urging you now to round up all these cats here and sell them by the kilo at the Chor Bazaar (thieves' market) in London - get whatever you can as prices are depreciating at breakneck speed

August 27th, 2019: everybody was calling Sterling DEAD, dead, dead. The loudest mourners were T2W. Every mother's son at T2W was crying because GBP was not only crashing, she had been crashing for quite some time, months and months and month.

What were the fundamental anal-ysts saying? GBP is heading to the toilet. Wipe your bum with it - that's all it will be good for.


Enter the technician named Fibo:

The GBP chart on that day looked like this

How bad was the fundamental scene regarding the GBP? Bad, baby, bad. Have a good look at these T2W losers and rejoice that america took the reins from 'em cause had we not done that it would really look terrible. The Galactic Confederation of 76 planets would have a terrible name for incompetence had not an American taken over and steered the sinking ship known as T2W correctly and to safety and huge profitability. See that thread below from May, the same month that Fibo miraculously arrived at T2W after getting a kick in the ass from ET 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Read and study that entire thread.

In it is mentioned the thai restaurant that was having considerable difficulties because the GBP = toilet paper could not pay for the high prices of spices and raw materials needed to be imported from Thigh_land by the owner, Rosa, a thai woman from the northern region of thailand, my heavenly, sybaritic, paradise HOME, where even the trees whisper to me in mellifluous whispers of love. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

I called her and told her not to fret. Help was on its way. She flat out said, she was considering closing down her business as her losses were too severe due to currency deficits GBP versus the Thai Baht.

Long story short. She cried when Fibo sent her the turning point of GBP - what was used to call it? Pure TA. Pure f****in unadulterated TA. and the best part? It was done alone, totally alone, just one MAN of towering presence and prescience. that's all it took. surrounded by the silence of the huge garden and the ocean several hundred meters below me I did the anal-ysis and came-d up with the rescue.

Rosa breathes a heck of a lot easier now.

Even if she sells out, she will get a better price due to the illusion that GBP has reversed.

GBP on that fateful day when every mother's son e called her dead, dead, dead ........................

See date of my post and the clear TA shown in the first friggin month I was at Retard Central

GBPUSD ...... refer to the daily chart posted a day or 2 ago, but is again posted below. See the top white trendline and how GBP fell in a sheer vertical down move? Now here's the thing: all the crap taught in books on trading (hocus pocus rules) pale in comparison to just one factor: how big are your kahunas and guts to stomach the rise each time from a low knowing your short profits are getting eaten up and turned to smoke while you wait for the downtrend to reassert itself? When you know the trend is down you have to be willing to ride the horse with it like a warrior. You can't allow yourself to be thrown off the horse so easily. PAIN when you see your profits eaten up? Its an occupational hazard but it will make you a man. So you have to devise some strategy to balance the level of kahunas reqd. that balance comes from even a trendline with a small coat hanger as the current one in the GBP on daily timeframe on May 27. Due to the steep slope down I want to nail the profit at the first sign of trouble = trendline break because the consolidation thereafter could be time consuming. Hang your coat there = run your next trendline thru' there and extend. That then is your guide to TP. Your STOP follows this line.

Now if the trendline is taken out it does not mean the trend is over. All it means is that this phase of the trend is complete and there might be some consolidation and then continauation at a different slope.

Written very fast, possibly makes no sense at all. sorry

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Technical analysis - god's gift to Fibo

August 22nd, just 11 days before the GBP bottomed and then went into a bull run .................................

GBPUSD weeping and gnashing of teeth by Brits all over the place at T2w and London and almost everywhere. there seems to be just nothing that will provide some respite to this currency.

Fibo states get ready for rally to the vicinity of 1.4562 - 1.5284 or 1.6137.

That was August 22, days before the actual bottom see chart

Lord have mercy, just have a look at the sheer magnificnce of Fibo. Hahahahahaha, didn't even realize I was that good 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

called the bottom again ON THE EXACT DAY OF THE LOW

Reminder: GBPUSD rally get ready called on August 22nd

On daily, NO trendline break yet, so no entry on the larger timeframe YET. But note the trendline is validated by GBP as she hit it again and then promptly reversed. Good sign.

But count the # of waves, then see the possible 261.8% hit.

So remember ................... SHORT is still in play ............ but respite likely? Thus far elusive, no respite but divergence keeps building, wave count favorable.

I don't see an entry on 4H either.

But the Alert is still in effect while short continues

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Now dig the latest GBP update for Rosa on the GBP-THB (thai Baht) ........................ friggin majestic rise. Her peace of mind in large part came from Fibo's calming her down, her husband could not do this, but I did. Revrsed the aging process in her from all the stress


The magnificent Fibo strikes again and again and again ................

In school as a kid always getting into trouble just like here, did some stuff in the class a puddle on the floor and the teacher asked 5 times who did it? Nobody fessed up and nobody would turn Fibo in. Heck I was team captain. They worshiped me. So teacher, a gorgeous female said, "OK I will turn my back and close my eyes and the person who did it will go up to the blackboard and write his name down"

When she opened her eyes she was shocked and petrified that there was another puddle on the floor right next to the first one.

She looked up at the board and there she saw no name of the person, just this .

The phantom piddler strikes again


just another day at the office for Fibo

Look at GBPUSD now

I'm certain that every mother's son at T2W cott that same GBP/USD trade. Everyone. Nobody missed it. Nobody. Not even Don, and he does not trade. The difference between you and them is that they took the trade in hindsight but you merely forgot to post the entry in real time on October 23rd., but are posting it now on January 10th, 2020. That you closed it yesterday rhymes with T2W.

Well done!

I can't be bothered to syphon through all your junk posts to reply to anything but there's the link to the trade that I had posted while it was live (admittedly the entry was done before I posted on here but not a complete hindsight trade) and I posted proof of it all and reasons why - I'm always 100% honest but I'm sure you know that as you've been on here before...

As for all your examples of how TA ALWAYS works, I can guarantee you there are just as many examples of when it doesn't work but you don't see those.

I can't be bothered to syphon through all your junk posts to reply to anything but there's the link to the trade that I had posted while it was live (admittedly the entry was done before I posted on here but not a complete hindsight trade) and I posted proof of it all and reasons why - I'm always 100% honest but I'm sure you know that as you've been on here before...

As for all your examples of how TA ALWAYS works, I can guarantee you there are just as many examples of when it doesn't work but you don't see those.

Love you, brew, miss you already 🙂

Have a look at this one called on Dec 17 while everyone was calling continued death to 3k and ultimately to zero and extinction. All PURE TA. No FA. No News. Zip. Nada.

And when I called it I was zonked out on Negra Modello



Buy stop = 7200 (right above the thick red trendline shown in 1H chart)

If no joy in reversal, then next downside target = 5,984 - 6,000

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Look at the sheer magnificence of TA when Fibo is the driver. See where Crude has arrived on the 1H at the 200-pd ema? Now look at the 38.2% FIBO Golden ratio right there marked in yellow gold dashed line!!! that's an army of defenders waiting to support Crude.

But I don't give a fck

Job's done.

TA is a beautiful woman, my doll, my friend, my weaponry. Demonstration is complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Don, yet another exhibit for thee. See chart in quote how all the fibo levels were followed. Have not done a thing since then, not changed a thing. See updatd chart below for how Crude Oil arrived at my red trendline at $58. Lower pitchfork line passes thru' $57. Other fibo levels below.


The Trader's story oh sooooo often played in real life

Don, yet another exhibit for thee. See chart in quote how all the fibo levels were followed. ... Lower pitchfork line passes thru' $57.

The horizontal lines with Fibonacci ratios 61.8%, 100%, 161.8%, 261.8% have many crossings and don't appear significant.
But of course, an (unmarked) 0% line and the 423.6% Fibonacci line at the top discovered after the downturn in 2020 proves it works.😳
The pitchfork lines appear fitted to the chart after the fact too.

The horizontal lines with Fibonacci ratios 61.8%, 100%, 161.8%, 261.8% have many crossings and don't appear significant.
But of course, an (unmarked) 0% line and the 423.6% Fibonacci line at the top discovered after the downturn in 2020 proves it works.😳
The pitchfork lines appear fitted to the chart after the fact too.

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You forgot the 361.8%. You forgot the trendlines too.

I recommend this for your expanding malady. Use 2

For Don, the aerospace Engineer like me (Aerodynamics is my field), Don's could be Structures or Propulsion.

I told you Don, it would get worse. 🙂

Choose: NASA + Jet Propulsion Laboratory versus Rufus_Leakey (aka drippy d***) who posts at T2W 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

For the Don, within the context of JAIL aka T2W aka Herd = never let anyone escape. Nobody has. Does not apply to fibo as Fibo was never part of this group and never will be. That's jut the way it is, no biggie. both sides are delirious with happiness, hehehehehe.

To see Don escape? = worth a heck of a lot to Fibo. Fck knows why. I can't explain it. Same as I can't explain the sheer love for the op in this thread. Go figure! I don't got a fckin clue. God help me, I so wanted to save this op, such a beautiful person, such valor, such integrity. Ain't likely to see such in any forum EVER again.

But I failed.
