Is Technical analysis bullshit ?!

TA at its finest in the hands of an upper echelon warrior

See the 2 or 3 charts above first, then see this live updated chart. See my well stated instruction for takingprofit mentioned in the 1 or more of the posts above, then look below for the, wait, wait, wait, bloody hell , yet another


😗Look at the +ve divergence on the Macd in the lower panel indicator section. that's the kind of +ve divergence I look for from chicks before I pull them in nowadays so I don't go to jail. she gots to be wet, eys glazed, thighs throbbing. Only then I hammer her. A decade ago I never waited this long but he laws were relaxed then. Not no more!!!! 😗😗😗


Where buffett buys the stock, he gets in and tinkers with the company. When *I* buy the stock, i hang on for dear life hoping & praying it goes up. BIG DIFF there honey.

Buffet is NO trader.🙄

(BTW, no ffense but your HOTT!)😛

Oh, she's way more than HOTT 🙂 🙂 🙂 😗 😗 😗

Soft, silky smooth skin that glistens and glows, voice is mellifluous and has all the high frequencies all the way up to 45k
Taste? Golden red flaming papaya from the Amazon forest


Well she's fashionably lean and fashiionably late
She'll never wreck a scene, she'll never break a date
She's no drag, just watch the way she walks
She's a 20th century fox

Since her mind left school, it never hesitates
She won't waste time on elementary talk

Taking fast profits, I mean fast, fast, profits in a Trend regardless the monthly weekly daily or even 1H is sooooooooo f***** dumb that if applied to Sex it would really make one look stupid.

One moan and the trader dumps his load. FLUNK!

Joe builds the Trend into 5 waves, wave 1 is the warm up the kissing, petting and horseplay. Wave 3 is the fiery stuff the one that has 5 internal subwaves that goes on for quite a while. then comes the 4th wave is after the 3rd wave completes and the sacs are empty. After the 4th wave comes the last wave up for the sequnce, the 5th and final wave. that's your second helping. then its done. Mission complete. Her smile gives you your grade, A+++ being the best.

Pretty much cott the whole down wave shown on 1H. On x-treme leverage. The crescendo was so high that I had to pinch my ass to not lose it 🙂 🙂 🙂


Oh, she's way more than HOTT 🙂 🙂 🙂 😗 😗 😗

Soft, silky smooth skin that glistens and glows, voice is mellifluous and has all the high frequencies all the way up to 45k
Taste? Golden red flaming papaya from the Amazon forest

View attachment 272914

Well she's fashionably lean and fashiionably late
She'll never wreck a scene, she'll never break a date
She's no drag, just watch the way she walks
She's a 20th century fox

Since her mind left school, it never hesitates
She won't waste time on elementary talk

thats not YOU avatar, you wouldn't have responded like this..

as a trader, nuance is MY specialty 😉
The rest of the world suffers from Premature Ejaculation syndrome, entering and exiting 10 times a day. No woman can tolerate such a joker. 🙂

The key symptoms of premature ejaculation include:

  • Ejaculation that routinely occurs with little sexual stimulation and with little control
  • Decreased sexual pleasure because of poor control over ejaculation
  • Feelings of guilt, embarrassment or frustration

There you have it. Same sh*t in trading/Traders.

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

little sexual stimulation = not throwing teasers at the trend to see if it is wet first before getting on the horse to ride it north

little control = self-explanatory = don't know wtf they're doing and can't control their urge to just TP

feeling of guilt, embarrassment or frustration = welcome to T2W 🙂
Buffet isn't here, and assumiming you don't trade for him...

what are you doing?

Buffet is always here. Always . always .

Like so: when the dumbphucks at T2W are in high complacency, I know as per buffet to watch out, they are going to die soon, so get out NOW!

Vice versa
Is Technical analysis bullshit ?!

It must be, but don't tell anybody otherwise. We want that to be the consensus. Why? They have no reason to fck it up. they will leave it alone because to them we're a bunch of losers. Goood!

Guaranteed nobody at T2W has noticed the Head and shoulder formation in their own currency. Wish they had bets like this in Las Vegas.

Now watch, after about a week or month, every mother's son at T2W will be talking about it and claiming they saw i ancd acted upon it.

Yawn! Same-o, same-o


A redneck calls up the White House and tells the receptionist: "I'd like to become the next President of the United States." The receptionist: "What are you, an idiot?"

Redneck: "Why, is it required?"
buffets and his mindless "holdings:" which is nothing more thatn a ponzi//is over 20/20

holding what?...hold THIS!! its all a ghost

took me too long to learn that
i just ate a big mac its for shit! tasted like shit, it was shit for $+4

that burger didn't even eclpise the bun!

mcdees is done
we are all on the ftse thread, if you and buffet want to join us with a trade.

Get your ass out of that Long trade, man or you will die with all the dumbphucks here. TOP was called in 2018. Its been trying to draw all the dumbphucks back in so it can have MORE to kill.

The London FTSE 100 kills more Brits than the Muslim Koran ever did, yet they have threads here on Islamophobia causing all their problems ROFLMAO

Is Technical analysis bullshit ?!

Watch how Fibo f***ed billionaire Ray Dalio ...... all documented at T2W by my call internals in thread in my signature brought over from ET. I said at least umpteen times that the real Top was January 26th, 2018. Everything since is a TRAP. However, even if a Trap, I should still be able to play it, but I didn't so wrong in this regard - and working on getting better.


Fibo's basic-basic Fib grid got everybody including myself OUT the Long-term LONG in January 2018 🙂🙂🙂👍
