TOTW Is it possible to feel no emotion when you win or lose a trade?

Come to think of it, im 25% sweaty too. As the windows of opportunity close before my eyes! (he sighs)
When it comes to dealing with your own emotions online poker>trading imho

In the stock market you can do all the research before you make any trades. Nobody is forcing you - time is not against you! In poker, blinds gradually increase so you're often faced with difficult decisions with seconds left to act. It all comes down to your read from opponent who btw isn't even physically sitting there for you to gawk at so you're left to pull numbers from your head, delve into your 6th sense or succumb to your emotions. (Which is what the majority end up doing.)

There is such a luck element in poker, you can do everything right and still lose. They say poker is only 10% skill, 90% luck. Imo, that 90% has a lot to do with how well you control your emotions but since poker is such an adrenaline game /w bad players left & right that tilt the hell out of you (among various other factors,) it becomes incredibly hard to manage consistently.

Try to make a living from this for 5+ yrs while catching the absolute low-end of the variance stick and you get an idea where I'm coming from. If the stock market is the pendulum of emotions, then poker must be the roller coaster of emotions.
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How is it possible without emotion. We're people not robots. But the main thing as said above to control them
Its all about being able to control your emotions even though its much easier saying it than actually doing it.
Everyone lose money in forex sooner or later, the point is not to allow your losses to exceed your profits.But you have to control the emotions
not possible for you perhaps, is possible for me, is possible for anyone whos prepared to explore themselves imho.

After so much copy-and-paste and self-referencing, it should be clear by now that trading is stressful for FL. But rather than seek to determine the cause of the stress, he has decided that trading is stressful because it just IS, and he focuses on managing the stress instead. Determining the source of whatever stress one perceives is far more productive than being in perpetual conflict. But one cannot do that if he operates within a self-constructed bubble.

Trading should be no more stressful than going to an auction, or a farmers' market, or a used-car lot. But if one has no idea what he's doing, he may as well have entered The Twilight Zone.
After so much copy-and-paste and self-referencing, it should be clear by now that trading is stressful for FL. But rather than seek to determine the cause of the stress, he has decided that trading is stressful because it just IS, and he focuses on managing the stress instead. Determining the source of whatever stress one perceives is far more productive than being in perpetual conflict. But one cannot do that if he operates within a self-constructed bubble.

Trading should be no more stressful than going to an auction, or a farmers' market, or a used-car lot. But if one has no idea what he's doing, he may as well have entered The Twilight Zone.

What I am discussing on these threads is not a reflection of my own situation , but discussing (with salesmen and vendors with their point of view ) my knowledge about the subject .

I have developed a stress free method , using a set and forget method , that eliminates psychological demons from my trading
What you are "discussing" is not your knowledge but your perception, your own version of reality. However, your reality is not necessarily the reality experienced by others, nor is it objective reality. You begin with an unshakable belief that trading is stressful. All else stems from that. But if your premise is false, your belief structure falls apart.

You claim to have developed a stress-free method. If that's true, congratulations. But unless you are going to explain exactly what your method is, these hundreds of posts of yours serve no purpose other than to clog the machinery.

Rarely do any of us grow up learning how to operate in an arena that allows for complete freedom of creative expression, with no external structure to restrict it in any way. In the trading environment, you will have to make up your own rules and then have the discipline to abide by them.

The problem is, price movement is fluid, always in motion, quite unlike the highly structured events that most of us are accustomed to. In the market environment, the decisions that confront you are as endless as the price movements you intend to take advantage of. You don't just have to decide to participate, you also have to decide when to enter, how long to stay in, and under what conditions to get out.

There is no beginning, middle, or end - only what you create in your own mind.

--Mark Douglas
You claim to have developed a stress-free method. If that's true, congratulations. But unless you are going to explain exactly what your method is, these hundreds of posts of yours serve no purpose other than to clog the machinery.

I spent over a thousand hours learning psychology from psychologists A menaker , Steenbarger ,Rande , Mark Douglas ,Robert Sapolsky and many other brain specials .After acquiring this knowledge on trading psychology , I wrote a mechanical set and forget method .
I spent over a thousand hours learning psychology from psychologists A menaker , Steenbarger ,Rande , Mark Douglas ,Robert Sapolsky and many other brain specials .After acquiring this knowledge on trading psychology , I wrote a mechanical set and forget method .

All of whom are vendors.
All of whom are vendors.

Welcome to the trade gold rush !Vendors are guranteed income!

Sapolsky is a researcher on stress.I read all the articles/videos from the vendors/psychologists , but I learnt something from each one , I forgot Van Tharp who charges $60,000 for a trading course.

None of them offers the complete solution to the wiring of the human brain , I doubt if their solutions would work > 95% of the time.With these pychologists , they take the horse to the water but can they make the horse drink the water , I wonder if they can succesfully rewire the the human brain.

No one gave the full pychology information , they all hid information , and gave half the information.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing=A small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they really are.
You seem to be afflicted with confirmation bias. If you agree with whatever the vendor is selling, he is an unimpeachable source. If you don't, he's a charlatan.

As you say, "a small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they really are."


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