Irans capture of British troops

War games , Is it ?

  • The west have created this situation to further advance against Iran

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • Iran are pushing , because Russia is turning westernese with nuclear non assistance

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • UN forces, will attack within 3-6 months

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • This will fissle out, but will show Iran has balls, Big Ones.

    Votes: 16 47.1%

  • Total voters
Oil is quoted in dollars as a matter of convention. What difference does the currency make as long as the conversion is at the market rate? I can't accept the dollar arguement.

grantx said:
Oil is quoted in dollars as a matter of convention. What difference does the currency make as long as the conversion is at the market rate? I can't accept the dollar arguement.


What would happen if I stopped accepting dollars because of inflation it wouldn't be worth what it is today next month?

Will China continue to pile up $s in it's reserves if the value of $ will fall by 30% in the next year? China now says it would like to be paid in Euros and use that currency to trade with European countries as they have the goods that it needs.

What would happen if I had billions of $s and everybody wanted Euro's?

The only place that would accept $s might be the US. But what if I didn't want to buy anything US produced or at the price they were selling?

There are some fundamental changes in progress and consequences will reverberate across the financial world big time.

We are at the cusp of a new era? The Euro or Gold has my vote.

PS. That is until the US reigns in it's budget defecit and B of P defecit to maintain the value of the $ that I'm holding.
Crap Buddist said:

Both these articles are bang on target.

Look at it this way as the two articles explain very well.

1. Oil is priced in Euros...
2. Euro goes up.
3. Dollar goes down
4. Cost of oil to the US rises.

Inflation, increase in cost of energy (big factor of production). Think about how big the US is and all those deliveries and flights and massive 4 wheeler Humvees...

Nightmare scenario imo.

Also to the UK. Think about this one in real terms.

1. Oil goes up priced in $s - from 40 - $60 - 50% increase.
2. £ risen againts $ from 1.42 to now 1.96 - 38% increase.

Hence, the rise in oil prices not as great as to many other countries for the UK economy.

However, BP and Shell still pile it on to the consumer... I'm anti car and pro tax so yeah that's cool for me, but not for most.
Atilla said:
What would happen if I stopped accepting dollars because of inflation it wouldn't be worth what it is today next month?

Will China continue to pile up $s in it's reserves if the value of $ will fall by 30% in the next year? China now says it would like to be paid in Euros and use that currency to trade with European countries as they have the goods that it needs.

What would happen if I had billions of $s and everybody wanted Euro's?

The only place that would accept $s might be the US. But what if I didn't want to buy anything US produced or at the price they were selling?

There are some fundamental changes in progress and consequences will reverberate across the financial world big time.

We are at the cusp of a new era? The Euro or Gold has my vote.

PS. That is until the US reigns in it's budget defecit and B of P defecit to maintain the value of the $ that I'm holding.

The new world is India and China mate. Rest will follow suit.
karmit said:
The new world is India and China mate. Rest will follow suit.

Not sure that is a certainty yet. CEBIT yes, just India and China no.

Don't forget there are like 3 billion of people to educate and industrialise. That's substantial growth to achieve even at 10% growth per annum it's going to take time.

But do agree. US and Europe deep in it. Big job maintaining our economies and standards.
Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail Update
"OTTAWA — Anxious energy traders displayed a hair-trigger reaction Tuesday to tight crude oil markets, driving prices sharply higher on a mere rumour of military confrontation between Iran and the United States and its British ally.

And analysts said North Americans motorists face the potential for much higher prices in the coming driving season if the standoff over Iran threatens to disrupt crude oil shipments in the Middle East.

In after-hours trading, U.S. crude oil futures Tuesday spiked more than $5 (U.S.) per barrel to briefly top $68 (U.S.) – the highest mark since last September – after rumours surfaced of military action over Iran's seizure of 15 British marines and sailors."

Also from that link interesting to note Russia has pulled out 2000 of its workers from the nuclear power station in Bushehr.

hmm got all the signs of a build up or suggesting people are making ready in case something does kick off.
Atilla said:
Not sure that is a certainty yet. CEBIT yes, just India and China no.

Don't forget there are like 3 billion of people to educate and industrialise. That's substantial growth to achieve even at 10% growth per annum it's going to take time.

But do agree. US and Europe deep in it. Big job maintaining our economies and standards.

It took just under 6 months to re-assemble the Rover factory in China...

I think that says a lot about the hunger for development in that region.

The same thing here would have taken at least 3 yrs and 3 times the original cost estimate.

If we can cut down our "managers" by ~70%, things will be much more efficient!
karmit said:
It took just under 6 months to re-assemble the Rover factory in China...

I think that says a lot about the hunger for development in that region.

The same thing here would have taken at least 3 yrs and 3 times the original cost estimate.

If we can cut down our "managers" by ~70%, things will be much more efficient!

Yes probably a good idea.

If we make all the engineers managers - 30% and

Make all the manager workers - 70%

We will achieve the correct balance...

This awfuly sounds like a revolution... :eek: But hey I'm up for it...
Crap Buddist said:
Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail Update
"OTTAWA — Anxious energy traders displayed a hair-trigger reaction Tuesday to tight crude oil markets, driving prices sharply higher on a mere rumour of military confrontation between Iran and the United States and its British ally.

And analysts said North Americans motorists face the potential for much higher prices in the coming driving season if the standoff over Iran threatens to disrupt crude oil shipments in the Middle East.

In after-hours trading, U.S. crude oil futures Tuesday spiked more than $5 (U.S.) per barrel to briefly top $68 (U.S.) – the highest mark since last September – after rumours surfaced of military action over Iran's seizure of 15 British marines and sailors."

Also from that link interesting to note Russia has pulled out 2000 of its workers from the nuclear power station in Bushehr.

hmm got all the signs of a build up or suggesting people are making ready in case something does kick off.

That's for sure as Euro up against the $...

Fancy the Americans buying oil in Euros? :LOL:

PS. Can't explain why gold sank today though. I was long in it too. Lost 40 pips. :eek:
Another Missing Iranian - Former Defense Minister

JTrader said:
Have any TV news channels mentioned the 5 captures Iranians in their reports?
Or has this been overlooked?
I've not heard it mentioned, but don't watch much TV news.

Hi everyone, just to add more fuel to the fire... Apparently, Iranian former deputy defense minister went missing while on a private trip to Turkey - Istanbul.

If the Iranians were not picky about the 5 officials in Iraq this one must have hurt big time.

Deputy Defense Minister is big. Ali Reza Asgari, was a retired general in the elite Revolutionary Guards and a former deputy defense minister.

No mention of this in world press either. Although it is old news - 7th March...

Must have really pissed them off.

Embassy staff on alert all over the world from possible kidnappings.

Oh dear... :cry:
hmm, looks like the Iranians are intent on dragging this out, I dont think they will release the hostages (brits) during the next couple of weeks at least. Based on their language, seems they are just happy to do "The Runaround"
here we go ....enjoying Iranian cuisine as I said , that busy enjoying the food they can't even be bothered to talk to each other....and it's free food tasty to boot not like that awful Naafi stuff.....if Iran keeps this up half of the African states will declare war just to get get taken hostage !


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chump said:
here we go ....enjoying Iranian cuisine as I said , that busy enjoying the food they can't even be bothered to talk to each other....and it's free food tasty to boot not like that awful Naafi stuff.....if Iran keeps this up half of the African states will declare war just to get get taken hostage !

hmmm yes, now if anyone has seen Ray Mears, the survival guy on TV and his shows, which I think are really good. I mean I really do wanna have a go at making fire , by rubbing sticks together this year, o.k. so that might entail an extension to the BBQ fire up time..... but... how cool is that ?

Anyway back to food from the forces, on his show the Norwegians Forces have just add water ration packs that deliver a whopping 5,000 calories per day...

so why dont they sort out the hunger problems ? 5000 calories , thats big hitting power food.
well the Iranians have made a boo boo with the propoganda suggested here we have a scene from every Iranian border post of peeps queuing up to be taken hostage for some of that tasty stew.... and even outside the Iranian embassy


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chump said:
well the Iranians have made a boo boo with the propoganda suggested here we have a scene from every Iranian border post of peeps queuing up to be taken hostage for some of that tasty stew.... and even outside the Iranian embassy

Hey, Chump, that's horrible propaganda, don't take any notice of it or we'll be losing you, next!
chump said:
well the Iranians have made a boo boo with the propoganda suggested here we have a scene from every Iranian border post of peeps queuing up to be taken hostage for some of that tasty stew.... and even outside the Iranian embassy

Oh now I understand why the UK troops sorrounded the Iranian consulate in Basra and were firing into the air.

They wanted to get in... :LOL: