Irans capture of British troops

War games , Is it ?

  • The west have created this situation to further advance against Iran

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • Iran are pushing , because Russia is turning westernese with nuclear non assistance

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • UN forces, will attack within 3-6 months

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • This will fissle out, but will show Iran has balls, Big Ones.

    Votes: 16 47.1%

  • Total voters
Crap Buddist said:
Forget micro chipping Old people in case they wander 20 miles down a motorway ,and god forbid ,end up in a service cafe ,subjected to being served luke warn food with peoples thumbs shoved in it !


They dont know where they are being held these captured soldiers, good reason to microchip them ? they could of pinpointed via a cunning sat GPS and sent in the SAS, or SBS, for a snatcherooni OP. Not only that these little chip thingies good map out where they have moved the troops , secret H.Q's and stuff, why havent the forces got em already ?

Well surely this is a good example of why the chip will be good for all of us!
Big brother is here to look after us, and protect all of our best interests ;)

A sign of things to come? -,3605,1234827,00.html
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Crap Buddist said:
Immediate release the Brits are saying, er o.k. its nearly been a week now, now what ya gonna do ?

This is just spin. There was an article on BBC how Jimmy Carter's presidency looked weak when the Iranians had their revolution and held US embassy staff hostage. (Stupid Iranians at the time - Just like their leader now...). Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised the 5 Iranian officials have been taken hostage too.

This motto of what goes round comes round is so true. Why can't people just do the right thing. It's so much easier than doing the wrong thing. :rolleyes:

So Blair is talking tough but will not act. UK troops are just their as a sideline.

This is US mess and their work...

Also, coupled with nuking the oil reserve where the nuclear reactors lie near the water and some inland, it will only take the sinking of couple of frigates or one carrier to turn those narrow straights and water ways into disaster routes for years to come. What will happen to the price of oil then? Look at the price of oil $65 and nothing has happened yet. What next? $100.

I had a realy bad thought about 300 suicidal maniacs flying into the carriers... :|

I have no idea what we are doing there. Really don't. :confused:

I wish we'd leave the area and just come back home. Stupid utterly stupid. :(
Iran cuptures 15 British troops.

Question - Is it morally justifiable to launch a military assault that may well kill more than 15 innocent civilians in order to free the 15 British troops?
Atilla said:
This is just spin. There was an article on BBC how Jimmy Carter's presidency looked weak when the Iranians had their revolution and held US embassy staff hostage. (Stupid Iranians at the time - Just like their leader now...). Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised the 5 Iranian officials have been taken hostage too.

This motto of what goes round comes round is so true. Why can't people just do the right thing. It's so much easier than doing the wrong thing. :rolleyes:

So Blair is talking tough but will not act. UK troops are just their as a sideline.

This is US mess and their work...

Also, coupled with nuking the oil reserve where the nuclear reactors lie near the water and some inland, it will only take the sinking of couple of frigates or one carrier to turn those narrow straights and water ways into disaster routes for years to come. What will happen to the price of oil then? Look at the price of oil $65 and nothing has happened yet. What next? $100.

I had a realy bad thought about 300 suicidal maniacs flying into the carriers... :|

I have no idea what we are doing there. Really don't. :confused:

I wish we'd leave the area and just come back home. Stupid utterly stupid. :(

Hi Atilla

this is no more than a casual observation, but you use the term "we" a lot.
Wheres Maggie Thatch when we need her?

JTrader said:
Iran cuptures 15 British troops.

Question - Is it morally justifiable to launch a military assault that may well kill more than 15 innocent civilians in order to free the 15 British troops?

You dont negotiate with terrorists. Why not push all the aircraft carriers and warships, into Iranian waters and create a stand off, a muscle showdown.

"Dont come any closer"

"release ,the hostages"

"er, hang on i'll get back to you"

Play the Iranians hand.

not easy but at least maybe the west has just cause to argue a forced demand in the eyes of the wider community? A possible reason to get the battons out.
Just imagine being one of the 15, IF they were deliberately sent into Iranian waters to try & provoke a situation :confused: :( :( :cry:
JTrader said:
Hi Atilla

this is no more than a casual observation, but you use the term "we" a lot.

Probably because I feel for our government, soldiers and I feel our actions ultimately will affect us all. Liberals - Charles Kennedy, was against the war but somehow, Blair got voted in again for third term.

Nobody is an island even if they think they are.

I take your point and will try to think more before I write. :)
JTrader said:
Just imagine being one of the 15, IF they were deliberately sent into Iranian waters to try & provoke a situation :confused: :( :( :cry:

hmm well the brits are going to present evidence that the british troops were taken fro Iraqi waters, so I think o.k. well how far from the mothership ,HMS Cornwall, do these dingies go away from 10-20 miles ? surely that HMS Cornwall would of had......... this .

"bing, bing..... several Iranian warships on radar sir,In Iraqi waters, alongside our little dingies."
Would it be unpatriotic to suggest I find the Iranian version of events more believable?

Its difficult to know who to trust surrounding whose water they were in. But from all the past lies, why should we be more likely to believe the UK govt?
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Crap Buddist said:
hmm well the brits are going to present evidence that the british troops were taken fro Iraqi waters, so I think o.k. well how far from the mothership ,HMS Cornwall, do these dingies go away from 10-20 miles ? surely that HMS Cornwall would of had......... this .

"bing, bing..... several Iranian warships on radar sir,In Iraqi waters, alongside our little dingies."

Appolgies for sound effects, thats more like sonar? but I hope sets the scene nicely. :p
JTrader said:
Would it be unpatriotic to suggest I find the Iranian version of events more believable?

Yes, and I would still like to hear about the legality of the 5 Iranians captured, their wifes and children and the evidence against them.

Two months of interrogation?

Have the Iranians been given access to see them?

How comes the British arn't defending what is right and just in Iraq and allowing such lawlessness to continue.

No I would say you are being patriotic. No different to somebody questioning official version of events in parliament.

My take on democracy.
JTrader said:
Would it be unpatriotic to suggest I find the Iranian version of events more believable?

I assume they have recordings of radar movements which will highlight what was where and when. I dunno, any experience radar operators lurking on these boards.... ?

LOL I expect SKY news to be saying, please if you have any recordings from your mobile phones, please send them in to WAR OFFICE LONDON...... Quickly.. :confused:
I assume they have recordings of radar movements which will highlight what was where and when. I dunno, any experience radar operators lurking on these boards.... ?

Iran claims to have the same evidence from the onboard dinghy GPS'.

This type of evidence will be easy to falsify in any case.
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JTrader said:
Iran claims to have the same evidence from the onboard dinghy GPS'.

This type of evidence will be easy to falsify in any case.

I think spin and PR have already won the hearts and minds of the British public with this press release.

It doesn't matter what few people think.

Slam dunk case as George Tenet would say.

Just to recap, why is this war about to be intiiated again can somebody remind me?

The US fok up in Iraq, and it is because the Iranians and Syrians are interfering? Is this what their intelligence and administration telling to their public.

Also has anybody noticed in congress when asking for more money it's not like what the administration is doing but the troops are asking for this so they can do their job. It is as if the army is leading the politicians. What kind of a joke or **** take is that?
Petro Dollars Full Court Press.

Atilla said:
I think spin and PR have already won the hearts and minds of the British public with this press release.

It doesn't matter what few people think.

Slam dunk case as George Tenet would say.

Just to recap, why is this war about to be intiiated again can somebody remind me?
The US fok up in Iraq, and it is because the Iranians and Syrians are interfering? Is this what their intelligence and administration telling to their public.

Also has anybody noticed in congress when asking for more money it's not like what the administration is doing but the troops are asking for this so they can do their job. It is as if the army is leading the politicians. What kind of a joke or **** take is that?

The Iranians want to flog oil in euros, and are intent on setting up an oil bourse over the next couple of years and they hope this will be accepted by the middle east with nods of approval and shaft the petrodollars and the US or something.

Saddam tried to flog some oil in euros, and err, his country was invaded ,hes now DEAD and Iraqi oil sales are happily pegged and stabalised to the US Dollar. Threat neutralised. Next target IRAN.?

Petro Dollars Full Court Press.
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Crap Buddist said:
The Iranians want to flog oil in euros, and are intent on setting up an oil bourse over the next couple of years and they hope this will be accepted by the middle east with nods of approval and shaft the petrodollars and the US or something.

Saddam tried to flog some oil in euros, and err, his country was invaded ,hes now DEAD and Iraqi oil sales are happily pegged and stabalised to the US Dollar. Threat neutralised. Next target IRAN.?

Petro Dollars Full Court Press.

Yes good point. I remember reading about this few months back.

There is braking news that Turkey has received assurances that a visit to the 15 UK soldiers will be allowed.

Hostage crises may be resolved.

I can't help thinking this is a little premature though.

Might be an opportunity to short oil? :devilish:


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Have any TV news channels mentioned the 5 captures Iranians in their reports?
Or has this been overlooked?
I've not heard it mentioned, but don't watch much TV news.
JTrader said:
Have any TV news channels mentioned the 5 captures Iranians in their reports?
Or has this been overlooked?
I've not heard it mentioned, but don't watch much TV news.

Margaret Beckett said the Iranians did not link the capture of UK troops to the 5 Iranians.

Don't know what else to believe on this.

Either way our government or the US should say something. As the Russians said you can't go round taking people in particular officials off the streets with no further reference.

Unacceptable indeed.

Maybe we should ask our MPs to raise it in Parliament...? :cheesy: Do you think we have to cough up £3K first? :rolleyes: