Irans capture of British troops

War games , Is it ?

  • The west have created this situation to further advance against Iran

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • Iran are pushing , because Russia is turning westernese with nuclear non assistance

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • UN forces, will attack within 3-6 months

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • This will fissle out, but will show Iran has balls, Big Ones.

    Votes: 16 47.1%

  • Total voters
Marwan2010 said:
ha ha ha ha
it was tongue in cheek!
i agree West is totally arrogant - the cause of the worldwide problems lies at our doorstep

The problem comes back to the West's plans for global government.
JTrader said:
The problem comes back to the West's plans for global government.

Yeah like the Federal States of Europe to join the USA league... Then it will be joined by CEBIT...

Congress to vote on war chest...

The legislation includes some $96 billion for continued military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Pentagon says it will run out of money for the two missions next month if Congress does not act on the bill soon.

I think it's not so much the will to attack but money that seems to be running out.

How much will another offensive on Iran exactly cost.

+ Hike in price of oil
+ Collapse of international markets with Russia and China joining in the fray...

Hollywood movie in the making Calamity Bush... doo daa deee... :cheesy:
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Atilla said:
Yeah like the Federal States of Europe to join the USA league... Then it will be joined by CEBIT...

North American Union.........

Whats CEBIT?
I'm waiting for the US to give an ultimatum to Iran to release those soldiers?

Since when did the US care about UK soldiers.

They tend to kill them, not save them.

Friendly fire ??

Perhaps we can expect the US to go to war with Iran which is what it has been itching to do because the UK soldiers have been kidnapped?

Are you absolutely certain they were kidnapped ?

Maybe they were rightfully arrested for territorial infringements.

Stranger things have happened.

Besides, what the hell is the British military doing in that part of the world anyway.

Protecting us from Weapons of Mass Destruction, lol...??
yacarob1 said:
Since when did the US care about UK soldiers.

They tend to kill them, not save them.

Friendly fire ??

Are you absolutely certain they were kidnapped ?

Maybe they were rightfully arrested for territorial infringements.

Stranger things have happened.

Besides, what the hell is the British military doing in that part of the world anyway.

Protecting us from Weapons of Mass Destruction, lol...??

I stand corrected yes. The truth is out there but who knows.

I'm curious to hear about the 5 Iranians still under US arrest though.

Has anybody heard anything further about them.

Bloomberg keeps trumpeting it but no mention of the connection other than the Independant and Guardian newspapers here. Not even the BBC...

Obviously no connection or significance but to the Iranians. How bizarre...
this reminds me of the Lindy England fiasco!

remember that: that was when the Iraqis wanted to send one of the injured US soldiers back, and were prevented by the US. (the ambulance was shot at).
the US soldier was very well looked after, as per Red Cross convention.

the reason was, the US didnt want to have the Iraqis to be seen as humane, and also to stage a "rescue", all videoed for gung-ho consumption back in the US.
it turned out the hospital wasnt defended, there were no baddy-iraqi soldiers, just doctors and nurses.

the soldier, apparently, after being paid a huge amount of money, managed to lose all memory of her good treatment from the Iraqis.
trendie said:
this reminds me of the Lindy England fiasco!

remember that: that was when the Iraqis wanted to send one of the injured US soldiers back, and were prevented by the US. (the ambulance was shot at).
the US soldier was very well looked after, as per Red Cross convention.

the reason was, the US didnt want to have the Iraqis to be seen as humane, and also to stage a "rescue", all videoed for gung-ho consumption back in the US.
it turned out the hospital wasnt defended, there were no baddy-iraqi soldiers, just doctors and nurses.

the soldier, apparently, after being paid a huge amount of money, managed to lose all memory of her good treatment from the Iraqis.

Yes very true. Along with the fake roast Turkey for Bush to bring out to the troops for that warm photo shoot opportunity.

I hear the one female UK soldier has a privacy and a cell all to her own.

I'm willing to bet the 5 Iranians have been drugged and phsychologically probed upto their eyeballs.
fibonelli said:
I came across this article posted on another forum.

Allegedly 6th April is the date of the aerial attack on Iran.

Well seeing they have got land based troops and supporters in Iraq and failed miserably, I doubt they can achieve their objectives in Iran as the article describes. I think that is a worst case scenario or a best case for US.

Use of a tactical nuclear strike is also out of the equation as the nuclear reactors are built on oil reserves. If a nuclear attack is launched than chemical attacks may be used by the Iranians. This whole episode would justify Iran having nukes in my opinion. Some power mad country travels half way round the world and nukes another because it doesn't want it to have nuke capability. I think this sounds like a Monty Python sketch or something.

Abilty of air strikes are limited against well battled in defences. I'm not sure the US will be able to fend off an attack where they are. Arial bombardment is inaccurate and will kill a lot of civilians.

The stakes are much higher.

I feel we will have some kind of conventional exchange as the two sides will test each other. Iranian air space and waters will be probed. Aircraft and boats scrambled and they will either follow protocol and leave territory or engage in maneouvers followed by some ammo exchange. US is really playing with fire. Big fat obese bully in the shcool yard is my perception of the US. If it can't be stopped it's going to keal over with it's burgeoning defecits and go bankrupt.

Sick and tired of their civilised democracy and freedom at gunpoint lies.

Give back Iranian 5 officials and lets get our boys back and everybody go home in peace.

Do agree with the rest of the article about reshaping the Middle East and carving up countries like Iran and Iraq into smaller ones more easy to swallow with more war potential.

Also install civilised democracy with market economics so everyone can be bribed and nice puppet regimes planted.

The problem is there is no subtlety here at all and Russia and China will not allow these developments. You can bet on that. US will fail miserably and then lose it's power. Then we will be faced with probably worse super powers like Russia and China with no restraint. Absolute lose lose lose position.

Exactly the way the British empire crumpled after 1st and 2nd World War. Wars bleed nations in resources; labour and capital. Fat lot of good you can do with land on it's own. Whether you win or lose it is a one big loss at the end.

For all the intelligence and bright sparks at US administration no body has any sense. Very very sad. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Interesting thread! - I think some straddle on Gold/oil/and chf would be a good bet!

What baffles me totally, is that most of these so called terrorists have had their training in Pakistan ( 9/11/ 7/7/ kashmir etc etc) , and also Pakistan have also given the nuke technology to Nth Korea. Yet Pakistan continue to receive Billions from the West.

I am sure that there is some conspiracy!
The TV news is full of propaganda on this subject at the moment........
e.g. talking to the young female mother/British soldiers family etc. trying to drum up public sympathy.

I'm not saying we shouldn't feel sympathy for the individuals who have been captured & their families.
But why do we hear so little about the 5 captured Iranians?
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Probably just the standard usual illegal cluster bombs

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it the case that they are only illegal when some country, other than America, uses them in anger ?

When America uses them I understand that they are quite legal.

Apparently a similar situation arises with nuclear weapons so I am told.
The ol news said a another US aorcraft carrrier turned up yesterday in the region........ I only have this to say.....

"A heavily tooled up aircraft carrier coincedently arriving in the zone when the sh!t starts going down, priceless. For everything else in life theres mastercard."

hmm, I reckon Iran have played a cunning hand, makes sense if they tactically use it for all they can.

Immediate release the Brits are saying, er o.k. its nearly been a week now, now what ya gonna do ?

Forget micro chipping Old people in case they wander 20 miles down a motorway ,and god forbid ,end up in a service cafe ,subjected to being served luke warn food with peoples thumbs shoved in it !
They dont know where they are being held these captured soldiers, good reason to microchip them ? they could of pinpointed via a cunning sat GPS and sent in the SAS, or SBS, for a snatcherooni OP. Not only that these little chip thingies good map out where they have moved the troops , secret H.Q's and stuff, why havent the forces got em already ?