Invite for ES scalpers


Established member
Hey guys and girls, its been a while i have been posting on this forum i though i update you you all on what i am doing these days if anyone is interested.

I am trading Support /Resistance +Price action and been doing very well at it for some time now. I have stopped posting methods on the forums as its to time consuming, but i am now only concentration on my own trading and teaching new traders how to trade successfully with S/R and common sense. I also share my live dome ladder for those who want to follow the trade tick by tick and with entries and stops. The stops and entires are also posted on the room as well.

Its basically a room for those wanting to teach something useful and also have a live dome ladder to follow and to verify trades. Its not a place for others to post trades and charts, as the room is not a place for people to stroke their egos and play with monopoly money. Its for those wanting to learn something useful and become profitable.

Room is free with ZERO strings attached as i am not pitching or selling anything, its a social group for traders that wants to learn and not be bored to dead while trading. We are currently around 50 people and growing steadily everyday, with around 108 registered users.

I open the room 30mins before the market opens, and it stays open until the close:
The live dome stream can be watched from my personal site Navig Trading and this stream starts 10mins before market open.

You can join the room true the Navig Trading site or the link below:

Browse or search for free chat rooms - Paltalk

Again, this is a free room and a place to socialize and learn :smart:

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy