Free Daytrading room for ther Emini Nasdaq


Established member
Hey everyone, i have opened a Trading room that is free and open to everyone who wants to learn and meet up with new traders like themself.

The room is open From Monday to Friday, i open the room 20-30mins mins before the market opens.

My trading method is based on mainly S/R and i trade intraday, i will also be trying to teach new traders to trade the way i do, or help them with any questions they migth have. I also call out trades that i take myself and if anyone wants to follow them then they are free to do so. I have been trading the EMini Nasdaq for some time now been doing very well at it.

The Setup is in the intro message when you enter the room, so read that and get your charts ready.

Anyways, its a free room with no strings attached, just wanted to share it .

Link:Browse or search for free chat rooms - Paltalk

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

ps: i only trade the Emini Nasdaq, not ES..its a personal preference.
Here is the link to my site where you can find the daytrading method and more usefull information . You will also find the link to the chatroom from there as well.
I also keepa daily blog where i put my thoughs of the current day and how the trading day was and what the end result was.


With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
I will be starting to trade the Eurostoxx50 as well, when the market opens in european time. So room will be open then as well, if anyone wants to trade alongside me or take my trades.

So my schedule will be full, trading from 09:00 to 14:00 euro time,then two hour break..and then right over to the emini nasdaq from 09:30 -5 est usa time to 16:00.

Busy busy busy making money 🙂

Read the daytrading method page again, there are some changes to the method to make it fit the eurostoxx50. Rules are the same ,but targets/stops and chart size are different. As the eurostoxx50 behaves different and with alot more volume to it.

For those with smaller accounts the 10k, i suggest sticking to the NQ for now, the eurostoxx50 stops is alittle bigger and requires at least a 10k account. Risk pr trade is 224 usd and reward is also 224. NQ is 100 usd pr trade right now with 2 contracts.

Navig Trading

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
Today was a pretty decent day and we ended with a +96 ticks with 3 trades on the emini nasdaq, was simply just shorting any retracements and then taking it long when the 14222-23 support level held and our 30min stoch was in our favor.

Eurostoxx50 was also pretty good, two good trades and cashed in 32ticks.

Check the blog for info Navig Trading
Link to the room is in the first page, also read the daytrading methood page so you understand the basics of our method.

There was a few fun moments when there was a few people who runs other payrooms that entered our free room and started asking many questions. At one moment they where taking my calls and giving it to their payment members LOL i was laughing my ass of 😀

Tomorow is another day and hopefully we will make some decent money for a hard days work again. Another day another dollar🙂

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
Also, at the end of each month starting from Juli, i will start to publish my
real trading account statement, i dont want to be one of the many who claim to be getting % results and dont have anything to back it up with.

I will remove my account number but the rest will be open for everyone to read, my excat statements with all my entries and exits. And my montly profits.

So the first statement will be July statement and will be released 1 of august.
I will also start my live video feed from my Infinity trading platform, so everyone can watch while i trade my live account and eventually follow my trades.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

Do you know any sites I can get Volume and Tick charts for free / even if it is delayed just so I can start to look at them. All I can find at the moment is minute charts ie 10 / 20 / 30's like the idea of the volume chart however would like to see some before using it. Also MP is extremely good you may want to also look at

Do you know any sites I can get Volume and Tick charts for free / even if it is delayed just so I can start to look at them. All I can find at the moment is minute charts ie 10 / 20 / 30's like the idea of the volume chart however would like to see some before using it. Also MP is extremely good you may want to also look at

Hi, i am not aware of any free tick charts or volume charts, but im sure someone on this forum knows.

As for marketprofile, i have used it before and it dont really benefit me in my trading, im sure its powerfull, its just not my thing. As i have different way of looking at the markets.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
Statements are now on the site as well, i will add statements each month so everyone can have a look.

I am starting with a faily small account at 12k, that most new traders start with.
And lets see how we can increase this account as time progress.

I am also trading the YM, trading it more and more these days.

The live feed will start from 06.07.2009 so that everyone can look at mytrading platform while i trade the markets live, if not that then you can enter the room
and learn and follow the trades there with the rest of the guys.

Bashir Naimy
I trade the ES using support and resistance (Small S/R, those that are quickly produced in a short space of time and can form small ranges or breakout quite quickly - Rather than focusing on the larger hourly S/R that can act as the days trading range) would it be appropriate for me to tag along in your room to discuss trading the YM as general direction is similar and i often use it to confirm moves...
I use $tick and $trinq and have a running list of the 30 Dow stocks to give an idea of the general direction - Also can provide monthly/week/daily and hourly analysis each morning of the ES/YM/FDAX and after first 10 minutes discuss whether we will have a choppy or trending day and therefore can discuss methodologies for entries and exits on both types of days.

In general i focus on waiting for tick charts to form small ranges and then i buy the bid and sell the ask until we have a a breakout.

Do you think i could join in?
I trade the ES using support and resistance (Small S/R, those that are quickly produced in a short space of time and can form small ranges or breakout quite quickly - Rather than focusing on the larger hourly S/R that can act as the days trading range) would it be appropriate for me to tag along in your room to discuss trading the YM as general direction is similar and i often use it to confirm moves...
I use $tick and $trinq and have a running list of the 30 Dow stocks to give an idea of the general direction - Also can provide monthly/week/daily and hourly analysis each morning of the ES/YM/FDAX and after first 10 minutes discuss whether we will have a choppy or trending day and therefore can discuss methodologies for entries and exits on both types of days.

In general i focus on waiting for tick charts to form small ranges and then i buy the bid and sell the ask until we have a a breakout.

Do you think i could join in?

Hi halotrader, the room is open to everyone and those who want to learn meet new traders.THe room is open from Monday to Friday, i open ti 20-30 mins before market opens.

It looks like we use a similer method, i have writen my chart setup and how to trade my method on the site and on the main page you will also find the link to the room.

Navig Trading

I use both large timeframe and also very shortterm s/r to base my trades one, and i also have a few ways of getting into the trades, and i use fibs very activly and i also use
volume to create my bias of the direction as well.

Looking forward to seeing you in the room.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
Hi, i am not aware of any free tick charts or volume charts, but im sure someone on this forum knows.

As for marketprofile, i have used it before and it dont really benefit me in my trading, im sure its powerfull, its just not my thing. As i have different way of looking at the markets.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

Have a look at, they offer those on their platform. I am using QT myself, its marvelous software with so many different indicators, at least the ones you need for Naimy's strategy, as I am testing it on sim. So I guess I owe you a beer Bashir! (or a few beers actually🙂😀