Scalping_My Way with ACV

SpeedScalper said:

1) Think of the Market and Prices like you would Real is really similar:

~Buyers in Control of the Market….Property values will usually stay at a Low level or go Down
~Sellers in Control of the Market….Property values will usually stay at a High level or go Up

I wondered the same thing as you....many years ago....but the answer was simple....when you look at it being similar to real estate. ends up a being Control issue. And who is Always in Control....the Big Money....and they can make the Market move in what ever direction they want. It is all the Big Money.....Big Contract traders....who are Suddenly deciding to take the Market one way or the other. When they line up like that....with large contracts....they are basically saying.....we are the money.....we will sell to you at a higher price or buy from you at a lower price. If you want to Buy from me....this is what you will pay....if you want to Sell to me....this is what I will pay. This is my opinion only....and it is the only thing I can think of that makes it work this way. But....numbers don't lie....I see this over and over in the end....I don't care why it is this way....I just know it works....and I make money everday....using this ACV. So....I think it is a Control issue more than anything else. If someone has a better explanation....I would like to hear your thoughts.

This is the type of trading style I have been looking for.But can you explain the green and pink and red dots and lines what does this all mean ?Also can you explain it a bit more plain?

many thanks :D
SpeedScalper said:

I have to apologize. I should say to everyone....please do not trade this with Real Money....unless you feel very comfortable with doing so. Also....I believe I mentioned....but not sure....when I travel....I trade with the ACV only....without charts....because there is not enough room on my laptop screen to see the charts and ACV. But....I have been doing this for years....and since this is my method....I am probably used to reading it better than someone who has seen it for the first time. I am just trying to show how I trade. I did not start this thread to help you blow your account....I started it to help....give you another "tool" to use. So....please use your charts and your favorite indicators with this method.

Reading your Candles or Bars is very important. I will "work the individual Candle"....meaning....if I see the ACV....building up faster to one side....and I think the Price is going to move....let's say Up....I will watch the Candle....try to enter with a Market order....on a "pullback"...."within the Candle" I can get less slippage....or no slippage at all. Often....I am in and out on the same Candle. I treat every trade as a Scalp trade....unless the Price Action proves to me it is going into a Trend.

This is what I do:

ER = $10 per Tick with 10 ticks per Point = $100 per Point
Strategy is:
2 ticks = $20 * 4 contracts = $80 per trade Gross
RT commissions = $3.90 per contract * 4 contracts = $63.40 Net Proit
Say your Net Daily Goal is $250 per need to do this $63.40 trade......4 reach your goal.

Have to go somewhere right now....but will finish answering questions when I get back.


May i ask whether or not this strategy is a success in terms of positive gains with real moolah? I only ask because I was wondering what the thread was actually about and whether or not there was still a vital ingredient(s) missing?
billp said:
Hi Speedscalper,

Thanks a lot.

I've been trying to use the ACV for stocks and have some queries. Appreciate your advise.

1) Many times the ACV imbalance is more than 2:1. For example it could be ACV for bid side is 5 times that of the ask side. Is it still then that the price will go down or will you assume that there is massive support at the buy side and thus not short the stock. Rather one will end up buying the stock?

2) The ACV many times change extremely fast. For example, the ACV for bid side will be 2x that of ask side. However, in the next few seconds, it will be the opposite (ACV for ask side is now 2x that of bid side). Or it could be that now the ACV for both bid and ask sides are roughly equal. Do you consider this all noise or what?

3) How long will you wait to enter a trade when you notice the ACV imbalance? For example, when you notice that the ACV for bid side is around 2x that of ask side, do you enter immediately or do you wait for the imbalance to last for a certain amount of time before entering?

4) If you enter a trade (bought the stock) due to the ACV on ask side being 2x larger than the bid side, will you exit immediately if the ACV suddenly changes and now the ACV for bid side is now much larger than ask side?

Appreciate your advise. Thanks

1) If I see more than a 2 to 1 ratio on the Bid….I will Short. I believe I mentioned….I am a the main reason for using the ACV….is for Scalping. However….if the ACV remains large on the Bid or Ask….I will trade in that direction….and follow the Trend….but only when I am using charts. If I am traveling….and trading with the ACV only….without charts….I will Scalp only. Go back and look at the Series of Domes that I put in the tread….and as they progress….you will Suddenly see a large number of contracts on the Sell side….at the 2nd level. The importance of this….is the Big Money is trying to Halt the downtrend….as was shown on the charts. This sent the Prices into a Range Condition. During the Downtrend….the ACV on the Bid side was large….then all of a sudden….the Contract on the Sell side….2nd level….shot up into the 600 plus area….and this literally put a Stop on the Downtrend. Anyway….this is my opinion….but I have seen this over and over.

2) Yes….the ACV can change fast and often….and a lot of this is noise. If you are using Charts….it is relatively easy to tell when it is Noise or not. Often….when the Price goes into a Range Condition….you will get a lot of Noise....and Fake Outs or Sucker trades….coming out of the Range. There is an easy way to avoid getting hurt by this Fake Out.

3) I trade Fast….always Enter on a Market order….try to get 2 ticks per trade on the ER or ES. Over time….you will be able to tell when the ACV is Real or Fake.

4) I have Never tried using this method with Stocks. I trade only the e-mini’s….and it works well with all the e-mini’s that I have traded.

Hope that answers your questions.


mystified said:
SpeedScalper said:

1) Think of the Market and Prices like you would Real is really similar:

~Buyers in Control of the Market….Property values will usually stay at a Low level or go Down
~Sellers in Control of the Market….Property values will usually stay at a High level or go Up

I wondered the same thing as you....many years ago....but the answer was simple....when you look at it being similar to real estate. ends up a being Control issue. And who is Always in Control....the Big Money....and they can make the Market move in what ever direction they want. It is all the Big Money.....Big Contract traders....who are Suddenly deciding to take the Market one way or the other. When they line up like that....with large contracts....they are basically saying.....we are the money.....we will sell to you at a higher price or buy from you at a lower price. If you want to Buy from me....this is what you will pay....if you want to Sell to me....this is what I will pay. This is my opinion only....and it is the only thing I can think of that makes it work this way. But....numbers don't lie....I see this over and over in the end....I don't care why it is this way....I just know it works....and I make money everday....using this ACV. So....I think it is a Control issue more than anything else. If someone has a better explanation....I would like to hear your thoughts.

This is the type of trading style I have been looking for.But can you explain the green and pink and red dots and lines what does this all mean ?Also can you explain it a bit more plain?

many thanks :D

That is one of my Indicators that I call the VST Pressure Gage. This indicator took a lot of time to program. It basically tells me what is happening within a Candle or Bar. This indicator takes into account Price....Volume....and some other factors....that I don't really want to discuss in the forum. I have looked at many indicators over the years....and there are only a few I I took the best parts of those....and programmed it to make this indicator. It works very well....but I have decided to change it a make it easier to look at....and understand. If you look at my charts....I like them clean and simple. I am getting older....and don't have that many brain cells left....and have to use them I need Simplicity. Years ago....I had many indicators on my charts....if I did that now....I would probably fall asleep....too much thinking involved.

You can have a Candle that looks like it is Strong....and the Price wants to go up....but if the Pressure Gage is Red....or mostly Red....then you should not Enter a Buy. Does that make sense?

rols said:
May i ask whether or not this strategy is a success in terms of positive gains with real moolah? I only ask because I was wondering what the thread was actually about and whether or not there was still a vital ingredient(s) missing?

I have been using the ACV....and trading my methods for many years now....and Yes....I make real moolah.

What is this thread about? I started this thread....just to show other traders....something that I have been using for several years. I am sure there are many traders that know a lot more about trading than I do....and maybe some of them already use something like the ACV. I use the ACV....with Trendlines....Range Boxes....etc. There is really no "vital ingredients missing". What I showed in the what I do everyday.

My trading is really based on my Discipline....more than my charts....or Indicators....or even the ACV. My Discipline is based on Rules for my trade set-ups....and I have learned to Strictly follow my Rules. The ACV....and Indicators....just help me to follow my Rules. It is really that Simple for me. When I first started day trading....I was about as wild and undisciplined a trader that you could find.

My business partner and I have a Real trading room....and I do teach my methods. But....I also offer a lot of Free help and advice....and I really do enjoy being able to help. If you look at my post....I put a lot of effort into answering questions and trying to help....and I go into detail.

Money is not everything to me. You will never see me mentioning the name of my company in this forum. Trading provides me Independence....and helps me to live life like I want to. I struggled with trading in my early years....been day trading and Scalping for nearly 10 years now. I bought most of the BS trading books and trading video's....just like most traders. And I took a lot of expensive classes....from so called Gurus....that didn't know their A$$ from a whole in the ground. All I learned....was how to lose money. I was so close to going back to work....which I swore I would never do.

One important thing that I learned from buying trading's....and taking the fact....that if I wanted to succeed as a trader....I had to figure out things by myself....and that is what saved me. Back then....I didn't have any help from fellow traders....because we were all learning....the new world of day trading.

I do really hope this thread has helped other traders. My comments and advice....will always be Free in this forum. Actually....I don't know if my advice is really worth that much....I am just a trader like anyone else. Hell....I don't even know if I would take my own advice....haha

Good trading to you and enjoy living life.

SpeedScalper said:

I have been using the ACV....and trading my methods for many years now....and Yes....I make real moolah.

What is this thread about? I started this thread....just to show other traders....something that I have been using for several years. I am sure there are many traders that know a lot more about trading than I do....and maybe some of them already use something like the ACV. I use the ACV....with Trendlines....Range Boxes....etc. There is really no "vital ingredients missing". What I showed in the what I do everyday.

My trading is really based on my Discipline....more than my charts....or Indicators....or even the ACV. My Discipline is based on Rules for my trade set-ups....and I have learned to Strictly follow my Rules. The ACV....and Indicators....just help me to follow my Rules. It is really that Simple for me. When I first started day trading....I was about as wild and undisciplined a trader that you could find.

My business partner and I have a Real trading room....and I do teach my methods. But....I also offer a lot of Free help and advice....and I really do enjoy being able to help. If you look at my post....I put a lot of effort into answering questions and trying to help....and I go into detail.

Money is not everything to me. You will never see me mentioning the name of my company in this forum. Trading provides me Independence....and helps me to live life like I want to. I struggled with trading in my early years....been day trading and Scalping for nearly 10 years now. I bought most of the BS trading books and trading video's....just like most traders. And I took a lot of expensive classes....from so called Gurus....that didn't know their A$$ from a whole in the ground. All I learned....was how to lose money. I was so close to going back to work....which I swore I would never do.

One important thing that I learned from buying trading's....and taking the fact....that if I wanted to succeed as a trader....I had to figure out things by myself....and that is what saved me. Back then....I didn't have any help from fellow traders....because we were all learning....the new world of day trading.

I do really hope this thread has helped other traders. My comments and advice....will always be Free in this forum. Actually....I don't know if my advice is really worth that much....I am just a trader like anyone else. Hell....I don't even know if I would take my own advice....haha

Good trading to you and enjoy living life.



This is a great post and worthy of much respect. The elements of your system are very interesting but as you quite correctly imply there is little more to it than that. When I suggested a missing ingredient I of course meant the stuff that can't be purchased or tacked on in a flash.

IMHO success in trading has to be earned, discipline acquired and that's after hundreds of hours of chart gazing, soul searching and funds evaporating. We've all been there and I reckon many of the system sellers we see hawking and stalking these boards have been part of the way only to turn around and project their failed aspirations on to those they meet on the way back. Buying the books, going to the BS seminars, reading the BS posts is all part of the process unfortunately, a kind of Wittgensteins ladder for traders I suppose.

To be able to successfully scalp the eminis is a great achievement. These markets have great liquidity and to the uninitiated seem like easy pickings, especially on paper, but in real life, fear, slippage and costs can soon eat up any gains if one is lucky enough to harvest any. The principle you outlined of buyers and sellers is so right and one easily overlooked in the eagerness to load up charts with a myriad of indicators and expect an organised conforming logic to magically appear for ever more.

Thanks for your posts and please continue.

SpeedScalper said:

That is one of my Indicators that I call the VST Pressure Gage. This indicator took a lot of time to program. It basically tells me what is happening within a Candle or Bar. This indicator takes into account Price....Volume....and some other factors....that I don't really want to discuss in the forum. I have looked at many indicators over the years....and there are only a few I I took the best parts of those....and programmed it to make this indicator. It works very well....but I have decided to change it a make it easier to look at....and understand. If you look at my charts....I like them clean and simple. I am getting older....and don't have that many brain cells left....and have to use them I need Simplicity. Years ago....I had many indicators on my charts....if I did that now....I would probably fall asleep....too much thinking involved.

You can have a Candle that looks like it is Strong....and the Price wants to go up....but if the Pressure Gage is Red....or mostly Red....then you should not Enter a Buy. Does that make sense?


thanks Bill

I am a firm believer in price and volume analysis.I dont believe in target price.When the market maker hand the goods to the buyers target is completed.I will follow your topic closely keep up the good work
best regards
Erk the turk
SpeedScalper said:
The attached Word document with Charts and Comments....attempts to explain how I use the ACV or Accumulated Volume of the Depth of Market. The ACV is on the Dome of the trading platform that I use. Most trading platforms don't have this available....just check to see if yours has it.

I see a lot of talk in the trade2win forum about Scalping. I have been using this for several years now....on two different trading programs. When I am home....I have my charts and this Dome to trade on....and use it for Scalping....and possible earlier and safer Entries in Trends or Exits from Trends. When I travel....I take my laptop....I usually go to a Starbucks....and trade from the Dome....without looking at charts....just the ACV. You need to be careful doing this....but it can be done relatively safely.

Hope this helps someone.

Where I find this oscillator ACV ? :?:


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Been over a year now since this thread died. I have been very busy trading and doing other things. During the last year....I have had many PM's asking about the ACV. I guess I should have participated in the thread I started....but didn't have a lot of time to do so.

I have added the indicators I use NinjaTrader. I still have Tradestation charts....however....Tradestation will not let me have access to the Data I need to add the ACV to the Tradestation charts. NinjaTrader on the other hand....does allow access to the Data I need for programming purposes.

This chart is what I call Fast Trend trading or Slow Scalp trading. You will notice the Ask = 377....Bid = 696....and the ACV Ratio = 1.8. With a ACV Ratio of 1.8 Red....the market will usually go down. The ACV is not perfect....but if used correctly....can be a good tool.

I don't like Cluttered charts. I don't use Bands....Channels....Moving Averages....etc. Without the Lines and Text that I added to the can see the chart is Clean and Uncluttered. You need Simplicity when you are Scalping fast. This chart shows 4 Exits and 3 Entries. The first Entry is not shown.

Good trading to all.



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Good Thread

I use acv in combination with trading my indicators that I learned from the felton trading method. I find that acv ratio's of 2 to 1 can be great pivot areas that I find nice short term trend reversal entry points. When I get my system entry signals that are in combination with actionable acv ratio's I tend to up position sizing.
yes what when there are fakes on the acv..........its not a true 2/1 ratio then and although its easy to tell when they are fakes sometimes you still can get it wrong.

The way speedscalper shows us his charts are lovely to look at and obviously snap shots of when things are going to plan, just look at his indicator it mirrors what is happening above, i mean if only it was that simple then we all would be buying his indicators and doing his training courses right and they are not cheap just look at his site This man claims to make his daily goal of $1500 every day within 2 hours of trading but guess what he never shows you this in a live environment and i challenge him to do so.

I'd like to see that too, trading purely off the DOM using ACV. But then again...

You see, I couldn't care less whether SpeedScalper can successfully trade this method or not, perhaps he can - using price action and his magical indicators that are probably plagiarized from others and mutated for the purpose of obfuscation - in conjunction with ACV.

However, having heard/seen one of his webinars a while back, I'm 99.99% certain that he has neither the training (in software development, mathematics and statistical inference) nor the aptitude to truly backtest this method and evaluate it objectively (probably 99.99% of the members on this board do not either).

Thus, for something that has such a simple mechanical appeal, there shall always be a significant discretionary element under this thread's manifestation. Can this be taught (will it be taught) for a price? You be the judge.

For anyone who is really interested in this sort of sheah, just do a search for books/papers/theses on Market Microstructure and you'll get a a plethora of results.

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Are you saying there was nothing of value in the webinars?

Thanks for the market microstructure reference. Do you think there’s anything of value here?


not saying that at all, especially since I have only viewed one of them. All I am saying is that one must be careful with attributing success to any given factor without objective testing. For all I know SpeedScalper might be an awesome DOM reader (he has previously mentioned that he can scalp without charts/indicators, etc, just the DOM on his laptop), and the ACV is just the icing on the cake so to speak in a very subjective trading framework - but without truly objective testing one is unable to determine the ACV's importance/relevance, considering some of the best and brightest in applied market microstructure are working on "the street" and can hunt this sort of sheah down at will.

I don't know for sure but looking back on it i did his training and bought his indicators and it didn't work for me and ive lost thousands believe me, but back then i think i was a bit naive to think this style of trading could work and very gullible to believe his claims without proof. Im not knocking the guy as i did learn a hell of alot and got something out of his training, i just have change my opinion since that i don't belive anyone who charges for there training are real traderrs themselves making daily money, why would they want to teach if they did?

Then again im willing to be proven wrong if bill wants to shows us all in a live environment. Posting p&l does not count as anyone can easy alter the amounts.

But without bills training i would not have learnt about ranges and how to use the dom so i thank him for that.


Good points. I recently started looking at level 2 on the DOM and it’s value so far has been mixed. Bill may well be an expert in his area – developed over many years, possibly - but transferring this to others is not as simple as perceived or presented. At least it hasn’t cost me anything.


Could you expand on ranges and the use of the DOM?
