Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hello to all,

Registered in 2009, but this is the first post. Thanks to all for the discussion and material found in this site. Hope to learn from the forums and members on HARMONIC PATTERNS.


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Hi. I have been contacted by a firm wishing to manage a financial portfolio for me.
I am reluctant to send money to a firm I have no knowledge about.
How do I verify this firm is kosha.

Carmi (new member today)

The only safe option here is to forget it! It is 99.99% certain to be a scam. When someone you don't know rings you and offers you a great deal, just say thanks, but you are not interested. They will try to convince you what a great opportunity you are missing. But the harder they try the more you should realise that all he is bothered about is not getting hold of your hard earned cash.
After a few days of reading, i guess i finally got the time to say:
Hi, i'm one of all those fools trying to achieve what no1 yet have, in less than a week.... and will fail..

Hi. I'm a very, very newb at this (and trading overall), but i do belive this is something i finally wanna get involved to. however, i know im gonna get my hands full just trying to learn the lingo and keep my nose over the waterline, as im sure my journey into currency trade will end in a full fail.. atleast i am using money, designated to be lost 😉

Best regards

Hey Daniel
If you are convinced you are going to fail, do yourself a favour and go do something else. What you need here is a touch of the power of positive thinking, or you are wasting your time and money
Dear T2W Member and Fellow Currency Trader,
My name is John Hill and I am a Co-Founder of Tier 1 Traders Professional Signal Service. Like many of you, I have been in the Forex game for a very long time. I have invested thousands of dollars and many more hours trying in vain to extract profits from the currency markets.
Having tested countless EAs and indicators, taken umpteen forex courses, after reading hundreds of ebooks, I was teetering on the brink of giving up hope altogether. Over the past six years, frustration ruled my life. I knew Forex could be a very lucrative means of earning a living, but with all the contradictory information (scams et al), I quickly found myself chasing my own tail instead of moving forward.
Then, last year, I purchased Magic Stick by 4xCircle. (By the way, this is the last Forex related product I ever bought.) What struck me about this particular product was the great buzz about it from FPA to other various review sites. In addition, there were many comprehensive videos on YouTube describing exactly how to use it. I actually felt myself learning to trade for the first time throughout my endeavor.
In fact, I was so impressed by this that I actually contacted Haru shortly thereafter. From there, he introduced me (via conference call) to Joey, Gary and Robert. Not only did all of them play major roles in the development of Magic Stick, but they were all very knowledgable about Forex to boot! I was elated! So, I picked their collective brains as much as possible, learning as much as I could. During this time, my associates and I were developing a software for copying signals (trades) via the Internet, from one Mt4 to another (or several).
At some point soon after, it dawned on all of us that we should be working together on something bigger... something epic! Thus, we created Tier 1 Traders. Simply stated, Tier 1 is the culmination of many years of frustration for my associates and I, coupled with the knowledge and experience of the very solid and undeniably savvy traders of 4xCircle . It was a very natural fit for us to work together and has been a pleasure to bring this service to fruition.
If you are reading this, there is a very strong likelyhood that you are still struggling to extract pips from the markets. Or maybe you're still of the delusion that an EA exists which will make you piles of money. Or perhaps, you're still holding out for the ultimate crystal ball indicator (that doesn't repaint) in order to know when and how to get in. I understand, I was once just like you. Take my advice, please. There are only two ways to make money in Forex; Learn from someone who you know for an absolute fact makes money trading currencies and learn how he or she does it. Option two is what I can offer you... Take every trade that a collection of Professional Traders take on a daily basis. Unlike EAs, these guys actually care whether or not they lose their money. And, obviously, if they're making money then so are you.
Beyond that, there exists no other option. That is the truth.
As Co-Founder of Tier 1 Traders, I am afforded the opportunity to do pretty much what I want with my business, within reason of course. And for that, I am offering all the members of the T2W Forum a full month trial for half price by using my personal promo link. The only way to know if what I say is true - if the service I am offering is real and valuable - is to try it yourself. When you submit your payment of $29.99 for the one month trial, simply put "Thanks John" in the comments section someplace and I will refund you half of the trial fee. It's that simple.
One final thought: Either myself or one of my associates is available via the chat option on our website most times. I fully expect to be there most of this weekend for anyone who is interested and might have questions. Don't hesitate to get our attention!

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Would like to introduce family, friends and clients know me as Joe. I registered here a while back but only recently took the time to put some effort into adding some input that maybe of benefit to some of you. Im a full time futures trader with over 5yrs trading experience, just under 2 yrs managing a few clients. I'm NOT here to look for more clients, Im just here to add a tip here and there (when I have time) to some of you who are maybe struggling or just starting out in the futures market(mainly S&P500 mini, pound, and euro futures, and FX spot market(eur/usd and gbp/usd)

I mainly scalp off the 15min, (5min, 1min for timing entries) looking for divergences, and bounces off daily and intraday pivots. I will try to reply(when time permits) to questions after my trading day is over(usually after 3pm).

Stay focused and think positive !!
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My name is mick and im trying to learn about trading forex just running a few demo accounts at the moment with mixed results, i would like to at some point attend a structured training programme but there seems to me to be what appear as many scams about, i had an email from a company called London stone trading who wanted almost 3k to attend a training course with no guarantee of a job afterwards, and today have been invited to attend a group interview with schneider trading associates in London and if successful commence a 4 week course but am reluctant after reading about peoples views on STA, if anyone could give me any advice regarding training and genuine opportunities i would be very grateful 😀
Good afternoon. I'm just playing on IG Index at the moment. Plan to keep it real & minimal while I learn.
Been trading stocks for 14 years. 11 years my own acct., the last three splitting profits with an investor. He closed that acct. 4 weeks ago. I need to find some funding. Can anyone help?

I'm a relatively new trader, I've had some successes and failures, but I'm ready to try to make a living at off-hours trading. Therefore, I'm starving for good information, which, as a true cliche, is difficult to come by online.

I like this site because it seems to be a place for real people to get together and talk about what works in the challenge of online investing.

I have a few ideas for investing my money, but I'm always looking for more good ones. Right now, my attention is mostly on metals, copper, silver, maybe gold. I'm looking to start with some leveraged long CFD positions in silver, and I'm looking for a good broker (please advise!).

I'd love to swap information and battle stories, I think the more valuable information I share, the more valuable information that people will share with me. We're only as successful as the people around us.

- Carl
hello .. im new here , my name is Myrtle and im from Australia .*wave*.hope to learn new things here and maybe help aswell..
Hello all 🙂 i am a full pledge newbie... i'm here to learn currency trading... wish me luck

I purchased Forex Net Trap last year and as some of you know it has not been returning very good re sults over the last couple of months. I've heard about the private members forum and would like to join.
Good Afternoon All,
I've been trading for about 4 years. As a result of the economy it has become more of a full-time pursuit, so I'm making lemonade out of these lemons. I've made a LOT of mistakes and am so grateful for every one of them. Especially the expensive ones! As it has forced me to approach trading in a mechanized way, more of a science than anything else really.

I'm by no means an "expert", but I win way more often than I lose and that's not too shabby. I've been meaning to join a larger community of other traders to chat for the few hours that I'm actually trading in the morning. I hope to learn a lot from other traders and to share some of my hard-won lessons as well!!