Sticky Introduce Yourself

hello Im Andy from Asia,

i have 7 years experience in forex market, i have discover more than 100 trading strategy and convert it to robotic. i think i can contribute well in this forum, so guys thanx for this opportunity to share my knowledge.

Happy Trading



Andy, where in Asia do you reside?
hello Im Hiday from Asia,

I have 9 years experience in forex market, i use automatic trading and want to share with this comunity. i think i can contribute well in this forum, so guys thanx for this opportunity.

Happy Trading

hello Im JP Rothschild Livermore from Prussia,

i have 163 years experience in forex market, i have discover more than 87293 trading strategy and convert it to robotic. i think i can contribute well in this forum, so guys thanx for this opportunity to share my knowledge.

Happy Trading

JP Rothschild Livermore
Gotta love a shameless sprook.....

Andy... Your written English is horrible.

I am sure a robot is qualified to cook my toast..... Not so sure about looking after my investments though.

However I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt Andy..... When you produce an amazing robotic toaster that can also successfully trade my accounts whilst making my morning coffee, I'll be more than willing to converse with you.... Until then, Back under the bridge buddy.
Hi guys,
I am new here and quiet new in Forex.
I would like to ask have anyone tried "Knowledge to Action" studies? There Greg Secker present ant teach his strategies which are "absolutley" right and will make u amounts of money. If someone had experience whit this company or with Greg, please let me know how it was and what do u think.
Thanks and cheers!
Hi guys,
I am new here and quiet new in Forex.
I would like to ask have anyone tried "Knowledge to Action" studies? There Greg Secker present ant teach his strategies which are "absolutley" right and will make u amounts of money. If someone had experience whit this company or with Greg, please let me know how it was and what do u think.
Thanks and cheers!
May I advise you read this thread or type 'Greg Secker' into the seach box on top right.

It's generally a good idea to perform a search first as your questions may have already been answered.
Hi. I have been contacted by a firm wishing to manage a financial portfolio for me.
I am reluctant to send money to a firm I have no knowledge about.
How do I verify this firm is kosha.

Carmi (new member today)
Hi Sophie,
Well it appears that you might have done what I suggested, explain yourself, now as you appreciate there is a vast number of info providers out there and as I am new at this game but believe it cane be worked I am looking for some outfit which can help. Evertbody takls about discipline ( I agree with that) must have a system??? , a trading plan, I believe in planning, but I have yet to see any suggestions as to how a plan should be structure, i.e reversal bars, RSI, MACD , Fibonacci and so on. I actually think that fundamentals play a big role here but my success does not prove that. So I am looking for some help to set myself up. I understand that you can aim for maybe 65% success if you are really lucky and good at it but the trading is complex. It is sold by spruikers here in OZ telling people everybody can do it, little old ladies and men , school kids. What a joke.
Anyway thats what I am after.
[email protected]
P.S I think living in OZ in this regard is a disadvantage as all the heavy actions happen when we are asleep.

Hello Rainer,

I am more than happy to help you with structuring a trade plan, It is very important to plan as I often say you cant start a business without an business plan and that is the same for trading. I have also helped peopled create accurate trade plans that reflect their trading styles, risk profiles and securities they are trading I am more than happy to send you a template of a trade plan that I have written for people if you want.

Thanks Sophie 🙂
Hi. I have been contacted by a firm wishing to manage a financial portfolio for me.
I am reluctant to send money to a firm I have no knowledge about.
How do I verify this firm is kosha.

Carmi (new member today)[/QUOTE

Hi, Carmi!

My friendly advice to you is: Never, ever part with YOUR money until, and if, you are entirely certain with whom you are dealing. And even then, be very, very careful...!:innocent:
Just thought I would introduce myself. I stumbled across these forums while looking up "Knowledge To Action" after receiving an invite to one of the free seminars.

I used to work as a developer for a large equitiy derivatives desk, so I have some interest in this area, and was thinking of trading for myself. Anyway, bit of research later from both this forum and google, and at least I know whether or not to go to the KTA seminar....

So, I now have quite a few articles to read instead...

Hi traders

I'm totally new to trading. On my 1st try of trading about month ago I made a decent profit in a short space of time!! So naturally I became greedy and wanted more!! I'm very very sad to say that unfortunately my losses have been greater than my gains!! Now I'm not so greedy but very cautious! But would like any help/advice/tips from professional traders out there.
Hello all im Nick, a professional poker player who moved over into trading.

If you want someone to talk to on a regular basis on MSN, please send me a PM, for more info on me check out my fx diary here, or my blog at

Hi All

I am Srinivasan from India. I am new to trading and have met with quite a few misses. Now I want to follow a disciplined way of trading and would like to draft a trsding plan. Any help in this exercise would be useful and my advanced thanks to this forum for the quality of information provided.

After a few days of reading, i guess i finally got the time to say:
Hi, i'm one of all those fools trying to achieve what no1 yet have, in less than a week.... and will fail..

Hi. I'm a very, very newb at this (and trading overall), but i do belive this is something i finally wanna get involved to. however, i know im gonna get my hands full just trying to learn the lingo and keep my nose over the waterline, as im sure my journey into currency trade will end in a full fail.. atleast i am using money, designated to be lost 😉

i'm pretty sure i will post dumb (ignorant) remarks, and fall inte every pit there is, so please bare with me. At this point i'm trying just to familiarize myself with the market, the software and the charts and so on, still not sure what is a good/bad situation, other than negative points is bad :O

Atm im using a demo account on forexyard, and will, once my confidence mounts up (or a bad case of drinking occurs), set up a mini-account and start losing my savings...

i guess im leaning towards being a swing trader, but still not really sure yet where my attitude will set, once the real money gets into play, and i start understanding more about the market itself and reading charts.

if i actually start to get the hang of this and dont bankrupt myself too fast, i might be posting here and there, as i can be a bit of a forum-fan.. hopefully i can atleast learn the trade enough to keep at it 😉

Best regards