Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi Guys,

I am a forex trader mainly trading the majors- EUR/USD/JPY/CHF. I am currently living in London and have been working for a prop house until December 2012, when the managers decided to close down the fund. I have a successful track record on my own account and was just starting to make money at my ex job in the prop house, just before they shut it down. Indeed, my system is quite reliable and last two weeks it had a spectacular performance- 310% return. The problem is that I am trading with a small amount of money, which are still not enough to cover for my living expenses. After my last job (at the prop house), I haven't had any other corporate experience and I have been pretty much trading for my own account. I have had several interviews with other prop houses and some of them offered me a place if I put some money on the table- money which I don't have at the moment. At the same time, I really urgently need a job and feel that finding another trading job could take ages even with a good track record, since almost nobody is hiring right now. That is why, I am in front of a huge dilemma- whether to take any job whatever it is- even a marketing job and leave trading for now, when I have finally built a successful trading system (technical+fundamental+psychology). If I choose that way, I would feel like I have wasted my last 4 years of research and trading experience, but the ugly reality is that I won't be able to support myself financially otherwise. Although my general impression was that I would easily find a job in other financial sectors, it appears that banks in general do not appreciate people coming from a trading background, since I have applied to other fields like Risk, Private Equity, Research, etc. and had zero success. Despite everything, my greatest passion is trading and that is what I want to do for a living and I have the proof I can do it if only I had someone backing me up. But since, that is not happening and the time is passing very quickly, I would appreciate to hear what other people who have walked in my shoes have on mind.

Thank you for your response,


Ideal minimum is 25 k at all times. anything over 30K is you pay-check, its difficult trade full time with anything less then 25 k minimum. Extreme leverage would be a half lot. Qtr lot should turn 2000 to 4000 per month if you are a pivot focused trader.
Greetings All

My name is DeVonn and I am from the US. I have been trading on and off since 2000. I came across this site last night while doing some research online, having recently jumped back into the market. I read the first two posts in the Essentials of First Steps thread and I was so wowed I decided I had to join. I was impressed with the clarity and simplicity with which all of the information was laid out, and admittedly came to the realization that I do not know nearly as much as I thought I did.... a pretty humbling and sobering realization to say the least. At any rate, I am very much looking forward to learning from the apparent wealth of information here and hope to contribute where I can, although I will certainly be doing much more reading than commenting. Best of luck to all in whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. Now, where to begin.......
Am Jeff, currently living in Kenya. I have been trading trading forex on and off for quite sometime and finally decided to go full-time.

" some point you gotta stop learning, and start trading..."
Here we go!!
Hello traders, you can call me Pikolo and from planet earth. Am new to this forum and I hope to have a good time here. I've been involved in this trade for only 3 months. Anyway am here to give and take. Am sure I'll find expert traders here.
Basket Trader Joins

Hi, folks. Just joined and have something nice to share with you. I'm a gringo who's lived in Mexico now for the last 13 years. Just look at USDMXN to understand why. LOL I started learning Forex in Feb of '12. I've loved the excitement and learning. I'm a "renegade" trader, not following "the book," and trying off-the-wall ideas the usually seem to work out.

Currently, I'm heavy into "Basket Trading." I've checked the forum here and there's no mention of it. Well, there will be now. I have two different methods to trade the Basket. A simple one and one that's a little more setup intensive yet better graphics. Look for it in the Trading Strategies section.

Now, what is Basket Trading? I trade from 2-14 pair at a time. Yep. Works well, too. I'll show you how and give you what you need.
Re: Basket Trader Joins

well the zero spreads are following the worldspreads deal.
They are finally closing the business.
all customers moved to spreadex a proper bookie who will drain your account in no time since they are mainly interested in their sports fixed odds.

Its a pity but cantor fell behind way back with no inetiative. they upgraded their platform very late and hired the platform from the same company as etx. (thats why they changed their name to 'capital' from cantor index since etx is also called etx 'capital')

their margin of 2.5% was way to high as most brokers will offer only 0.5%. anyway without volatility in the markets anymore im sure a few more brokers will fold as well
Hello I'm Peter in Australia. I'm exploring the idea of trading as income. I'm reading Guy Cohens marketing about Turnaround Trader. Does anyone have experience with Turnaround ?
Oh dear! Think I got my reply wrong, so here goes again. Sorry for the confusion.....
Hello Atanas
You seem to have been badly treated by your former employers, but it's good to see you are not taking it lying down and actively searching a way forward. I wish you luck.
I'm fairly new to this forum and to forex trading. I do not have a 'system' and am unlikely to develop one of my own. I am content to follow others and looking around there are plenty of suppliers, usually at a cost course which is only fair.
I really think it is unlikely that you will find an 'investor' but if you have a good system which works, [you will need proof] had you considered offering to share it, taking a commission on results?
Good luck anyway
Hello I'm Peter in Australia. I'm exploring the idea of trading as income. I'm reading Guy Cohens marketing about Turnaround Trader. Does anyone have experience with Turnaround ?

Guy Cohen is a figure of ridicule here. It's all just get rich quick nonsense, don't fall for it, these guys are just after your money.
Thank you - most appreciated. I shall proceed cautiously.

Are you thinking about buying one of Guy's secret nazi boxes? You know, the ones he decoded after they were smuggled out of Germany during WW2. I recall there were only 89 left so you'd better make your mind up. Do you want to get rich working 5 minutes a day or not? Look how much you've lost already by thinking about it so long.
Hello everyone,

My name is Len. I live on a tiny little speck / dot of an island called Mauritius in the Southern Indian Ocean.

I'm a complete and utter noob as far as any sort of trading goes but over the last few days my interest has grown to the point I'm actually considering it seriously - something I never thought I would do.

What I really appreciate about what I've seen here at T2W is what seems to be a genuine forum with the intent to facilitate proper communication / education etc - as opposed to the dozens of others I've come across which clearly seem to be a feeding ground for the "sharks" circling the "big blue whale"...

From my initial investigations I feel there is so MUCH to learn and assimilate before one should start getting one's feet wet it can be very intimidating - which is where the scammers prey on the unwary I guess, and why a place like T2W is so valuable.

At this point (and please don't blast me for this) - my main motivation is get a handle on trading binary options - whilst I guess a lot of people would snigger and quite rightly point out it's not "proper trading" - for someone like myself it seems to be a good entry point to building a system/discipline/etc as the initial investment is fairly low and the learning curve & analysis is merely around the direction a given instrument is going to move in over a period of time, without having to worry about stop losses, exiting, etc. That's my logic anyway - hope I'm right in the end...

Anyway - long post as an intro - all best...

Hi everyone! I am currently active duty in the military within a few weeks from separating, new to the business full time and i wanted to start by asking your opinion about software trading platforms and how do i go by getting it. Thank you.
Hello forum!
I'm Djenser, my real name is Jens😉
The mean reason that i joined this community is to ask more experienced traders for help and guidence, so maybe i can help others traders in a few years😉
Greetings from Belgium!
I am pretty new to future trading. I want to learn as much as possible and I think this site is a very good starting point 👍