I've been reading the site off and on for a few years. I've been trading since 2000. I started trading bull put spreads in options in 2000, after taking a "course" offered by a trader in my town. You can guess for yourself how that went. A couple years later I cobbled together another trading account, read some books, and started trading O'Neil stocks before moving to some indicator based, shorter term systems. I took more courses, read more books, became more systematic and statistical in my market approach, and I had some success (finally). About two years ago, I started trading a couple of back-tested systems intra-day with very small risk size. After about 8 months, I was able to build up to my target risk size and traded that way for a little over a year. I'm taking some time off right now to stay at home with toddler, but I plan to start trading again within the next few months.
Edit: Oops, I forgot, I trade equities and ETFs now...no more options.