Sticky Introduce Yourself

hi - i'm from scotland!

got £10k to start investing - looking for a broker that'll give me access to mid-cap us and european stocks. don't need a great platform as am using other tools for news/charts etc but the coverage is important for me. thinking barclays although people seem to hate it! any advice?
hi all.. new comers here..
Basically, have come over here to further my TA education, and to look for other perpectives.
emmmmp just copy n paste..
nice.... 🙂
Hi all,

Just joined although been following several discussions for quite some time. I work for a HFT hedge fund that also acts as an ISV providing execution and matching solutions for other trading or brokerage entities. I am always looking for new trading opportunities - mostly focusing on real time arbitrage and not holding positions for longer than a couple hundred mili's. Hoping to get and share some knowledge with other members and who knows maybe we end up doing business together 🙂
hello All , A student with a real interest in trading, wanting to take the plunge soon , even dip the toe in ! Just getting a feel for the place and hoping to find the way to a start in the markets !
Hi all, I would need your co-operation in leading me to become a friendly trader and a great one for that matter from the beginner point of few. All your inputs will be very much appreciated.
Who is the greatest and how to be get there?
Hi all, I would need your co-operation in leading me to become a friendly trader and a great one for that matter from the beginner point of few. All your inputs will be very much appreciated.
Who is the greatest and how to be get there?

Hi all, I'm from Singapore and day trade actively on equity futures, particularly Nikkei 225. Would like to share trading idea from buddies here.
Hi everyone. I am a forex day trader, sometimes a swing one. I have joined the community for multiple reasons.
I want to share my knowladge in order to improve it by talking with the others
Find out more about full time trading and/or prop trading
I am also looking for Introducing Brokers on behalf of the the Broker I work for

I believe I will achieve my goal on T2W.
Best regards to everyone

Everyone, Just joined this forum to learn from experience traders and also want to share whatever I know about stock market.
hi, I have just joined this group. Iam in forex field from past 5 years. Iam more active in MCX-SX(Indian) forex markets.
Hey all, newly added member here. Really wish to learn and share parts and parcel of trading ins-and-outs knowledge here. As my name suggest, I am James from Singapore. Newly graduated and can't wait to learn more about trading and get into a trading job and start living my passion hoping one day will become my own legacy in trading.

By the way, I trades Forex. I wish to specialize in Forex and Stock Market in the near future. Please don't hesitate to share stuffs with me, because I believe unite is power. Knowledge is power. Therefore, Unite x Knowledge = Power^2.

Cheers to all.

I've been learning T.A, money management etc... for the last few months and now just about to back test, then forward test a few strategies I've been looking at. My main learning has been from Mrkttradeschool on twitter and David Waring. They've been great, but before I jump in I'd like to know what the best brokerage is to do back testing? Any ideas?
