Sticky Introduce Yourself

What an absolutely awesome forum,I haven't stopped laughing yet whilst reading my way around it.Look forward to learning trading off you guys.I'm from india and I thought I would learn a bit about trading.

I'm a computer engineer who has teamed up with a few prop-traders and we are right now implementing some of their trading strategies in electronic form. We are also raising capital for the products(strategies) which is quite a different world from prop-trading in a dark room in some bank.

Would love to hear from others in similar situation!
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Hi guys, newbie reporting in. got a lot of reading to get on with in here, I'm sure i'll be able to dig out some golden nuggets.

demo account here i come.
Hi. I'm working on equity filtering and advisory system development for my personal trading. My interests include automated trading and aggressive portfolio re-balancing methods.
Hi. I'm working on equity filtering and advisory system development for my personal trading. My interests include automated trading and aggressive portfolio re-balancing methods.

Hi there I am testing few robots in forex will like to share some experience and knowledge with you , where are you .I am in Melbourne send me an email on [email protected] and we can share some info .......

Regards ,
Hello, my name is Greg and I am fairly new to trading. I would like to get some thoughts on what people use. I've heard of something called Volume Spread Analysis that is supposed to be very effective and accurate. Any thoughts?
Hi, my name is Josh and I am from England. I am not a trader - yet!
My time has arrived to start looking for different investment options, that's how I arrived here. I am looking for advice - and hope you can help me here. 😀
Hi I am a professtional trader in Gold, Silverm Crude, S&P500, Corn , Soyabean, Copper, Sugar. I base in dubai. I do manage funds and give about 40% ROI over a period of time. I beleive in making money. I also educate people to learn how to trade on intraday basis.


[email protected]
skype tridentjewels
I'm actually a full time Forex trader - mainly trading for the rich or people with decent amount of cash.

My trading records may be overwhelming.
Hi Folks,

I'm a new guy in the website and with low experience in forex! I've played around with some EA's and stuff but I'm basically new to this stuff. 🙂

Let's see if trade2win can help me a bit. 🙂

Hi, I'm a private equity fund manger with Manhattan Capital Advisory Partners. I employ two full time traders and enjoy trading equities part time but our companies focus is overwhelming real estate.
Hi, i am new in that forum but i have been trading french stocks for 25 years most of the time using TradeStation.