Sticky Introduce Yourself

I'm new to this site and hope to find some solid trading information. I am basically a bull but I do quite a bit with options in either direction. I've had much success with spreads.

Happy to be here,


I used to be an advisory trader with a CFD firm which will remain anonymous. I have a real passion for investing

Been investing, trading for 7-8 years, more of a 'buy and hold' person, not sure about day trading as I never saw it work for any clients.

Interested to learn more from experienced CFD, Options & Futures traders in terms of: nuances of products they trade (i.e. CFD holders are liable for dividends on ex-d date etc) which brokers are best, how they approach markets, good books to read etc.

At the moment my philosophy is "risk pennies to make pounds" which I find works very well in the commodity markets. Some commodities trade in well defined ranges.

Be great to hear advice from more experienced people out there.

Hi All, new member, account traded stocks in the early 90's until work became too much of a problem!
retired 5 years ago and went sailing, currently in Malaysia.
Been thinking about the markets again............
I welcome you, I also a newbie

but 1 thing I have learned:

the whole market is "made" by futures - so the Big Boys are in control
Hello all,

I'm getting in to world of trading and I found here a place that can help me! I hope that I can help some of you in the future.

Thank you all.
Hi all


I'm Alan I've been trading since June did a course in spread betting with K2A course was really good but ant know fun trading on your own most people don't want to know.
1% down at the mo was 2.5% up but I ant doing bad I think? 🙂

how do others on these site find Trading??


my name is rubecca, i m a company worker and our company is in Guinea conakry.
we sale gold,scrap metals, scarp cpper.

Hi everyone!

I'm from Sri Lanka and am new to forex trading. My ambition is to evolve myself into an expert trader. I sincerely anticipate support from every forum member. Thanks in advance​
Hello Everybody,

I am looking for Omega prosuite 2000i. Can anyone help me in getting this software?

Thanking in advance,
A turning point in my life was when I discovered I could read and interpret a chart better than my broker. I fired not only that individual but the entire broker process. I felt that as scared as I was, I was going to soak up as much filtered information as I could and take the challange to direct my own path. The filtered information is in the realization that a lot of self serving garbage is out there and I gravitate towards logic and integrity loaded presentations. This is why I joined you.🙂
Hi everyone....Have just joined in. I have been trading stock for last 5 years in Dhaka Stock exchange (DSE) and Toronto stock exchange (TSX )........and Demo in Forex market for last 4 months ........I hope I will be in real market as soon as I learn the minimum required knowledge of Forex I’m very new here. I believe this site will help me a lot in this regard....

Best regards

Hi there,

I have been a full-time student of the markets for the last 5+years (almost 6 already !). I develop & operate automated trading systems, for the last 2 years I have been trading only CL (crude oil futures).

Not making a living yet, but I have some hope to get there with my 2 currently active systems - both are intraday swing trading systems, with rather low frequency trading (150-200 trades / year each) - one is live since mid-July, the other one since mid-September.

I have been using Ensign pretty much since I started 6 years ago, and this is the charting software that I use for all my automated systems. I have build over the past 4 years a pretty decent infrastructure for theses systems ... sure it has many limitations that TradeStation / NinjaTrader / ... do not have (in particular, I have no practical way for "optimizing" anything), but since I only trade price action and never use any indicator (never say never ... in the past I developed at least 2 systems that were using indicators), this isn't such a big deal for me.

I came to automated trading as I had psychological blocks forcing me to have rock-solid backtesting results ... I soon realized that if I was to produce rock-solid backtesting results using software, that same software would be in the best position to execute the trading strategy live. Which is true now, but it didn't come overnight...

I am still working on a few enhancement ideas for my most recent system, after that I will likely work on a much higher frequency trading system - ideally 10 to 20 trades a day. The main driver behind that is to ensure that drawdown duration (in days) remains very low - I find this (drawdown duration) to be the most difficult thing to live with for my current intraday swing trading systems, even though it is purely a perception issue.

Hello, when I started out on the journey I read a lot of books on trading trying to learn as much as I could about technical analysis, and eventually realized like many others do there probably is no holy grail system, or trading style that works all of the time.

All though books can help you to learn the basics and important rules most successful traders follow, they can't teach you the experience that the actual market does. You can either learn that the hard way like a lot of traders do who blow up their accounts, or get a good simulator platform and practice until you find an edge that works for you. No two trading styles are the same, so what works for you might not work for someone else.

Good luck,

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Hi there.
I used to trade the market for about 5 years with some success but I decided to invest for longer terms.I am a great fan of Warren Buffett.
I would like to get a MetaStock ver 9.1 program to load onto my new computer tablet.I have ver 9.1 loaded on my other 2 computers but they are an upgrade from ver 6.5. Intuit do not support ver 6.5 or 9.1 anymore.
Perhaps somebody might be able to help me.
Regards peterjs21
I have just found this site and look forward to checking it out. I am a swing trader using DT6 for my analysis and interested in astro trading. At the moment I mostly trade on the ASX as it is better hours for where I live in the South Pacific. I have traded the NYSE and Nasdaq for a number of years but am having a rest at present. I use mechanical systems for my trading.
Hi guys nice to see that there is a friendly forum out there i am in south africa , yes i know we have been knocked out of the world rugby cup , lets please not go there , I was surfing the net tring to get some info on a product called cycle trends trading soft ware , marketed by Issy bach , also I saw the Omni trade one on your site but cant get back into it , Im just staring out at the trade !!!
wells guys may the force be with you so they say .
Hello, my name is denika. I still new in forex (just for about 1 year). I hope get much lesson here and can remind each other in this best and worst world called forex. 🙂
Hi there, Welcome to the forum. People here are good and friendly. So, don't hesitate to leave a message or do you have any questions about fx. Hope to hear from you soon, Happy trading