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Ive recently been to a trading seminar and as always if its to good to be true then it is.

They have been calling me everyday trying to get me to sign up to there course £2400....really.

Ive decided to take an interest in trading. At the moment I am a newbie 😀 I have been reading the first steps page and still have a bit to go, I hope to start trading in about 6 months after I do some dummy tests and see how it goes.

Whilst I try my dummy runs I will carry on reading up on trading and doing my own research. I will let you know how I get on.

At the end of this I am hoping to achieve becoming a home-base trader.

If any one has any good website where there is some good information which I could read into please link them to me.

Thanks in advance for the help 🙂
Hi traders,

I was looking for some information about Heikin Ashi and found this forum. It looks like a powerful place where a lot of knowlege is shared.👍

I wish you all the best and much success.

Greetings from Germany.

Nothing succeeds like success.
Alexandre Dumas

I have dabbled with trading for the last 6 years. I have been a reasonably successful investor over the past 10 years. I am looking forward to talking to like minded people and hope to share my insights and experience with them.

Best Regards,

hi all, just joined you all to build my confidence in this Forex stuff, i hear it could be the change that i have waited soo long for. where do i start?? any ideas, plan to open a demo account and play, other than that, no idea what im doing. any ideas will be appreciated
Hello to everyone. I am Charlie I have just registered and looking around to get a feel for using this forum. I havent a clue about trading but hope to learn as i go along. I have investments made but only through using a financial advisor.
Pretty glad to join in this big home! Iam from China and currently i am focus on high frequency trading in future markets. Hopefully i can learn great knowledge from genius here!
I have been a technical analysis for 46 years, market maker, seat holder, IA, CTA, CPO, etc., and believe qualified to make the following statement: Aspen Graphics software is the finest package I have ever used and I am offended by two people namely, TraderGuy and DashRiprock who lack the sophistication to use this powerful software. May I suggest than you both go back to your crayons.
Hi , I am new to this forum. Though a novice, I am able to spot a forum like this one that discusses issues on a technical line too. Look forward to a great interaction.
I am a serious investor but not on this sort of thing. I prefer to employ a very reputable financial advisor to handle the real money because my future and my family's future depends on it.

To me this is a game, the biggest and the best computer game in the whole world and by far the most complex. I don't think many commentators home in on this aspect of trading enough. You read a lot you learn a huge amount and you can get all the thrills and spills without hanging off the edge of a cliff by your finger tips financially.

Trading is definitely not a get rich quick scheme (although it is remotely possible) I deplore the growing trend to portray it as such. Presumably to fleece the unwary

So pleased I have been able to find this forum. The posts I have already read in the First Steps are teaching me that I need to go back to 'First Base' and learn how to trade properly. I have been buying long term for about five years and have tended to buy and hold AIM market shares. After very mixed success using shorter term trading techniques I need to look at all trading options with an open mind. Looking forward to learning and hopefully adding to the forum.


Hi ... Just open a month chart, draw trend lines, support resistance lines, etc.
Now scale chart to weekly, draw in different colour
then daily another colour.

Now when you knock around on the different timeframes its easier to buy a break or bounce off these lines. .... Try it. Most of the day you will be on H4 or H1 charts, but play with it.
Hello I am a new member of this forum. This forum has much useful information.
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Im basically trying to understand a little more about how Market Takers make money and what the process is. I want to understand the different steps and how they can be differentiated?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Hi ... Just open a month chart, draw trend lines, support resistance lines, etc.
Now scale chart to weekly, draw in different colour
then daily another colour.

Now when you knock around on the different timeframes its easier to buy a break or bounce off these lines. .... Try it. Most of the day you will be on H4 or H1 charts, but play with it.

Get yourself a decent trading platform, open an account with a reputable company like OANDA , start small and learn to trade consistently. concentrate on a few asset groups that you like and take it easy. remember loosing is like paying office rent or other business expenses, business is not only revenue.
Hello Everyone.

I'm a business student who is almost finished with his bachelor and I'm going to start my masters in Finance directly after that in February 2012.

I was thinking about changing my hobbies, which I take very serious, a bit to be able to write them in my CV and to get a better outlook on the real world of business. Untill now the most time consuming thing in my time not studying and socialising was to play online-poker as a hobby and a mini job. Poker is a great game and I made consistenly a bit of money on the side for the past few years. I was never a great player but it worked, was fun and paid for some of my expenses.

After thinking about possibilities I thought about trading which would be perfect to combine my goal to do something to connect me to the real world of finance, at least partly. The problem is that I learned that trading should not be an option if you don't trade in big bulks of at least $ 5000 to $ 10000 due to the transaction costs that will otherwise eat up your returns. In addition it is extremly hard and unlikely to outperform the big companies who have their financial analysts etc. (which I could see myself becoming after my masters maybe)

After reading a bit in this forum it seems for me worth to try it out and to invest my time and hopefully proving these mentioned points wrong. I did not read yet all of the stickies for beginners but I'm on it.

From playing Poker I know that I'm able to handle money without being reckless or going on rampage and loosing it all in one night etc.

So far I liked the dynamics in this forum and hope to contribute soon to it with my posts.

So long,
Good evening to the group

18:33 Hours
My name: Leonard
Looking forward to learning more as the weeks go by.

Question: Is there a chat web section which can be accessed?