Sticky Introduce Yourself

My name is Denis and I work as Forex Trader for Private investment firm. The story begins in the year of 2003 when I came to the Forex by chance through a friend of mine.

I didn't waste my time! To learn the basics of trading, I have attended the basic course to become Forex trader ($240) .

The course lasted for two weeks after which I knew how to run the trading platform, recognize the trend's, what is PIP, etc.

It was quite logical that this knowledge isn't enough to become profitable which was mentioned by the lecturer in the beginning of the course.

Since they didn't have advanced trading course, we (attenders) were on our own to find further education about trading.

It took me 6 months to find an old veteran who knows every little thing when it comes to trading. After I found him, we had sat for a drink and talked:
He told me that he isn't interested in teaching or coaching but he would like to stay in contact with me.

After that I have begun talking to him on the phone, or went to a drink with him just to spend few hours talking (he likes to talk very much). I have found out that he has 35 years of experience with stock market and 25 years with Forex.

We talked about trading, world economy, actual happenings, etc.
All that time he didn't reveal «the secret» of his success even for a bit!

As time was passing I have found out that he has tons of money and likes to be anonymous.
That money doesn't make him happy, when I asked him: «WHY?» He has said: «When you will understand!»

After 6 months of spending time together, I have noticed that when he drinks a whiskey he forgets about time and he starts to open himself a little bit more.

This was a day when I have decided to start insisting on drinking alcoholic beverages. It was a real jackpot for me.

After couple of drinks he would start to talk about hidden secrets of trading Forex!

He says about Forex : «I was there when FOREX has started, we where trading by phones, spread was 50 pip's.....We were making money then. What about you? You have 2 or 3 pip's spread and all you can do is lose your money, lol!»

In the next few years I have learned a lot from him about trading Forex.
I am in contact with him even today!

People often ask me for his phone number to make contact with him but he wishes to stay anonymous. So I cannot give his contact details.

Thank's to him, today I work as professional Forex trader (money manager) for private investment company.
:clap:Hello Dennis, My name is Tom I am new to Forex I tryed trading about 5years ago without taking a course and lost the money I started with. I have been practicing the last couple of months and would like to try it again. I would like to know if you could give me some inside information that would help impove my trading .
My name is Denis and I work as Forex Trader for Private investment firm. The story begins in the year of 2003 when I came to the Forex by chance through a friend of mine.

I didn't waste my time! To learn the basics of trading, I have attended the basic course to become Forex trader ($240) .

The course lasted for two weeks after which I knew how to run the trading platform, recognize the trend's, what is PIP, etc.

It was quite logical that this knowledge isn't enough to become profitable which was mentioned by the lecturer in the beginning of the course.

Since they didn't have advanced trading course, we (attenders) were on our own to find further education about trading.

It took me 6 months to find an old veteran who knows every little thing when it comes to trading. After I found him, we had sat for a drink and talked:
He told me that he isn't interested in teaching or coaching but he would like to stay in contact with me.

After that I have begun talking to him on the phone, or went to a drink with him just to spend few hours talking (he likes to talk very much). I have found out that he has 35 years of experience with stock market and 25 years with Forex.

We talked about trading, world economy, actual happenings, etc.
All that time he didn't reveal «the secret» of his success even for a bit!

As time was passing I have found out that he has tons of money and likes to be anonymous.
That money doesn't make him happy, when I asked him: «WHY?» He has said: «When you will understand!»

After 6 months of spending time together, I have noticed that when he drinks a whiskey he forgets about time and he starts to open himself a little bit more.

This was a day when I have decided to start insisting on drinking alcoholic beverages. It was a real jackpot for me.

After couple of drinks he would start to talk about hidden secrets of trading Forex!

He says about Forex : «I was there when FOREX has started, we where trading by phones, spread was 50 pip's.....We were making money then. What about you? You have 2 or 3 pip's spread and all you can do is lose your money, lol!»

In the next few years I have learned a lot from him about trading Forex.
I am in contact with him even today!

People often ask me for his phone number to make contact with him but he wishes to stay anonymous. So I cannot give his contact details.

Thank's to him, today I work as professional Forex trader (money manager) for private investment company.
Hi everyone,

Let's see...I'm a student from South Korea who attempted trading since middle school. After a couple on-off years my skills have improved, but only marginally. I look forward to learning a LOT from this site. See you guys around!

hello all i m seaune from south wales uk i have dabbled in the markets a couple of years ago but being new and thinking i m brilliant i just blew my account right of planet earth i m now ready to stick my toe in the water again this time hopefully with a bit of common sense on my part i have a ig account and a forex account i m realy going tto start small this time and any help and advice that you guys or girls can give would be very much appreciated.

on the forex side i was going to dabble with the gbp/usd and euro/dollar if there is any forums speecific to these that would be good if i could ask for a little guidance to get there my other 2 are the ftse 100 and brent crude and i will be day trading all these so i m going cross my fingers and dedicate myself to these and put some strategies in place over the next few weeks to get these sussed and turn myself into a profitable trader in time ( i hope) thanks in advance all you traders out there
I hope I can learn a lot from this forum.
I've perused several threads so far and it seems the quality is top notch with lots of people contributing.
Hopefully in the near future I can be a help to others as well.
Hi all,

my name is Marko, I come from Croatia and have been trading for almost a year actively now. Still doing it only part time, prefer swing to daytrading. Still learning...actually, will never stop learning 😉.

Looking forward to hanging around this forum.

Hello everyone

I've been watching T2W for a long time, its very good. Thankyou to everyone contributing.

Hey, I missed this thread at the begging...

Hello to everyone! Really like this forum. Feel myself so good here!
Hi all ,

I am an English 18 year old currently on a gap year before university.
I have recently become interested in the financial markets and hope to acquire knowledge here and through other resources to allow me to gain a decent level of profiency in trading and investing.

Any tips and advice are more than welcome and I look forward to participating more the more I learn.

Thanks, David.
Hi everyone!
This website is about VietNam financial news . You are invited to visit, read weekly reports of VietNam Stock Exchange in " MSWing Phan Tich" and comment on them posted at this forum. Thank you!
Last edited:
hi everyone,

I am from Sweden, but now living in the us because my employer moved me here. I mainly swing trade etfs and sometimes stocks.
Hello Everyone,

Based in Surbiton
Been Spread Betting for last 6 months after completing a course, had startup initial losses, now in profit, looking for like minded individual's =)
Good Afternoon

Vantage FX uk is a leading MT4 brokerage covering Europe, Africa and South American. Our FX majors range from 0.5 to 2 pip spreads. We operate as a STP (Straight though processing) We have no dealing desk. Meaning you will not be re quoted on a price. You are able to use ANY expert advisors (robots) We also allow scalping and hedging. We offer 23 FX pairs and commodities such as Gold and silver. we have two servers that work co currently with each other meaning to date our live server has never gone down.

vantage FX also interested in hearing from introducting brokers and white labels.

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Hello Maggieo,

when you say brand spanking new. Does this mean you have no trading experience in other areas other than forex?
feel free to email if you would like more information about Vantage FX and current promotions we have.
Hi all,
New to this forum.
Been trading & investing in shares(ASX) for a little bit more than 5 yrs now.
Had experienced the worst drawdown in the 2008 GFC.But learned from the experience and moving on and now trying to learn something new for the next phase of my trading life.I'm interested in LEARNING all that I can about futures trading-particularly global Index trading and currency futures for the time being.Will expand in other futures market once I acquire enough experience.
Hope that I can get all the help that I need to become a better trader from this forum.
I came across this forum by accident I must say.Just googled about futures forum and this forum came along.
