Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hello Everyone from India

I am Indian from India, I deal in Indian Stock markets and I would be Inerested with same market, interaction with same group shall be higly obliging. thanks
Hello everyone, I am a bit shy and I do not speak English very well but I read yours articles perfectly.
I am here to learn and share, I am a programmer and I'm interested in automated trading.
I works with some tools, Muticharts 6 and VB.
Glad to be here with you.

google translate is also my friend😉

I'm fairly new to trading but have some experience and have made quite a nice return on my investment. I look forward to learning and contributing to this community and i also have my own forum which i would appreciate if some members would visit and possibly give me some feedback.

Hello All,

I just wanted to introduce myself and my company.
I have been trading for a little over three years and in that time I have come across so many scams, people promising the earth and delivering very little. So I decided to set up my own business to share my knowledge and help other aspiring traders.

Feel free to have a look around my website and I would welcome any comments or feedback.

Best Regards
The Opes Team
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Hi everyone,

I am a complete beginner, just starting to read and learn about trading. There is a great deal to absorb but this seems like an excellent community to help and learn from each other. I'd like to thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experience and I look forward to getting up to speed with the basics over the coming months.

Hello All,

Think it only right and proper to introduce myself, and put a little about myself, and my aims and ambitions.

Mid 40s, Brit, worked all my life with my hands rather than my brains. Hasn't been easy at times but have worked myself into a reasonable position engineering in the oil industry. My wife has a retail business which like many is struggling, but we are comfortable, but not exactly living the millionaire lifestyle.

I have looked at trading starting over 15 years ago, but like many did nothing about it. Lost interest but have come back to give it a second visit. I like to think that I have some intelligence, but am not the sort to think he knows everything, too many hard lessons in my life have proved that. I'm bit of a news junkie, like the Today prog, read the Telegraph and have blogged before on news type sites about politics. I have thought that although this is fun I really should try to put it to some use, and if I can get into trading in the same semi-addictive way I watch the news, then maybe, just maybe I might be able to make some money from it.

I have a spreadbetting account, and have dabbled a bit over the last 6 months. Opened up with £700, and was break even last week until I went £2 a point short on the FTSE 100, this was Tuesday just before it went up and lost me £300, stopped out at 5700. In truth I am happy with my start, best bet so far was New Britain Palm Oil, opened long at 553, and closed at 772. What it has taught me so far is that I think I have the mentality to handle the wins and the losses, at least at these small amounts.

More importantly it has got me looking, trying to find out, reading and wanting to learn more. I am under no illusions that there is so much to learn, that I am a novice and it will be a good deal of time before I see any real profits, if I ever see any profits. From what I have seen from trawling the interweb this looks like a good sight. Have read the beginners thread and it appears to be good, down to earth pragmatic advise.

Hi Everyone

Just signed up today. I am a Brit living in Dubai and I have been trading FOREX, metals and commodities for over 10 years (amongst other things). I trade part time as I also provide consultancy/sales in the security business (that's physical security).

My journey in trading has probably been very similar to most people. Times of fun, times of tearing my hair out, but gradually working towards consitent profitability. I am still part time but hope to go full time next year.

So I would like to share my experience with other people and see how I can help and by doing so increase my knowledge and improve my trading at the same time.
Hello. We're actually two people here using the same account. Name's Jean, the other half. And I'm a novice trader. The other half is the more experienced one and does commodity futures trading for a number of years. The reason we're 2 people is because Bill is experienced in trading, but cannot use a PC. I'm the exact opposite.
Hi I'm Si Genaro, semi-pro singer/songwriter dabbling with forex and betting systems... If anyone wants a gambling/trading related song written, shout me up on here🙂 Cheers!
Hello community I am a new member looking to meet people who are interested in making money and who can share information in ways to make succesful trades
hi to all this is chirag , i am full time forex trader and wants to share infirmation about the forex. i have been trading forex since June 2010.

now i want to make friend from this Forum.

thanking the Trade2win and all of you.:clap: