Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi there, thanks for this essential site! I'm interested in advancing my day trading (via spredbets) tecnique by gaining a more indepth understanding of the markets and how to read them. I've so far been trading based on fairly basic chart analysis and have strings of good but moderate trades usually ending with one big loss wiping out my gains! Sound familiar?

cheers, steve
FX Programmer

Hi my Name is Nico Roets. I am a FX programmer and open for your strategies to code.
My service is not free but I willing to help this community with some EAs.
www . pro-fx-experts . com
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Hi, mark, saw with interest your Cornish roots, im nick based in Falmouth, been trading for some 10 years now, FTSE S&P mainly... i envy your lifestyle. Highlights the beauty of this game dosent it, being able ro work anywhere...
Are you trading Level2, or other?

regards Nick

Yep. Best job in the world. And if you tell anyone they wont believe you !! I'm originally from Constantine Bay (nr Padstow) but I must say I don't miss the crap*y weather. Got back from blighty this morning ~ it was hell....

Use Spread Betting with CMC IG and Cap Spreads mainly ~ just the Footy though, can't be bothered with too much screen watching.

Are you full time from home or are you in an arcade ?
Please can anyone help me?
Sometime ago my father purchased Solar Energy Limited shares and Apollo Resources international inc. shares from a cold call from Koppel Levine & Associates.
Can anyone let me know how these shares are doing and how I can sell them?
little chef
hello everyone can anyone help me...

Hi all,

My very first post, Just wanted to say hi. Great site ! I've been trading for appox 6 months now and I'm just starting to find my feet.

I was wondering if anyone might be able to give me some advise about Oliver Velez and his VCM Trading Program.

I'm very interested in paying my money and joining, However I was hoping someone may have some feedback for me good or bad.

Many thanks in advance.

Hi all,

My very first post, Just wanted to say hi. Great site ! I've been trading for appox 6 months now and I'm just starting to find my feet.

I was wondering if anyone might be able to give me some advise about Oliver Velez and his VCM Trading Program.

I'm very interested in paying my money and joining, However I was hoping someone may have some feedback for me good or bad.

Many thanks in advance.


Velez and VCM is very controversial to say the least.

You probably know that he started with Pristine and Greg Capra then recently went off on his own with one of the most valuable employees Paul Lange.

I had some great tuition with Pristine but I would pay Velez to let me trade prop nor put money into his company. Google it and make your own mind up. There is a lot out there about Velez and VCM
Forums - Velez Capital Management? Yay or Nay?

Pristine however IMHO is not as strong as it used to be.

It all depends on what you are after.

PM me if you want any ideas about learning.
Many thanks Cooler,

I have Googled him and the Company and to be honest for the most part all I can find is one slagging letter that has been writen by the same person over and over again.

Starting up another Business with a fellow worker and friend I personally don't see anything wrong with, However I have seen a couple of other views which have led me to ask certain questions.

It's very easy to find bad press on just about anyone if you look hard enough. Maybe I'll just use my judgement and go from there.

I was just kind of hoping that one of his Traders/Students maybe visit this forum and could give me a clearer picture.

Many thanks for your help.
Hi T2W, nice site.

I've been trading at home for the last 3 years, but not the usual markets, I bet on sport. No, not arbitrage, that's a scrappy way to make an earn. Mostly betting into the asian soccer spreads and betfair markets. But I've come to a point of saturation, where I can no longer take the optimal risk for growth, befoer prices go into negative expectation territory.

I've started researching 'day trading', and found T2W. I've always thought trading financial markets would be highly complex and require special training and a licence or something. Just never really looked into it. Betting sport and trading markets are very similar. Well the way I bet sport anyway. Sport markets are just not as mature, all the information isn't at your finger tips. It's getting there though. And of course, sports markets have much less liquidity. So if I've been all over these weak sports betting markets for years, maybe I should see how good a trader I really am in more liquid markets with tougher competition.
New Forex Guy using TS 8.3

Hi All,

I am new to the forum. Back in the Forex game after a hiatus. Now using TS 8.3.
Network Engineer by profession. I love the technology. Looking forward to TS related articles, code, and forums.



This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:
First Steps - T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums

My name is OILFXPRO .I trade oil and forex and design expert advisors for coders to code.I have several journals on oil and forex and have posted a few free systems on forex and crude oil.

My nick name is SCAMMO means anything to do with anti scam and anti scammers


This is Lxty1973, a new member to this forum. I like technical analysis and hope to talk about with everyone.
thanks trade2win give me that chance!

Best regards
Hi everybody,
I'm very happy I found such a good site.:clap:
Wish You a lot of pips!
Response to OILFXPRO


My name is OILFXPRO .I trade oil and forex and design expert advisors for coders to code.I have several journals on oil and forex and have posted a few free systems on forex and crude oil.

My nick name is SCAMMO means anything to do with anti scam and anti scammers


Thanks for the response. If I need your services, i won't hesitate to call.

Hello Sharky, Hello Everybody,
My name is smithleo, and i am still paper trading ,Really want to trade live but just trying to be well informed before taking the dive.Hope to be encouraged with the posts on this forum. Hope to learn from you all.