Most traders look upon playing the FX "war" game on a weekly or even monthly basis
They dont mind losing the battle on a few sessions or days - but as long as by the end of the week or month - their tally is in the black - then to them they are winning the "war" - still in the game and with an account in profit
As the market PR team quite rightly tell us retailers after keep following the "trend" - don't be "greedy - don't "overtrade" - don't lose you gains - play safe etc etc
So yet again - the market wins - you listen to the "war talk" and think - yes - that's the way to do it - that's what the guru's and tutors and books and all the dvd's say - so it must be right
Well in a sense - it is - especially if you have not got a true winning system and a method to win more battles.
My own FX trading "war" is every day
I will do as many "battles" as I have to - to win
If its only 3 - and its not even 1 or 2 hrs into my own daily "war zone" - I am not going to stop - I will carry on - but - adjust my strategy - ie I am a flexible game player
If after 5 trades - and i have lost everyone during the first 2 or 3 hrs of the day - then what ??
"So What" - its means I have to fight more battles -it might take another 6 trades to turn the day into profit - it might take an other 14 "battles" - ie more work - but i have not lost more than 7 "battles" in a row in a day in last 9000+ trades - so I have the "law of my win ratios" at least on my side.
One day - i just might lose 10 trades ( battles in a row) - it could happen - but not if I have the disciplines in my gameplan to get round this - ( which I do)
I can therefore lose many battles in a day - but in the end still win the "days" war - ie make a profit.
Trouble is - I cannot take this daily war on if I am limited to just say 4 hrs between - say 6 am UK time and 10 pm ie 16 hr window.
I need to know that during that 16 hr window - I am available for at least 8 -10 hrs - if need be. Many day i don't need 2 or 4 hrs - to win my war - but I cannot guarantee that - so I need a plan B and a plan C - just in case
My war record tells me that normally within 8 to 20 battles a day - I will have won the war and made my target .
4 battles might not be enough - but 30 or 50 battles in the day -no good - I will be weary and my concentration and focus will be lost - etc etc - and so that is no good for me
OK next some of the false play and tricks that happen most days in the FX markets