Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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7 00 pm

Yes if you had bought the drops on the EU / EJ / GU and AU today - you would have over 140 pips added to your sell total

I only made 63 pips in total on buys today - but spent too much time asleep in the garden this afternoon ( with my suntan lotion on though ;-) )


Yes EU and EJ structure the same atm

It was a unusual day today - i had also 4 losses - with one for 6 pips - but other 3 all under 3 pips - and still ended up well over double my daily target - so never let the losses get in the way of the good trades

Have a great weekend



The bounce in cable was good wasn't it. Didn't fancy it myself as the context was very different so played the other one.

There's been some nice moves in cable this week though. The best one I caught was 92 pips on the news play/leak.
EU - The Devil is in the Detail

EU - The main 6 hrs of the day - and 140 pips available on say 5 -8 trades

Anyone who got over 100 pips did extremely well I would say




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Monday 21st July 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning FX Intraday Traders.

Hope you all have had a great weekend and are ready for another new trading week

With it being a Monday and not a lot of news today - I cannot see it being that interesting a day - but I have learnt over the years to always be ready for the unexpected - as one of the markets greatest advantages over all traders is to be able to catch them out at the least unexpected time of the session/ day / week / month etc.

Normal stuff - Quick review and update on the main 4 - 6 pairs I plan to Intraday trade along with levels and times to for new trades etc.

I will not be calling all scalps - as some might only last a few mins and therefore happen too quickly etc - but will be looking for trades with targets of at least 7 to 25+ pips - ideally under 30 mins - and then either leaving them on at 30% stakes with stops in profits - whilst looking for new opportunities

All stops are from 3 -7 pips depending on the pair's spread ( in the stop) and I generally look for 10 to 20 trades over a full day window of approx 10 hrs - although I might only be at my screens for 3 to 5 hrs

Have a good Trading day - and all FX questions etc are welcome



Well it finally broke out of its main range last week - and went under 3550 down to 3491/2 on Friday.

Since then it's turned and instead of just a 15 -30 pip retrace or bounce and instead got back above 3510 and 20 and so far made 3549/50 this morning

Price is currently 3542 and for me if it stays above 3537 /40 - I think its another scalp buy and will try the R area of 3550 again

Under 3537 and 30 then supports in many places down to 3500 - main ones being 25/30 - then 17 /20 and then 10 /13

Personally - I think the drop under 3500 was false to just get more bears in trades - and so far any sellers who waited to under 3510 and 3500 - would need at least 50+ pip stops to still be with their trades.

Next trick might be to try over 3580 area - as that would be full of more Bears stops and if price can make 3600 and 3620 - then the market can drop price again to try and trap new bulls.

Forget Fundamentals - or "funny mentals" - there's big money involved and to be made - whats a fair and reasonable exchange rate got to do with it ;-)

i would recommend taking care on the EU - as its is well manipulated - and so be aware that traditional TA is a waste of time at many periods of the session

This pair as been a scalp sell from 6 00 am but I only entered at 6 30 TW from 7096

So far its made 7092 - and I have already taken 70% stakes off and will only keep the 30% on under 7098

Price on Friday had dropped down to 7035/ 40 area from the mid 7100+ areas early on last week

Scalp wise its still a sell under 7120 - with the present session range from 7070 to 7100 - approx 30 pips

We need under 87 to hold on to scalp sells really and atm price is still just in its tight range

back above 7102 and 5 - then look for more scalps buys up to 7115 /20 area

Price atm at 137 07 - and above 137 00 still trying to turn up again after a 180 pip fall during the week

We need above 137 13 and 17 to look at holding any scalp buys etc - as from 137 15 to 137 02 is the present tight range

Under 137 00 and 136 95 then look at scalp sells to test supports again at 136 80 and then 70
Got to pop out before 8 00 am - but should be back before 8 21 am the the 8 30 am TW

Will review and update other pairs when I get back - as it is slow atm
8 14 am

Back now again

Notice euro crosses have been falling - with best one being the EA from 7 00 am - approx 22 pip fall

The EA does have supports from 4395 to 4400 area - so we might be able to look for a scalp buy in this next TW - or if not and its really slow - maybe the hr TW

AU as been rising with EA 's fall and price on AU now near the 9400 level again
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Still in 30% stake on scalp sell from 7096 - and was prepared to hold it up to 98 prior to popping out

Price as made 7082 - but unless we clear under 78 - will look at exiting the trade soon

7080 low for now - so exited 30% scalp stake .

Still in a scalp sell mode - but needs under 7078 for me

Might try and scalp sell again under 88 - or scalp buy from 78 -80 first if it lines up correctly in TW

4401 as held for now

Would need under 96 to look at more scalp sells and need above 4410 to hold any scalp buys on longer for a try higher

Need above 83 and 85 to be scalp buying and as teased under 78 now to 77

Still in a down mode - but dont know whether this support area can hold or not

We have had no spike down on half hr change - - I am out scalp sell already at 80 /81 - but will not just to have to wait and look for more clues in next 7 mins

Now under 138 00 and in a scalp sell mode under 138 06.

PA is not nice - ie 4 -6 pips drop and then 3- 5 pip bounce - so will leave atm
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