Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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My understanding is that the stop is always the same.
Thanks for the response. I'll take some time this weekend looking through the other thread too, but I am certain he states the stop is always 20 pips, but then he will move it in closer. The problem I have found is that I can't find any live trade (no, haven't looked at all 8000+ posts) where he says at what point the stop gets moved in closer and therefore it's difficult to understand how to exactly replicate his successes. This I obviously hope to be able to do through next week's posts.

Looking forward to it.

I already did follow him for a few weeks , compared every level with a live chart , and replied here to this very same thread , he didn't like it ofcourse and started calling names and making legal threats .
As i said earlier his numbers are all over the place , he was stopped out many times in a daily basis and chopped to death , ofcourse he doesn't trade for real so he wont care anyway its just a blog for him , he even sometimes forgets whether he's short or long , bottom line he's trading in a hindsight , just follow him guys and you will get what i mean .
BTW re fxstreet , his group were kicked out by name , they told them go out never come back and please ignore the site !


Yet again - more rubbish

I remember the few hrs you came on the thread - and it was a joke - to put it mildly.

You kept saying - I must be down 15 pips on the scalp and 20+ pips on another scalp and you must be down now about 50 pips off about what 5 or 6 trades - it was a real

My stops on the pairs I was trading that day were normally - 3 to 5 pips- including spreads ( but not hard stops)

The fact that an experienced scalper can enter a trade and if within that first 1 min thinks it not going to work - you exit - not wait for stops to be hit

So has I have said many times - I can have 3 bad scalps - and still be out up 3 pips - or even 3 bad scalps I cannot get out in time might be down 10 pips - yes

Now even looking back at your bad attempt to try and "diss" me - even if I had 6 bad scalps in a row - I still might only be down minus 15 -20 pips - easily then possible to get back with just 1 to 3 good trades.

So the accusation of me being down loads of pips - is just another of your lies and total rubbish

I also remember you were not refreshing the page and therefore I could make a call - take the trade - make 5 pips be out within 4 mins - and you had not even read it on the thread - that's happened a lot - and if you dont refresh at least every 30 -40 seconds - it can be minutes before it appears - and in busy period when I and a few other members are blogging - it easy to miss on a previous page

Next point - you did not even know my rules and disciplines when you had a "half hearted" attempt to "mock and diss".

You could not understand that I can scalp both ways and even scalp against a main trend - you did not understand that when I say scalp buy above say 55 and scalp sell under 49 and 45 - you thought if price was at say 52 - I must be in a loss - lol

You just did not get it - you just were totally lost - and if I remember correctly - I tried to explain more and help you to see what I was doing - but instead after a few more bad comments from you - it became so apparent - you were a disser / hater - who just wanted to offend and try and disrupt the flow etc etc

At that time you accused me of being Mr Spread Better - or some other shady vendor who ripped traders off

Yet again - you were totally WRONG

It might be a good idea for you to change your nic - or even have another one under the name of "wrong" - lol

Next sad point you used was - spreads and slippage - pathetic

You went on about negative slippage and spreads of 4 and 6 pips - so the trade with a 5 pip profit etc would be a loss etc etc

Negative spreads to you might be 5 or even you mentioned 15 -20 pips ?

You of course forget to mention positive slippage and spreads of 0.3 of a pip on the EU - simple because they do not fit your dissing argument

In the thousands of live trades I have taken with at least 5 different brokers - normal slippage for me is half a pip or 2 max . On many of my scalps - I even end up with positive slippage of half a pip or a pip - simply because price is in my favour as I enter

I got the impression after you had been on the thread for a few hours - you just did not have a clue about FX trading and certainly not scalping

That's no problem though - because I would not have a clue about trading some other instruments - so if you don't trade FX - that's no crime - but don't knock traders who know it and trade it day in day out.

You also forget to mention - maybe because you don't know - that i was asked to do work for FX Street on a few of their projects - by the owner Francesc and after the group was disbanded was - and have been still e-mailing Francesc and have arranged to meet up in either London or Barcelona - hardly the type of thing you do - if you have been banned and told never to come back .

I had approx 300 members who added me to their "friends" list on the street - I have had personal e-mails off many wanting them to teach them etc etc and also many who want to follow my trades etc etc. I think I had approx 4 main "haters or dissers" - who did their best to try and find fault - maybe you were even one of them - lol

I must mention - I don't do trade alert calls - I don't sell my methods or strats - I don't do courses etc etc - and I think that must even wind you up more

How could I ever advertise my method saying - you need to spend years and take thousands of trades to be any good - hardly a great sell "strapline" ;)

I really hope a few new members will join me for a few days etc - and then you can hear straight from them on whether my methods work or not. They will not be able to carry them out like me - because it takes loads of practice and experience to get to the level needed

I reckon you must be praying like mad I will do 10 bad trades in a row - and get all my calls wrong etc etc - so that you will be right - but of course that will not happen - because when you are good - you just don't have loads of losses and a bad week

Trouble is there is only a very small percentage of great retail fx traders - and when they do appear on a forum - many just cannot believe it (y)
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What charting package are you using and what broker?


Couple of points from your other question as well

All my stops are 3 to 7 pips maximum - depending on the FX pair.

On the EU and AU and UJ - 3- 5 pips are fine - but on the EA and GJ etc - i might need 5 -7 pips . My stops are not hard stops - hard stops are normally 20 -25 pips away in case of the occasional "black swan" event you might get two or three times a year - if that. Spikes of 5 - 15 pips are not really a worry - as in 80% of cases that happens - price reverts to normal level - re spike.

On a scalp I know within 1 -4 mins normally if it will work - and if it does not look so good and I am down 2 pips - I might exit. If i am up 3 pips and it looks OK - I might hold for 7 -10 pips and then take 70% off the trade and then lock 30% in with a hard stop then in a 1- 3 pip profit - ie a win win - i cannot lose then - what ever happens

With regards to brokers - i use 2 - FXPro and Dukascopy - but prefer the FXPro chart package. I have several live accounts - not linked - i don't hedge - but do many times have longer term swing trades that i scalp against on different stake size

Hope that helps for now

Out for a few hrs - but in later on this afternoon


A leopard never changes its spots , i followed you for weeks here , i and others exposed your "trading in a hindsight" game , it was clear what you were doing , you are not a trader . Your calls were terrible , you just throw in some numbers and if the price goes your way then you brag , in reality this didn't work , you were stopped out to death . Stop embarrassing yourself .
Hello Forexmospherian,

I'm really interested in what you say in your post and would love to learn more. Are you on skype or similar when you're trading?
hey all........

just my thoughts ..............Forexperian is still a relatively new member but has created quite a stir during his time here so far ..........

I think that whether one believes or not what he is doing here I would recommend people never ever disclaim, despute or deny outright what talented, motivated and experienced people can achieve in their fields of endeavour.......just because some cant do it doesnt mean it cant be done ..........nothing is impossible.....the world used to be flat .....apparently

sure - I recommend one applies a healthy measure of comon sense in the mix and always undergo significant due dilligence in all matters .............but hes not selling anything

F is going to keep posting what he sees and how he trades and some people are going to keep saying its fantasy .......

whatever the case we need more people on T2Win bringing their styles and systems to the table to make it a more engaging and interesting place .............I see a lot of critism but not a lot of people sharing their own ideas and approaches - sadly

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An example of how he just throws in some random numbers , complete rubbish :


Low early on this morning 6640

A nice scalp buy above 6650 from 5 am time and now at 77 after making 6682

Still scalp bullish above 6667 - but still able to scalp sell under 82 for 60's possible

Just need 74 and 72 for scalp sells and back over 83 and 86 for scalp buys
These are just examples , cant be bothered with his stuff really , just follow him guys for sometime with a live chart and enjoy !

Hi Metatrader

I appreciate if you were trying to follow any scalp trades and you don't refresh the page every 30 seconds -- you might not see one of my scalp entries until 5 -10 mins after it been made - simply because with scalps - they might only last 2 - 15 mins - and even in that time a FX pair in busy periods can move 10 -30 pips.

So to compensate for this - I do very accurate reviews of the 4 -6 main pairs I trade pre Opens along with levels I would be looking to scalp buy or scalp sell etc

If you have got the time to look back to November 2nd 2013 - I went the first 2 months or so with not so many reviews or updates. Since the start of this year that changes and I would estimate out of the 70 days or so I have blogged there would be between 300 and 400 update reviews - anything between 30 mins and 6 hrs prior to the moves - ie well in advance - and generally my levels and trades are 65% - 80% accurate.

Since I started this blog I have taken over 1400 trades - in fact I will be soon have 15 k live trades done since going full time approx 7 yrs ago. Its a shame you cannot find one live trade - lol

Why dont you properly look today - there are a few called hrs before they actually came into play and my last GU scalp moved over 8 pips - after the time i actually posted

Its been fashionable to knock this post - by many of the previous members who could not "hack" it - they thought I must be a joke working on 3- 7 pip stops for every trade - and then when they realised I might make over 20 trades some days they expected me to blow my account easily within a month or two after joining

The facts are though - when you have been trading soley FX for over 11 years and done the 10k+ hrs watching live charts and you are full time - spending anything from 4 to 10 hrs a day - you end up being fairly good - or in my case - very good

Please- next week - pop in to this thread - pick a FX pair of your choice and then I will offer some calls - in advance on some trades - and then make your own mind up ;-)

By the way - I am not a vendor - dont write books - or sell courses - I just trade and blog my thoughts for me own use. I am not an alert service - I only really want to discuss trades with traders with a few years of FX experience behind them - and I do not recommend any non experienced scalper or newbie trader - trying to follow my calls or the thread

I hope that answers you comment - and please you are welcome to join in next week as well if you are an experienced intraday FX trader

I look forward to it

Have a great weekend- and I wish you great trading



Thanks for the offer Forexmospherian.

I couldn't possibly accept it as I find following forums while trading distractive (can't focus on my trading).

I would be interested in the indicators you are using - I've read through that thread of yours about LR indicator. Where can I find LR indicator for MT4? Also if you don't mid sharing your setting (time frame and how many of them you use).Is MT4 ok to use with that system of yours, or you need some other charting software?

If you do that I would appreciate if you can post the chart from yesterday with all the indicators you are using.

Thank you

A leopard never changes its spots , i followed you for weeks here , i and others exposed your "trading in a hindsight" game , it was clear what you were doing , you are not a trader . Your calls were terrible , you just throw in some numbers and if the price goes your way then you brag , in reality this didn't work , you were stopped out to death . Stop embarrassing yourself .


You have just typed the biggest load of tosh out.

All you can do now is just try and "diss" anyway possible - its not working mate

I am a very experienced full time retail Intraday trader - FACT

I can average between 65% and 85% win ratio on all scalps and intraday trades - from stops under 7 or 5 pips. To do that you have to be good

Repeat - to do that you have to be good

I have actually made calls in other members threads here - and so far my record is too say the least - excellent - I know even I am surprised ;)

The most recent one was this week on the EJ in the "Do we need indicators" thread on this forum

At one time - over 90 mins after I posted the chart and the call - the trade was up over 70 pips - and never went back to my entry point - never mind my stop which in this case was just 3 pips

If that is not a call in advance along with a chart - I am Donald Duck :LOL:

You must need Specsave to have your eyes checked - and when you do come and follow me again - please dont use a daily chart or weekly chart - as you will not even see my trades on those charts.

You are just a "troll" or a "disser" - no other explanation - you will never ever find one point good - because it's against your grain.

As Sir Gissachance has already said on one of his threads - We really do now just need to completely ignore you and not even bother to answer any of you comments - until they are relevant or at least show respect and contain no rubbish or hate.

Will that ever happen - I doubt it - because I think you are too far down the line to change - which is just a shame - but not my problem

I am a totally reasonable guy - and have actually agreed with you on some of your comments in other threads - but to say and repeat the things you say about me and my trading is just totally out of order and incorrect.

I wish you well - on what ever instrument you trade - I really dont mind you coming on this thread with FX calls or comments - but every time you just spread more rubbish - I will have to respond - whether its once a day or week - or even 5 times a day

I hope that is clear


Hello Forexmospherian,

I'm really interested in what you say in your post and would love to learn more. Are you on skype or similar when you're trading?


I have tried Skype - but end up talking too much and also being distracted by loads of questions etc etc

Its only been in the last 2 years that I realised by blogging and having a written record i can look back to check levels and trades i take and don't take - that it as helped my trading improve - and as actually made me work harder.

I find i need "pressure" to perform - and I don't mean by having extra large stake sizes - as that creates stress - but pressure to focus and spend 4 -6 hrs a day taking trades

Otherwise - when I have a great 60 -90 mins - before 10 00 am in the morning and I make say 20 -50 pips - I just might stop for the day - and not bother to continue as I am my own boss.

I like disciplines as well as chat with similar minded traders - as trading is such a lonely business - and therefore enjoy interaction with scalpers and intraday traders etc

I dont mind helping any trader ( free of charge - I am no vendor ) as long as they have at least a year or two of Fx trading experience behind them - but must stress I reckon it takes at least 9 months to a year learning my methods to get to a good intraday profitable consistent level - and that will be on top of the existing 1- 3 yrs traders might already have under their belt.

Every member is welcome to join in the thread on trading days - ( even Tar) and so far Major Magnum as been learning my ways now for nearly 6 months.

If you look back at some of the trading days he has had - they have been great - and he has posted his account etc - as it was on demo - but when you take 20 -25 trades in a day and get over 75% win ratios and make even 10% per day off !% stake sizes then that cannot argued with

He has now gone live - and i totally don't blame him not posting his "live " account as it is private and confidential - plus the fact until he has done at least 500 + live trades - he will go through the normal "emotional" struggle and have bad days - simply because trading a live account with real money is totally different to trading a demo account.

I reckon during the next 3 months - MM will be well on his way - and when he does become a successful trader - it will be down to all the hard work and dedication and study he has applied on his trading journey.

I also think not every trader can make it - but i would hope that out of every 10 traders who might try my methods and devote themselves to the study and learning they require - then at least 6 out of 10 will end up profitable - every week.

I might be totally wrong it might only be 3 out of 10 - but for sure it will not be 10 out of 10 - because FX trading is just not suitable for everyone who tries it

So Stt - you are welcome on this thread next week and join in as and when you want



PS - sorry - also dont do PM's or emails etc etc- only through open forum
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Thanks for the offer Forexmospherian.

I couldn't possibly accept it as I find following forums while trading distractive (can't focus on my trading).

I would be interested in the indicators you are using - I've read through that thread of yours about LR indicator. Where can I find LR indicator for MT4? Also if you don't mid sharing your setting (time frame and how many of them you use).Is MT4 ok to use with that system of yours, or you need some other charting software?

If you do that I would appreciate if you can post the chart from yesterday with all the indicators you are using.

Thank you



Yes - either later today or if not tomorrow Sunday - I will post some of my charts with the LR settings on

I will say the settings might need to be played with depending on what chart packages you use

MT4 do have LR custom indicators - and they are available free on certain websites.

I do also use a LR 2 - which I will post here and on the Do you need indicators? thread on the forum - as its a great leading indicator - but like anything - will never be 100% correct

I actually found blogging keeps me focused on my trading - on levels and time windows etc etc- but i will say it does get easier every year and every time you take another 1000 live trades - simply because - you have more confidence and can overcomes a run of losses easier - also because you know your method works and over every 100 trades you will be within a 65- 80% win rate.

Still does not mean you cannot have your own "black swan" ie -10 or 15 bad trades in a row ( I am lucky - never more than 7 consecutive losses so far) - practice will never make you perfect in this game - but both luck and skill level improve the more you do it - as you are forever learning


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This is a AU 1 hr chart with the infamous LR2 setting and the RS1 at a 2 setting

For me - one of the best leading indicators set up in the business - as the LR2 - post at candle opening and pre close - so in advance.

If you look at the chart when the LR 2 blue line indicators go well out of the bollinger bands - you get reversals or pullbacks - especially when the RSI also agree as well that the pair is OB or OS

Posting a larger chart in the Do you need indicators ? thread on the forum

I dont use this for scalping - I use a tick or 1 min chart with just multi LR's on so guide me on price structure etc - linear regression indicators are in my opinion far better than moving averages - and with less lag


  • AU - 1hr LR 2 chart.JPG
    AU - 1hr LR 2 chart.JPG
    77.1 KB · Views: 667

I have tried Skype - but end up talking too much and also being distracted by loads of questions etc etc

Its only been in the last 2 years that I realised by blogging and having a written record i can look back to check levels and trades i take and don't take - that it as helped my trading improve - and as actually made me work harder.

I find i need "pressure" to perform - and I don't mean by having extra large stake sizes - as that creates stress - but pressure to focus and spend 4 -6 hrs a day taking trades

Otherwise - when I have a great 60 -90 mins - before 10 00 am in the morning and I make say 20 -50 pips - I just might stop for the day - and not bother to continue as I am my own boss.

I like disciplines as well as chat with similar minded traders - as trading is such a lonely business - and therefore enjoy interaction with scalpers and intraday traders etc

I dont mind helping any trader ( free of charge - I am no vendor ) as long as they have at least a year or two of Fx trading experience behind them - but must stress I reckon it takes at least 9 months to a year learning my methods to get to a good intraday profitable consistent level - and that will be on top of the existing 1- 3 yrs traders might already have under their belt.

Every member is welcome to join in the thread on trading days - ( even Tar) and so far Major Magnum as been learning my ways now for nearly 6 months.

If you look back at some of the trading days he has had - they have been great - and he has posted his account etc - as it was on demo - but when you take 20 -25 trades in a day and get over 75% win ratios and make even 10% per day off !% stake sizes then that cannot argued with

He has now gone live - and i totally don't blame him not posting his "live " account as it is private and confidential - plus the fact until he has done at least 500 + live trades - he will go through the normal "emotional" struggle and have bad days - simply because trading a live account with real money is totally different to trading a demo account.

I reckon during the next 3 months - MM will be well on his way - and when he does become a successful trader - it will be down to all the hard work and dedication and study he has applied on his trading journey.

I also think not every trader can make it - but i would hope that out of every 10 traders who might try my methods and devote themselves to the study and learning they require - then at least 6 out of 10 will end up profitable - every week.

I might be totally wrong it might only be 3 out of 10 - but for sure it will not be 10 out of 10 - because FX trading is just not suitable for everyone who tries it

So Stt - you are welcome on this thread next week and join in as and when you want



PS - sorry - also dont do PM's or emails etc etc- only through open forum

I see you still pushing your PR agenda for your friend MajorMagnum , the one who you denied knowing before this forum then when we confronted you , you came clean and admitted that there's some sort of relation with him through a third person , nothing wrong with being his friend but why you didnt come clean from day one , and why you keep marketing this member who's trading on a demo in many posts of yours ? And he's a member of your group as well , Its clear what you are trying to do here !

I see you still pushing your PR agenda for your friend MajorMagnum , the one who you denied knowing before this forum then when we confronted you , you came clean and admitted that there's some sort of relation with him through a third person , nothing wrong with being his friend but why you didnt come clean from day one , and why you keep marketing this member who's trading on a demo in many posts of yours ? And he's a member of your group as well , Its clear what you are trying to do here !



Have a guess what i am going to say ............

OK - I bet you have guessed ????


I don't know MM - i have never met him or even spoke to him - he was invited to a Forexmospherian group via a mutual friend JohniFX - and started following my thread in November 2013.

We have no business relationship at all - i am not a vendor - he is not a vendor - we have absolutely no plans to go into any business together - I don't really know the guy - other than the hrs i have spent assisting him with scalping and intraday trading.

I have not received 1 p of Major Magnum - we have no special arrangement - we are different people - I want him to succeed as he is the first person I have spent so much blog time with explaining my method of trading etc - and he is an excellent student - who after all has not done 3 yrs in total of trading yet - so hardly an experienced trader. - and he openly admits

Just a moment...............

i remember now - lol

You even accused me of being him - Roflmao :LOL:

Yes that was about the 35th point you were wrong on

Lets see if we can get you up to 100 wrong remarks - should be easy - as you have a great track record


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