Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Been tied up this afternoon so missed last hr or so

some nice moves - but the market as been very cruel today as lots of gameplay and teasing along with false moves

I hope you have been OK etc

Good day for me
but then helped by a great EA trade

See you after tea


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To update on AU and EA

EA - under 5014 and then 4990 favours scalp sells

Above 5014 - look for scalp buys with 95 and 5000 holding

AU - above 9197 and 9215 favours scalp buys for higher

Under 96 and staying then under 9207 favours lower and scalp sells

9197 is cut off on AU for staying scalp bullish for now and on EA under 5014 still scalp bearish in bias

From London open time this morning

These 2 pairs have been worth

Over 110 pips from NPGT at 30% of scalps and then another 55+ pips on additional scalp on top

Plus additional pips on NPGT's from March 12th on EA at 5500 area

Nice :)
EUR / JPY Chart for 26/3/14

Posted the EJ chart for today and will be discussing it as a case study in the other thread under Trading Systems

The main trading window for the UK - ie 8 am to approx 5 pm - ie 9 hrs of a 24 hr day was today the most difficult to trade - as the best move came after 5 ,30pm

This also applies to other pairs as well - whereas the EA and AU had a good UK session

This may be related to news etc - but its also connected to gameplay and manipulations that go on every day.

As a Retail FX trader - you have to be aware for all the tricks that take place in the market place and adapt to a very dynamic market

Hope to explain more in the other thread along with the chart set up etc




  • EJ - 26314.JPG
    EJ - 26314.JPG
    127.6 KB · Views: 983
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Thursday 27th March 2014 - Pre Opens

Morning Traders

First 2 pairs I look at this morning as been the EA and AU

Both are at their relative monthly extremes with the EA at another low of 4910 and the AU at 1 pip of yesterdays high of 9245

With approx 10 mins to the 7 00am European Open - ( and a min to time window) I am going to check out my key pairs I plan to trade and then do a quick update and review ;-)

Will be back within the next 15 mins - unfortunately not in for the LO at 8 am but back at desk that hr

Have a good day - barring a trading "black swan" event - I can confidently say I will and even though I might get a few scalps wrong and lose 1- 5 pips - I will have anything from 10 - 20 good trades - on maybe 3 - 6 pairs that will make me my daily return - that hopefully will be well over 50 pips

I stlll have many members here - who just cannot understand this ?

Shame really :-0


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Lets start with the EJ

For the last 7 hrs the EJ as risen approx 75 pips up to 141 04

Now at 140 82 with first interim supports around 72 to 78

Above 140 -50 / 55 this pair is still scalp bullish - but i am presently scalp selling - as it been falling last 40+ mins and I think it will stop either by 72+ or if that gets breached 50 -55

By then if its the 7 30 am time window - I will look for a scalp buy - for another try up

If it continued to drop under 50 - then I would still hold a scalp sell - but for now do not see that happening - but need more clues to be sure

EU - Swissy both in BTTZ's for me atm - GU yes a scalp sell under 78 for now

That can change within this time window - and will update next 5 -15 mins
EU - Swissy both in BTTZ's for me atm - GU yes a scalp sell under 78 for now

That can change within this time window - and will update next 5 -15 mins

GU - low so far 63 - I have taken all off scalp sell at 66.

Still another scalp sell under 76-78 - but it might then make a HL above 63 so will leave until next time window for more clues
Lets start with the EJ

For the last 7 hrs the EJ as risen approx 75 pips up to 141 04

Now at 140 82 with first interim supports around 72 to 78

Above 140 -50 / 55 this pair is still scalp bullish - but i am presently scalp selling - as it been falling last 40+ mins and I think it will stop either by 72+ or if that gets breached 50 -55

By then if its the 7 30 am time window - I will look for a scalp buy - for another try up

That can change within this time window - and will update next 5 -15 mins

EJ - low so far 78 as we enter the next time window in a few mins

Cannot scalp buy yet - but will be keeping an eye on this pair over the 7 30 am winodw
EJ - low so far 78 as we enter the next time window in a few mins

Cannot scalp buy yet - but will be keeping an eye on this pair over the 7 30 am winodw

He he

I must dedicate this trade to one of my biggest fans - yes my mate TAR

The EJ as just fell to 65 and I am all out ( 100% ) at 140 667

Now for me - that scalp was worth 24 pips net - and first one of the day :)

My stop was set for 5 pips max and so RR of over 4 ( nearly 5) in approx 1 hr

He will immediately point out it was at 82/83 when I was commenting I was in it - so that means for him I have only made approx 15 -16 pip gain

Well - yet again - he would be wrong - but that seems to sum him up ;-)

PS - not scalp bought EJ yet

Might even try lower now - but am out over LO so with my EJ and GU trade all ready well up for the morning

See you later


Has anyone had Internet connection problems from last night? Specifically I am EE. trying new router next in desperation
Have had a good trade on the EA sold @16 70% off @8 sl moved to B/E
and it looks like next daily resistance is at the 800 level.
Hope my 30% holds till then.
Have had a good trade on the EA sold @16 70% off @8 sl moved to B/E
and it looks like next daily resistance is at the 800 level.
Hope my 30% holds till then.

under 4900 you are OK for now

Bearish still under there and only worry if any bounces then goes back over 4901

My first scalp buy would not be until over 96 and price currently at 92 - with 88 the low so far


9244/45 seems to be the R for yesterday and so far today

above 30 we are still OK for more attempts - but under 28 and 25 would be scalp selling

that's surprised me it went under 50 and down to 33 area

still bearish under 65 and 50 - but supports trying to form and hold with above 37 a scalp buy

Will watch to see if another trade in this next hr time window
Notice red UK news at 9 30 am and then red EU news at 12 30 pm#

Will be looking at the GU this next hr then as I am sure the news can offer an excuse for some action
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