Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EU - all my longer term LRs are saying sell from up to a max of 48

So I am looking at selling at say 41 and under

What ever i do will be along with time and PA though - with QUICK LRS telling me what scalp

i noticed a thread today that seemed to attract some more dumbass convergent thinking today. It had green type in it.
EJ stopped at 48 and then 2 time windows gave scalp buys at 50 then 51 later after a pullback from 63

Nice scalp pips on top of nice fall
On EU - we might get a BTTZ from say 48 to say 23 - 25 pips of tease zone

Yes just get that feeling now - this area will be used for taking traders money

its easier under say 3920 and 3900 - yes more sells

And over 3960 and 70 - yet again more buys

But this part is just set up to do traders :p
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