Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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ok i may be misunderstanding it a bit. altho ea went up in tw , it failed to break significant support. Does this mean its a sell or a buy F?
Hi guys back again

EA - in a tease zone 5300 to 5375 - 75 pips - smaller zone - 5310 to 53 60 - 50 pips

Until we get a proper move out area - this could tease for 1 hr to 6 hrs

All you can do inbetween is scalp for 5 -15 pips and under 44 its a scalp sell and and baove 25 scalp buy

So will it drop to 28 for a scalp buy - or will 25 let go for lower ??

with spread being over 2 pips - not one atm
GU as been nicest action last 2 hrs - ie scalp buy above 6600 area - now at 27 -29 area

Over 18 still in scalp bullish mode - but do you scalp sell down to say 20 or do you stay with the scalp buy?

Ideally you take most of winnings off and keep % on - or lock in profit above a level like say 6622

There is a lot of choice - but dont allow anything over 5 pips go to a loss
UC it made a hh then dropped


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EJ - under 143 15 to 20 area - we should be able to scalp sell the EJ again

Over 23 and 30 + then different ball game and then EJ is trying to do a turn using supports from 143 00 area to support price

Anyone get this from approx 2 hrs ago

It made 143 17 then dropped to 143 00

Needs back over 13 and 20 to be holding scalp buys

Under 142 96 and 90 - scalp sells
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