Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Well it held over 30 mins so far and I have a nice up trendline saying above 42 stay with the scalp buy for now

Need really over 58 and 68 for a longer run up - but already in a free trade so - can leave it alone b - now

If we drop under 40 would be out of free trade and then it might test 30 again
Spoke to soon - spike down to 40

think it was false - but still took me out the free trade stop

Will look at more scalp buys after its play

Would only sell really under 30 and 24
OK - approx 3 mins to 2 30 pm time window

The GU as tested under 30 and 24 - making 6621.

Was not here to scalp sell it - or catch the scalp buy again back over 25 and 31 with price now testing 42

Previous high was 6650 - so will we next see a HH or a LH

Perfect BTTZ from say 18 to 60 - 42 pips to tease all afternoon if need be

Hopefully we will do a HH over 50 and try above 70 or even 84

If we stay under 50 and then drop back under 30 it might be a test on 20 and lower

So be careful scalping in between - as its a licence for the market to just take you money and frustrate you
wow.............what a morning on G/U sells ............!!!

Hi N

Yes over 110 pips fall from Opens

Been scalp buying it twice now as wondering whether 20 -25 might hold

The other nice Monday am was the EJ - nice quick drop pre London - and then a 50+pip rise - which I was not here to enjoy all of

Hope you have a great week and enjoy your break


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Whilst the EA has been an ugly PA scalp rise - the AU this hr as been a nice PA scalp sell

For a Monday - although its been slow at times - the GU - EJ - EA have all had nice moves over 40 pips - and several times

AU now at 9013 and EA at 5389 with at least 5 mins to time window

Look for pullbacks in the window

Out again pre 3 00 pm

Will be around later


EJ - 143 05 / 06 might hold

Would have thought it would test 143 00 - but I dont know atm and off out now in next 2 mins

Quote from 2 hrs ago

143 06 did hold - in fact it tested it twice at 065 and 069 and then at 3 00 pm time window became a scalp buy at 9 - 11 area

Since then price as made 30 - so a 15 -20 pip up move

Above 20 still a scalp buy but need a HH now
no i did not get it


i agree EA as not been an easy scalp buy - but an ideal free trade to leave on above 5345 or 50 area

Notice its made 5399 so far - crafty

If you want to do a review of any of todays trades etc - please post any you are interested in

For me GU and EJ - 2 best pairs

Then EA and AU - with EU and Swissy - nothing special - only worth the odd scalp

check your LR charts on all those 6 pairs to make sure they are set up correctly - ie would have turned etc for the moves - ideally as they happened or slighty in advance if you are reading LR price structure with time

Cheers guys
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EA - above 5371 - 73 should be another scalp buy

Under 69 and 66 looks like supports have not held and could be quick scalp sells
OK - approx 3 mins to 2 30 pm time window

The GU as tested under 30 and 24 - making 6621.

Was not here to scalp sell it - or catch the scalp buy again back over 25 and 31 with price now testing 42

Previous high was 6650 - so will we next see a HH or a LH

Perfect BTTZ from say 18 to 60 - 42 pips to tease all afternoon if need be

Hopefully we will do a HH over 50 and try above 70 or even 84

If we stay under 50 and then drop back under 30 it might be a test on 20 and lower

So be careful scalping in between - as its a licence for the market to just take you money and frustrate you

Said that 3 hrs ago

We have had about 5 hrs of the BTTZ range
Six losses on the trot, time for a brake.


Yes its all down to timing on your entries

i appreciate if you had say 10 -15 pips stops you might have got more wins

But if we can get you working on tight stops and great entries - then you will crack it better in the future

it will come - ask MM - trouble is you might need a few hundred trades - ie on demo or very low stake

Then when you get a 100 run of trades with over 60 -65% success rate - you can then progress

Need to help you on timings which i will do this week


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